これまでに見られなかった変異の出現や世界各国での検出を受けて、WHOは7月7日に、BA.2.75株を「懸念される変異株(VOC)における監視下の系統(VOC-LUM; variant of concern linages under monitoring)」に分類し、注視しています。3/18 who.int/activities/tra…
BREAKING🔔 The 14th paper from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at Cell Host & Microbe @cellhostmicrobe. #Omicron BA.2.75 (aka #Centaurus) seems to be more contagious than BA.5 and more pathogenic than the original BA.2. Please RT. 1/16 cell.com/cell-host-micr…
BA.2.75, emerged in India🇮🇳, is classified as VOC-LUM (variant of concern linage under monitoring) by WHO on July 7. Here we elucidated the transmissibility, sensitivity to antiviral immunity & drugs, and intrinsic pathogenicity of BA.2.75. 2/16 who.int/activities/tra…
BA.2.75 is a descendant of BA.2. However, BA.2.75 is phylogenetically different from BA.5, the currently predominant BA.2 descendant. BA.2.75 spike bears nine substitutions, but only a substitution is shared with BA.5 spike. 3/16
BREAKING🔔 The 10th paper from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out at Cell @CellCellPress . #Omicron BA.5 variant is more contagious and pathogenic than BA.2 variant. Please RT. 1/8 cell.com/cell/fulltext/…
Recently, Omicron BA.2 subvariants that bear additional substitutions in the spike proteins emerged and started outcompeting original BA.2 - e.g., BA.2.12.1 (+L452Q/S704L) in US🇺🇸 and BA.4 & BA.5 (+L452R/HV69-70del/F486V/R493Q) in South Africa🇿🇦. 2/8
1⃣ Statistical analysis shows that the effective reproduction numbers of BA.2.12.1, BA.4 & BA.5 are ~1.2-fold higher than that of BA.2. 3/8
BREAKING🔔 The 13th preprint from G2P-Japan🇯🇵 is out @biorxivpreprint. #Omicron BA.2.75 (aka #Centaurus) seems to be more contagious than BA.5 and more pathogenic than the original BA.2. Please RT. 1/7
BA.2.75, emerged in India🇮🇳, is classified as VOC-LUM (variant of concern linage under monitoring) by WHO on July 7. Here we elucidated the effective reproduction number, sensitivity to antiviral immunity & drugs and intrinsic pathogenicity of BA.2.75. 2/7 who.int/activities/tra…
Both BA.2.75 and BA.5 are descendants of BA.2. However, BA.2.75 is phylogenetically different from BA.5, the currently predominant BA.2 descendant. BA.2.75 spike bears nine substitutions, but only one substitution (R493Q) is shared with BA.5 spike. 3/7
これまでに見られなかった変異の存在や世界各国での検出を受けて、WHOは7月7日に、BA.2.75株を「懸念される変異株(VOC)における監視下の系統(VOC-LUM; variant of concern linages under monitoring)」に分類し、注視しています。3/11 who.int/activities/tra…