The nature of karma is not in the action that you perform.
Karma means action, but this gathering of past karmas is not because of the actions you have performed. #karmaisreal
It is the volition, the intention, the kind of mind that you carry. That is your karma.
There is a story that Ramakrishna used to tell. There were two friends who used to go visit a prostitute every Saturday evening. #karmaisreal
One evening, while they were walking towards the prostitute’s house, there was someone giving a spiritual discourse. One friend decided not to visit the prostitute, saying he would prefer to hear the lecture on spiritual possibilities. The other man left him there. #karmaisreal
Now the man sitting in lecture hall, his thoughts were full of the other man. He began thinking that the other man was having the time of his life while he was caught here. He thought the other man was wiser in choosing the prostitute’s place rather than a spiritual discourse.
Now the man who had gone to the prostitute’s house, his mind was full of the other man. He began to think that his friend had chosen the path to liberation by preferring the spiritual discourse to the prostitute’s place, while he got caught in this. #karmaisreal
He suffers, not the other man. You don’t pay because you have gone to the prostitute; you pay because you are cunning about it. #karmaisreal
You still want to go there, but you think by going to discourse you’ll be one step closer to heaven. This cunningness will take you to hell. That man with the prostitute knows it is worthless, and seeks something else; his is good karma. So it is not about action. #karmaisreal
Right now, why you think in terms of right & wrong is because of social moral code. Its not your innate nature telling you about right & wrong. Just that society has some rules & they have always told you, right from childhood, that if you break them, you are a bad person.
So whenever you break these, you feel like a bad person. If you feel like one, you become one. If you are used to gambling, maybe gambling in front of your mother or your wife, or even to utter the word is sacrilege—but once you are in your gang, gambling is fine, isn’t it?
Among gamblers, one who does not gamble is not fit to live. It’s like this everywhere. If all of you are thieves, you are all fine, isn’t it? Among thieves, do they feel its bad to rob somebody? When you fail, they think you are a no-good thief. That is bad karma, isn’t it?
The question, this karmic thing, is just the way you feel about it. It is not about what you are doing.
It is just the way you are holding it in your mind. #karmaisreal
Why we are talking about acceptance, acceptance, acceptance, is, if you are absolute acceptance, whatever life demands, you do. If you have to fight a battle, you go and fight, there is no karma. #Karma
The karma is not made in physical action; it is made only by volition. It’s just that some fool has formed some rules & you expect every one to live by them. Society has its own ego, isn’t it? For every small thing, the whole society gets upset. It need not be wrong. #Karma
Suppose its summer in the US. People are wearing little or maybe miniskirts & you are fully clothed. People will get upset: ‘Why is she all covered up?’ In India, if you don’t dress like that, they will get upset! So this is one kind of ego; that is another kind of ego. #Karma
Its the social ego getting upset & your karma is becoming part of collective karma. Your idea of good & bad has been taught to you, ingrained from your social atmosphere. Karma is in your life's context, not in action itself; society needs such rules to maintain social ego.
Extract from: Flowers on the path
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Also because He is the destroyer of the devatas, as per a Smrti shloka quoted by Svaami Vijayeendra Teertha Shripaadagalu, in Shaiva-Sarvasva Khandanam of Nyaayamauktikamaala.
#SanatanaDharma #SanatanDharma #Sanatani
ब्रह्माणमिंद्रं रुद्रं च यमं वरुणमेव च ॥ ८६ ॥
निगृह्य हरते यस्मात्तस्माद्धरिरहोच्यते ।
Being the destroyer who destroys Brahmaa, Indra, Rudra, Yama & Varuna, he is known as ‘Hari’.
Shukracharya: A great knowledgeable person who was respected even by Devas and Saints. He was an expert in Political Science. He founded the Shukra Niti. In his niti he has laid down the following points:
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism…
One should never reveal certain things in front of others.
It’s great if you are loved and respected by all, but don’t show it off in front of others- doing so will lower your respect in the eyes of others
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism…
If you have to face insult at any point in your life, it’s best to keep it to yourself; telling that to everyone you know will make you feel insulted in front of others as well.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism…
Tantra is an abstract religion, it doesn't have a clear definition. Different seekers define it differently, many not even consistent with each other. Tantra, though, is clearly recognized as being very different from the ancient Hindu Vedic tradition.…
Before trying to delve into tantrism, it is important to understand that this is not a single coherent system. It is rather a tradition that gradually evolved from an accumulation of practices and rituals, in order to attain the grace of the divine.…
The practitioner of tantra uses his own prana or divine energy in order to harness it to the universal prana, thereby attaining his goal. The goal in question could be either spiritual, material or both.…
Tantra in Hinduism could be considered to be parallel to the Hindu Vedic tradition. Tantra contains written records of the Agama, which comes in four main parts, as follows:…
Jnana or metaphysical knowledge
Yoga or meditative practices
Kriya or ritual practices
Charya or ethical and religious principles of conduct #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism
Most of the staunch Hindu Vedic practitioners, however, consider the Tantras to be anti-Vedic in character and hence, altogether shun both the cult and the practitioners of the same.…
The universe consists of a Mahabrahmanda, or grand Cosmos, and of numerous Brihatbrahmanda, or macrocosms evolved from it. As is said by the Nirvana Tantra, all which is in the first is in the second.…
In the latter are heavenly bodies and beings, which are microcosms reflecting on a minor scale the greater worlds which evolve them. "As above, so below." This mystical maxim of the West is stated in the Vishvasara Tantra as follows:…