Before you put your adolescents on antidepressants, let's have you make sure they are getting all the basic micronutrients they need for their brains to work. You can absolutely initiate nutritional therapies and feel good about that decision. 🧵
There is an extensive evidence base to support its use. "In the study of 478 young adults, it was found that 100 mg of vitamin B6 per day over just one month significantly reduced anxiety with trends towards reducing depression."
Sometimes something so cool comes out I can't wait until a Live Brain Fog Recovery Program Lesson to share some of the scientific reasons for doing the program! So here it goes... 🧵
In a recent study on the diet-microbiome-gut-brain nexus in acute and chronic brain injury, findings have shown that the microbiome is affected by neurodegenerative conditions and brain injury states.
While the specific changes to the microbiomes of people suffering from different neurological disorders vary, there is a theme seen in both acute and chronic brain injury. And that theme is that pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria increase and beneficial flora becomes depleted.