#bkdk #omegaverse #drama

Uraraka Ochaco froze in the kitchen as she heard her 5 year old daughter ask her the question she’s been dreading her whole life.

“Mama? Why don’t I look like you or Papa?” Kimi questioned impatiently.

“You look just like me, sweetheart.”
Ochaco smiled shakily. “See? You have Mama’s big eyes and chubby cheeks!” She squeezed her own cheeks and stretched a smile on her face. “Like Mochi!”

“But I have blonde hair! You and Papa don’t! I have green eyes! And all these dots splattered everywhere!”
Kimi pointed out referring to her freckles. “And Mama doesn’t have curly hair! Or Papa!”

“Genes just do weird things sometimes.” Ochaco laughed it off. “You’ll learn about it all in high school!”

“My quirk too! I don’t have engines! I can’t float! I have explosive spit!”
“Kimi.” Ochaco said patiently. “You’re our unique special Angel, okay? That’s all.”

“Sometimes Papa looks at me weird. And I heard Shino-San next door whisper I’m probably an af-hair.”

“That is not true!” Ochaco said to her vehemently.
She knelt next to her and pulled her in her lap before kissing her on the cheek. “You’re my special gift okay? Mama even gave up being a hero for you. She moved away from her home for you. All so you can have the BEST life. You may look a little different, you’re MINE!”
Ochaco giggle before nibbling on her cheek causing her to squeal. “Papa loves you too. He looks at everyone weird.”

“Okay.” Kimi nodded, accepting her answer. “I love you Mama. I wanna be just like you.”

“I love you too Kimi! You have no idea!”
Ochaco stood up and walked to the fridge. “I have a surprise for you!”

“You do?” Kimi bounced as he her mom brought her a cake.

“Happy birthday sweetheart!

“Yay!” Kimi clapped her hands as Ochaco put five candles on the cake and lit them up.

“Make a wish!”
Kimi closed her eyes and wished she could be with her mother forever. Then she blew the candles trying her hardest not to spit.

“Happy Birthday Kimi!” Izuku cheered as he blew out the single candle on the cupcake he brought with him to his daughters gravestone.
“You would have been five years old today. I’m would have bought you so many things. I would have filled your whole room with All Might toys. I would have taken you I think to Hero Land or Disneyland!” Izuku babbled as tears fell down his face.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around his waist from behind and kissed his head over and over. He was quiet. It was harder for him, Izuku found out after a year of therapy together. He used to think the alpha didn’t care because he never wanted to talk about their daughter.
It almost tore them apart. Izuku was dying inside and he felt like he was grieving all alone. Grieving their beautiful little girl who they only got to spend 1 perfect day with. But it turns out, losing her broke Kacchan so bad, he couldn’t function if he thought of her.
Katsuki became distant and hated even looking into Izuku’s eyes because they were also hers. It all came to a head when Izuku came home to find the nursery turned into an office. He lost his shit, and became overwhelmed with distress.

Katsuki didn’t say anything. He just stood there and watched Izuku fall apart.


They were separated for an agonizing 3 months. Izuku had to have his mom move in with him due to the distress he felt from all of it.
If it wasn’t for her, he would have fallen into drop. He couldn’t function on his own with his mate gone along with any trace of their perfect pup.

Then one day, out of the blue, Kacchan showed up with everything from the nursery, and a tear stained face.
“I’m s-orry.” He choked out a sob. “Please don’t make me sign these Izuku.” He had crumbled in his pocket divorce papers. “I need you. Please…”

It was the first sign of any emotion from Kacchan since Kimi passed.

Izuku realized then that he was being unfair.
He threw his arms around Katsuki and they cried for hours. They put all their might into fixing their marriage after that. That was the first couple of years after Kimi’s passing and now they were stronger than ever. But very wounded still by her loss.
“Izuku…” Katsuki said shakily.

“Hm?” He traced his gently inside Katsuki’s before kissing him sweetly.

“Do you…wanna try for another?” The alpha suggested nervously, not knowing how his mate would react. It was something they never dared discuss.
“S-so soon?” Izuku muttered quietly.

“It’s been five years, hasn’t it? Don’t you think..she’d have wanted a little brother or something to boss around? She could watch him from above or whatever.” Katsuki elaborated.

“I can’t lose another one…”
Izuku sniffled as tears overflowed. “I won’t be able to take it. We’re heroes…we lost Kimi because we’re heroes! Those villains hurt her because of who we are! That’s not gonna change! What if it happens again?! I wont be able to survive it Kacchan! I just wont!”
“We’ll be prepared this time! I… I won’t leave your side for a second, I swear!” Katsuki choked out his own tears.

“It wasn’t your fault Kacchan.” Izuku reassured him. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“It wasn’t yours either.” Katsuki whispered. “So let’s stop punishing ourselves.”
“Do you think Uraraka-San still punishes herself?” Izuku questioned. “I wish she’d return my calls…”

“She really shouldn’t blame herself for being in a shit spot but…I’m glad she chose you Izuku.” Katsuki kissed him. “I’m glad she chose you, okay?”
It was a beautiful day when Kimi was born. Izuku still remembers everything about her. How tiny she was. How pretty her eyes were. How Izuku had never loved Katsuki more than when he saw him hold her for the first time. He looked so in love. Izuku was too.
They were over the moon and excited to bring her home but the doctor wanted Izuku to stay one more night due to some concerns about his health. Male omega births were difficult after all. And though Izuku’s went as smooth as could be, they wanted to ensure nothing went wrong.
They kept Kimi in his room with him and Ochaco had visited them in the morning. She had been super helpful to Izuku during his pregnancy. Katsuki went home to take a shower and grab Izuku some clothes since Uraraka was there to watch them for him.
Izuku was tired and Uraraka assured him it was okay for him to nap since Kimi was napping too and that he didn’t have to be a good host to her and that she was there to help. So Izuku silently agreed and fell asleep. He must have been more exhausted than he thought…
Because he slept through everything. He slept through the murder of his own baby. He woke up to the whole hospital destroyed. A paramedic was loading him into the ambulance asking him if he was okay and Izuku was so confused. Kacchan was by his side squeezing his hand tightly.
“Where’s K-Kimi?” Izuku asked helplessly as Katsuki sobbed. “WHERES MY BABY?!” He began to panic as he saw the paramedics solemn face. After days of agonizing pain, he found out what happened when they sedated him enough to understand.
Shortly after Izuku fell asleep, the building collapsed. It was detonated by a bomb from the inside. The villain was quirkless. He had been planning this for ages according to the manifesto he posted online. He was just waiting for the omega #1 hero to finally bare a child.
According to the note she left behind, Uraraka had acted quickly in their room but two pieces of the ceiling had fallen and she only had time to react to one. It was pure instinct. She saved who was right in front of her and that was Izuku. The fact she let Kimi die haunted her.
She retired being a hero and couldn’t face Izuku or Katsuki. Iida supported her and retired along with her. They both up and moved and Izuku had lost three people that day.

The quirkless villain had been difficult to find. He evaded capture for years.
A week ago, however, he was caught by Todoroki. Shoto called them and let them know and asked if he wanted him to take the villain to the police or them?

Izuku and Katsuki still haven’t really talked about what became of him. They’d never done something like that before.
“So please.” Katsuki begged as he squeezed his waist tightly. “Let’s allow ourselves a second chance.”

“Okay.” Izuku agreed tepidly. “Would you like that Kimi? Would you like a brother or sister?”

A strong gust of wind suddenly blew and knocked the cupcake out of his hand.
“Is that a no?” Izuku grumbled.

“You’re over thinking it, Izuku.” Katsuki sighed before kissing him. “I’m sure that wind means hell yeah. Now bend over for Papa!”



“What’d you wish for?” Ochaco questioned Kimi.
She blew out the candles the second time that day now that her papa was home from work.

“I wished for you guys not to give me a stupid brother or sister!” Kimi pouted.

“Why wouldn’t you want that?” Tenya questioned. “Brothers are great! Why, my older brother is amazing!”
“If he’s so amazing, how come he never comes over?” Kimi pouted with her arms crossed.

“Well uh…I…” He looked at Ochaco desperately so she could answer for him.

“Because he’s so handsome, your father’s jealous he’s gonna steal me!”

“I don’t want a brother or sister because what if they don’t look different like I do. What if they look like you and are born with engines. Or what if they float things…” Kimi grumbled. “What if you love them more?”
“Kimi.” Ochaco rubbed her hair gently. “I could never love anyone more than you. Even if they were my twin.”

“Yes. You are our child afterall. Your differences are…are perfect.” Tenya smiled but he had that look on his face. That look that Kimi couldn’t stand.
“STOP IT!” She cried before throwing her cake on the floor. “STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!” She ran into her room and slammed the door.

“Kimi!” Ochaco ran after her before pausing to stare daggers at Tenya. “Can’t you even pretend to be happy for a damn day?!” She seethed.
“I saw in the news today..” Tenya gulped as he whispered. “Deku and DynaMight standing at their daughters grave sight five years later….don’t you think we’re being unimaginably cruel to them?”

“You want them to take her away from us?!”

“She was never ours!”
“You take that back right now.” Ochaco started to cry. “She’s mine! You can’t take her from me. She’s MY BABY.”

Tenya sighed. He was so weak to her tears. So weak to her needs. His alpha NEEDED to fulfill them. He could not let his omega down in any sense of the word.
“You’re right…” He said nervously as he approached her and held her. “She’s our baby. She’s our…” The photo of Izuku and Katsuki crying at the grave sight flashed in his mind. “Ours…”

“Yeah…now go apologize to her and I’ll clean up the cake!” Ochaco demanded.
Tenya nodded and went to knock on her door.


“Scram!” She shouted and he couldn’t help but laugh. Even without her real father’s presence in her life. She was more and more like him each day.

“Kimi please. Open this door at once.”
“No! I’m my birthdays over!” She shouted and Tenya had enough as he grabbed the key on the door hinge and opened the door.

Kimi was sulking on her bed. Her round freckled cheeks pouting deeply and muttering about not wanting his pity looks.
She looked so much like Izuku it was crazy. Tenya was so conflicted. He did love her. He raised her, afterall. But she wasn’t his. She was never his. She had two perfectly good people mourning her as they spoke. His were they supposed to be a happy family this way?
“You know I love you Kimi. Your Papa’s just tired sometimes.”

“Do you think Mama had an af-hair?”

“Where did you learn something like that? We don’t even have television!” Tenya laughed. They kept her away from all news sources or any way for her to access the internet.
“Shino-San gossips a lot.” She pointed to her window which was right next to their neighbors kitchen window.

“Oh dear.” Tenya sighed. “You have nothing to worry about. Your mother and I love each other and we love you. We would never be unfaithful to each other.”
“Okay.” Kimi shrugged before Tenya patter her head. “Who’s DynaMight?”

“Huh?” Tenya froze.

“Who’s DynaMight? She keeps saying she thinks DynaMight or Chargebolt were Mom’s lost love.”

“Shino-San is crazy! Ignore her!” Tenya chopped the air.

“But who are they?”

“Mom went to high school with cartoons?!”

“I might have to move your room.” Iida sighed. “It doesn’t matter dear. Your mom loves me and you and that’s it.”

“Okay then…” Kimi shrugged, dropping it.

“How about we go to the amusement park tomorrow?”
“Mama will say no.” Kimi sulked. “She gets doesn’t like crowds.”


“I’ll take a new toy though..”

“Ever the bargainer.” Tenya sighed. “Very well.”

Later that night Ochaco was doing her bedtime routine when Iida was checking the mail.


He showed her an invitation they got in the mail.

Ochaco opened it shakily, recognizing the UA logo.

It was an invite to the alumni gala. They got one every year and avoided it but there was a note attached this time.
‘Uraraka and Iida,
This is my last year as a teacher at UA. I’m sure the incident was a lot for your both. But Class A and ESPECIALLY Midoriya and Bakugo would love for you guys to attend for our last gala together.

Please come.

“No.” Ochaco nodded her head.

“Please.” Tenya begged. “Please let’s go. I miss our friends.”

“I don’t trust anyone to watch her.” Ochaco insisted.

“We can keep her in the hotel room.”

“Are you kidding?! Take her THERE?”
“We can disguise her. Do it covertly.”

“Deku-kun and Bakugo-kun RULE that area. It’s too risky!” Ochaco sighed.

“It’s our last chance. Please. Don’t you miss our friends? Aizawa personally reached out to us! If anyone asks, we can just say we are watching a friends kid!”
“Please!” Tenya bowed on his knees.

“Stop that!”

“I have went along with all of this for your happiness! Can’t you do this one thing for me?!” Tenya begged.

Ochaco thought about her options and relented. “Fine…this ONE time. And then never again.”

Katsuki fluttered his eyes open to find the other side of his and his mates nest empty. He quickly got up to look for Izuku. They hadn’t spent his heat together like THAT in years. He found him by the window that overlooked their garden. He was huddled with a blanket drinking tea
“Yo.” Katsuki said drowsily as he sat next to him.

“Oh! You’re awake!” Izuku slowly adjusted himself to crawl into his lap. He threw the blanket around Katsuki’s naked torso and kissed him. “I’m surprised. I thought I wore you out.” He giggled.
“Like you ever could..” Katsuki grinned mischievously. “What’re you doing over here? Hiding from me?”

“N-no! I just…” Izuku glanced at the garden then back at Katsuki. “Are we really doing the right thing? I don’t want to forget her. I don’t want to replace her…”
“That’s not what we’re doing.” Katsuki kissed the scent gland on his neck over and over. “As if we could ever forget her…we’re not moving on, we’re fighting to make life without her as bearable as possible.”

“I still feel weird about it.” Izuku sighed.
“That’s cause it is weird.” Katsuki validated his feelings. “I get it. But…I want this with you so fucking bad Izuku. I…when I first held Kimi, it was the first time in my life I considered retiring from being a hero.”

“Really?!” Izuku gasped.
Being a hero was everything Kacchan was and wanted to be since he could talk.

“Yeah…she was perfect..” Katsuki began to tear up. He hardly ever talked about her like this. “When she first opened her eyes, it was like I don’t know…the world made sense all of a fucking sudden.”
“She was everything perfect about you and everything bearable about me. All I knew in that moment was life was never gonna get better than that. I wanted to live for her…to be there for her for her every step of the way. I didn’t think I could put my life on the line anymore.”
Izuku gently squeezed his hand as he listened to him patiently. Kacchan’s mind blew him away every time he had a chance to listen to what was running around inside of it. He truly was an amazing person.

“In that short time…the whole world seemed new to me.”
“It was so fucking terrifying but…also full of hope. I wanted to live in it. I wanted to experience it every day with her. And with you….I still want to experience it with you, Izuku. So I’m fucking glad we’re doing this. It’s weird but I want it more than anything.”
Izuku smiled as he felt like an anchor was removed from his chest. Kacchan always knew just what to say. He kissed him slowly, savoring every moment he could breathe his air.

“Let’s…lets keep trying then.” He tackled him.

Despite his heat ending, they had no time for rest.
Kimi was so excited. She was hardly ever allowed to leave her house other than to go for walks in the park or to go out to eat. And now they were going to a HOTEL!!! She didn’t know what a hotel was but she was thrilled to find out.
She asked questions about every billboard she saw when they got to the city. Kimi knew of the existence of heroes, but her parents only ever told her about heroes like All Might or Hawks or Edgeshot. Not the modern ones! There were so many she didn’t recognize.
There was one glowing billboard in particular that had three heroes on it. A blonde one with a black mask and spiky hair, a really pretty one with green eyes and a flowing yellow cape and a cool looking one with half red and half white hair.

“WHO ARE THEY?” Kimi questioned.
“The number one, two and three hero.” Tenya informed her.

“What are their names?! What are their quirks?! That one is flying! That’s so cool! How’d he become number one just by flying?!” She rattled off question after question.
“Okay Ms. Curious.” Ochaco giggled. “Calm down. I’ll tell you about LOTS of heroes. Like…that one!” She pointed at a Bilboard of a man with a bird head and a dark cape. “He’s cool, don’t you think? The number 4 hero! Tsukoyumi!”
“Ooo! What’s he do?!” Kimi wondered aloud.

“He has a monster as his quirk named Dark Shadow! But he’s a good monster who saves people!” Ochaco explained. Their conversation went like that most of the drive to the hotel. It had been a month since Kimi’s birthday,
But she felt more happy now then she did then. She was seeing the world! And her mom was actually answering most of her questions! She would have to pry about the top three later. They all looked so cool!

“What rank were you before I was born, Mama?”
Ochaco raised up her hand showing all 5 fingers proudly. “Pretty cool, right?”

“Wow! So you were above Papa?”

“Only ONE rank above me, but yes. Your mother was an amazing hero.” Tenya noted.

“Do you guys miss it sometimes?”

They both answered at the same time.
“Tenya.” Ochaco seethed under her breath.

“What? I can be honest with her.” Tenya said sternly. “I do miss it. It was very fulfilling helping others. I miss it every day. But alas, I can never go back.”

“Why not?” Kimi questioned.

“Because I don’t deserve to.”

“My colleagues are all leagues above me.” Tenya continued on. “I’m not worthy of standing next to them. That’s all.”

“I think Papas cool…” Kimi muttered. “If you wanted to go back, you could.”

Tenya sighed. “I don’t deserve you either Kimi…”
“Nobody does.” Ochaco plastered a smile on her face. “But we’re blessed with you. And we would never give you up.” She squeezed Tenya’s hand as hard as she could grip without all five fingers.

“Right.” Tenya grinned too wide for Kimi’s liking.
She sulked and stopped asking questions. She got over excited that her parents were talking to her honestly. It always felt like she was in a doll house and they were all playing pretend. Mama was better at playing pretend than Papa.
“It’s just ONE patrol before the gala, Kacchan.” Izuku rolled his eyes.

“I don’t care! Until you take the damn test, I don’t want you out there!” Katsuki grumbled.

“No villain is strong enough to hurt me.” Izuku sighed.

“You wanna come with me?” Izuku laughed. “Will that make your alpha feel better?” He teased.

“You and I both know Izuku! We don’t even need the test. It’s reckless!”

“Just ONE last patrol. Let me get it out of my system.” Izuku lamented.
“You’re acting out of pure denial, Deku.” Katsuki sighed. “Don’t sabatoge this cause you’re scared.”

“It’s not that.” Izuku stated.

“Then what is it?! What makes you think working while PREGNANT is the best idea in the damn world?!”
“I don’t know. I just have a strong feeling I need to be out there!” Izuku stressed. “It’s unshakable. My instincts are going crazy! I know it sounds awful and heartless but…but I feel like I’m going to die unless I get on that street!”
Katsuki was taken aback. But looking into his mates eyes, he knew he telling the God honest truth.

“Fine…I’m coming with you then. The SECOND it becomes too dangerous, you get your ass home and let me handle it, got it?!” Katsuki demanded.
Izuku smiled in relief and kissed him. “Yes, alpha.”

“Shut up, you little shit.” Katsuki blushed, flustered as Izuku giggled. He really hoped he wouldn’t regret it.

Ochaco tapped her foot impatiently as the front desk lady fussed with finding their reservation.
“Ah…I’m sorry it’s my first day! Please be patient with me!” The young girl bowed profusely.

“It’s quite alright! We are honored to be one of your first guest in this fine profession!” Tenya reassured her.

“I hope we’re a good learning experience.” Ochaco spat bitterly.
Kimi looked around and saw various kids her age with all kinds of hero merch. None of the old heroes she knew either. All the new and exciting ones. Especially the top three. She wanted to know everything about them. While her parents were distracted, she snuck away.
She wandered over to a kid her age with a backpack that was holding a plush of the hero with yellow cape, and the blonde one.

“Excuse me?” She tepidly approached him.

“Hm?” The boy looked at her nervously. “H-hello!”

“Y-your plushies. What heroes are those?”
“You don’t know?” The boy blinked profusely.

“My mom doesn’t let me watch TV.” Kimi explained.

“These are Deku and Great Explosion Murder God DynaMight! The best heroes ever!”

“D-DynaMight?!” She remembered Shino-San’s gossip.

“Yeah! He’s really cool!”
“Tell me more about him!” She got in the boys face making him blush.

“O-okay! Yeah! Um…DynaMight can make explosions! And when he gets really fast, it’s like BECOMES explosions! It’s so cool! He’s really funny in interviews too and always says bad words!”
The boy rambled. “This is his hero partner Deku! Deku is AMAZING. He has like 7 whole quirks!”

“WHAT?! 7?!” Kimi gawked.

“It’s called One for All and he got it from All Might himself!”

“ALL MIGHT?! REALLY??” Kimi loved All Might.

“Sora, did get yourself a girlfriend?”
An older girl with brown pigtails walked over to them.

“Go away Nee-San!” Sora blushed.

“That’s not very nice!” His sister laughed. “What’s her name?”

“Kimi! I’m Kimi!” She introduced herself excitedly. She rarely met new people.
“She’s cool unlike you.” Sora grumbled to his sister.

“Y-you think I’m cool?!” Kimi balled her fist.

“Um…I-” Before Sora could finish his sentence, he was grabbed by a man who was running away from security.

“STOP AT ONCE!” The security guard demanded.

“AHHHH RICCHAN HELP ME!” He cried to his sister as the villain ran outside the hotel.

“SORA!” Ricchan pulled her pigtails in distress.

Kimi was shocked to find everyone standing around watching in shock.
She turned to find her mom holding her Dad back while looking for her.

“Kimi! Kimi where’d you go?!”

Kimi couldn’t think of anything else but that poor boy. Before she knew it, he body moved on its own as she ran after the villain herself.
The city was big and scary and there was lots of people but the villain was slow and Sora’s screams were loud. A guy with a scooter stopped riding it to gawk at the situation.

“MISTER! GIMMIE!” She demanded.

“Huh?!” The guy looked at her in confusion as she snatched it.
“HEY!” He called after her but she was fast.

“SORRY! ILL BRING IT BACK MAYBE!” Kimi screamed as she rode as fast as she could on the street till she caught up the villain who made an escape to a nearby alleyway. “OH NO YOU DON’T!”
She abandoned the scooter and chased him on foot. “Hey! You! Give me back my friend!”

The villain paused and laughed. “Huh? A little girl?!”

“Let me go! Let me go!” Sora wiggled wildly.

“Shut up kid! It’s almost over…” The villain grinned.
“Just gotta wait till my getaway car gets here and I’ll let you go…”

“You’ll let him go NOW!” Kimi demanded before spitting at him.



He fell over, releasing Sora who ran to Kimi immediately and pulled her arm.

Kimi nodded and ran with him until suddenly the villain appeared before them instantly.

“Not so fast kids!” He grinned. “You might have a powerful quirk kid, but you’ll never figure out mine.” Suddenly he stretched himself out like a spider web. “YOURE NOT GOING ANY-”

Everything happened so fast, Kimi could hardly keep up. What she COULD process was the warm arms around her and Sora, blinding light and loud booms of explosions.




“Die?” Kimi blinked.

“That’s his catchphrase.” Sora whispered.
The yellow cape was draped around her and Sora as she watched in amazement the two heroes in front of her work in tandem catching this weird stretchy villain.

Deku shot a black whip out of his hand and made his own web of sorts as DynaMight fired a point explosion-
At the man’s chest who was stuck to the web, making him fall to the ground.

“Great job, Kacchan!” Izuku praised.

“Whatever. Check on the kids. I’ll tie him up.”

Izuku nodded and walked to the kids who wrapped in his cape.
“Hi you guys.” He smiled sweetly before kneeling down to face them directly. “Are you okay? That must have been scary.”

Kimi couldn’t speak. She was so in awe of him. There was something about his voice that filled her with sorrow. She began crying.

“It’s okay! You’re safe now”
“Why are you crying? You’re the one who saved me! You’re amazing!” Sora praised.

“I saw that! Your quirk is really cool! It helped Kacchan and I figure out his weakness! You’re really brave! What’s your name?” Izuku wiped her tears with his thumb.
“M…my name is…my name is…” Kimi was overwhelmed by his scent. There was something about his scent! She couldn’t breathe.

“Her name is Kimi! And she’s my hero!” Sora announced making Izuku freeze up and Katsuki whip his head around.
“KIMI!” The sound of Iida’s voice caused them both to whip their heads to the entrance of the alleyway where they found their old friend they hadn’t seen in years who froze upon seeing them.

“M-Midoriya? B-Bakugo?”

“DID YOU FIND HER?” Ochaco floated down by his side.
“Mama! Papa!” Kimi ran and threw her arms around Ochaco arms who was too petrified to even hug her back.

“D-Deku-kun. Bakugo….”

There was no way of pooling the wool over their eyes. The betrayal on both their faces was evident. This was Ochaco’s worst nightmare.
TBC 🏃🏻‍♀️
Ochaco had been over the moon for her friends when she found out Izuku was expecting. She loved kids and no one would make a better Dam than Deku.

Of course her two friends didn’t blast the news to the world and only told a few close people at first.
But Ochaco didn’t need to be told. She read on the news Deku was taking a leave of absence and immediately KNEW. She rushed to her friends house unannounced and knocked on the door and when he answered the door, she burst into tears.

“I was RIGHT! You are pregnant! Ahhh!”
She squealed in delight.

“Shhh! Shh!” Izuku brought hers inside, looking nervously to make sure his neighbors didn’t hear.

“I’m sorry. But I’m just so happy for you!”

“Is it really that obviously.” Izuku had chuckled.

“We’re omegas Deku-kun. We can smell it.”
She pointed to her nose and Izuku sighed.

“I guess I really have to stay inside, huh? Please don’t tell anyone!” He pleaded.

“You, Mr. workaholic, are taking a leave of absence. It’s not hard to figure out, it’s only a matter of time before-”
Ochaco was cut off by a knock on his door. Izuku recognized that knock. It was Denki…

“I’m not home.” He begged Ochaco not to answer the door.

“Midoriyaaaa! We know you’re home!” Mina’s voice called from the other side.

“This is insane you guys!” Kirishima lamented.
“What if he’s actually sick and we’re bothering him!”

“He’s not sick!” Mina and Denki said at the same time.

“See?” Ochaco giggled. “It’s really not hard to figure out.

“Oh hi YaoMomo!”

“Jiro, you too?!”
Izuku gave up and opened the door and everyone who smell the milky scent of pregnancy was over the moon for him. They all sat around and had a wonderful lunch in celebration. He of course was nervous about the attention but he also appreciated having his friends around.
Ochaco had never really witnessed a pregnancy first hand. Afterall, she was her parents only child. But something about Izuku became absolutely fascinating to her. She became fiercely protective and supportive of him. Coming over daily to check on him.
Izuku was extremely grateful for her help and Katsuki was grateful that someone was with Izuku while he was doing hero work. They all three became close during that time and of course Tenya visited frequently too. Tenya noticed Ochaco was very invested in this pregnancy.
“Ochaco dear…would you like to try for a pup of our very own?” He asked her one day in excitement. He thought it was so cute that she was going above and beyond for Midoriya. And was obviously very into the whole thing. He thought her omega instincts finally giving in.
Ochaco had expressed to him early in their relationship that she was on the fence about kids. And she was petrified with thought of herself giving birth. And Tenya figured this whole thing was good for her and she finally was getting over that fear.
Ochaco looked at him like he was an alien. “Are you kidding?! No!” She snapped.

“Oh…I just assumed since all you seem to talk about these days is Midoriya and Bakugo and their pup that you wanted one yourself?”

“It’s THEIRS I love Tenya.” She stressed.
He didn’t know what to make of that. “Oh…I see.”

“Deku-kun is so cute pregnant! And Bakugo-kun is such a doting alpha don’t you think?” She blushed and giggled. “They’re perfect. Their pup is perfect! You know it kicks to the beat of music! Isn’t that adorable!”
“And Deku-kun showed me her ultrasound the other day and she’s sucking her thumb! Oops!” She covered her mouth as she giggled profusely. “Guess that cats out of the bag. She’s a girl! Isn’t that great! Oh she’s gonna be so cute!”
Tenya began to get increasingly more concerned the farther along Midoriya’s pregnancy went.

“I don’t know what to name her…” Izuku had grumbled to Ochaco one day. “Kacchan’s names aren’t very practical…and there’s not many All Mightish names for a girl, you know?”
“How about Kimi?” Ochaco suggested.

“Kimi?” Izuku pondered before looking at his belly. “Do you like that name?” He asked his pup.

“I bet she loves it!” Ochaco cooed as she rubbed it herself. “I’ve always wanted it as a name for a kid if I ever had one, you know?”
“Oh! Then are you really fine with me taking it?” Izuku questioned nervously.

“I’m her godmother right?” Ochaco said softly. “I already love her as my own.”

“Thanks Uraraka-San! I really appreciate it! Kimi! I like it!”
After picking the name for the pup, Tenya noticed his credit cards were becoming maxed out at baby stores. Soon their home was filled with packages after packages of baby clothes, toys, books, supplies.

“Ochaco dear…isn’t this all a little much? I’m sure they can afford plenty”
“This isn’t for them.” Ochaco explained.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m Kimi’s Godmother so I’m going to be watching her when Deku-kun goes back to work, obviously. I figured I’d get my own stuff so he doesn’t have to bring a bag back and forth you know?”
Tenya recognized this as reasonable…if it was only a few things. But she bough enough to fill her own nursery! And before he knew it, she converted their guest bedroom to one!

“I’m sorry! I don’t think this is appropriate!” He argued with her one night.
“Are you really jealous of a little pup, Tenya?!” Ochaco had snapped.

“I’m not jealous! But she’s not ours, dear! She’s Midoriya’s and Bakugo’s! Midoriya likely won’t return to hero work until she’s old enough to eat solid foods! It’s all hardly necessary right now!”
“I’m just doing my best to help my FRIENDS!”

“Don’t you think he will ask his MOTHER first to watch his child before even thinking of us?”

“Why would he?! His mom isn’t strong like me! His mom hasn’t spent as much time with Kimi like me!”
Ochaco was proven wrong and had a mental breakdown when Izuku told her he only wanted Kacchan and his mom in the hospital with him when he gave birth.

She completely tore down the nursery she made and was filled with distress.

Tenya had enough at that point. He begged Ochaco to see the light. That there was certain boundaries Midoriya was allowed to put up.

“It’s not our pup, dear! It’s not ours! We can make our own if it pleases you!”

Tenya’s worst fears were confirmed. She had imprinted herself as the Dam of Midoriya’s child. He learned about this before in hero courses but most omegas he knew told him it was just old wives tales and was a sexist trope. That they had a sense of reason.
He never came across it and believed them. But this, this was textbook behavior. He shouldn’t have ignored the signs. Tenya tried to calm her down. Tried to make her see reality and after a long heart felt night, it appeared she finally did.
She put some much needed distance between herself and Izuku. Only went over on occasions when all their friends went over. She was a bit miffed that Izuku never even really noticed but she was handling it in a healthy way.
The day he went into labor, Ochaco was calm and was genuinely supportive over the phone and text. But she wasn't as obsessive as before. Tenya finally felt confident enough to leave her to her own devices as he went on patrol the next day.
Ochaco made the decision in the spur of the moment. She genuinely felt terrible and embarrassed about her past behavior, but Kimi was still her godchild. And she wanted to meet her and check on Izuku. She didn't tell Tenya because she didn't want him to freak out.
She thought she was doing well all things considered. She saw Kimi and felt overwhelming love for her. Her omega was screaming that it was her pup but she practiced for this. She used every rational bone in her body to fight back against her instincts.
Kimi was asleep thankfully, and Ochaco couldn't help but feel relieved she didn't have to fight too hard. It was great to catch up with Deku and Bakugo and she thought she could do it. She thought she was in the clear.
But then Bakugo left them alone to shower and grab clothes...and Izuku had fallen asleep. She fiddled with her fingers as she watched him pass out. The doctors must have given him strong pain medication because she accidentally played a loud video on her phone,
and Izuku had slept through it. Kimi, however, woke up with a loud whine.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Ochaco gasped. She tried to shake Izuku awake but he was out cold. Kimi's whines turned to crises and Ochaco couldn't resist helping!
"Hi Kimi." She whispered before picked her up gently. "Shh. Shh, it's okay. It's okay, I got you."

After a moment of being rocked in her arms, Kimi calmed down and opened her beautiful eyes and the second Ochaco stared into them, she couldn't help but cry herself.
"You're so beautiful." She cooed. It was at that moment she realized she had never truly experienced love. At least not like this. She thought she loved Tenya. But no, Kimi was the one thing anchoring her to the world! She sat with her and rocked her gently as she babbled.
"You talk a lot just like Deku-kun." She giggled. "I love you. Oh my gosh, I love you so much." She kissed her head gently. "Kimi..my sweet Kimi..." Her moment of euphoria was interrupted by a loud BOOM!

"What on earth?" Before she knew it, the building was crumbling around her.
"DEKU-KUN!" Ochaco shouted as pieces of rumble came crashing down. She leapt and saved her friend while holding Kimi tightly in her arms. By the time she floated her and Izuku out of the building, the whole thing was destroyed and there were several casualties.
She was shaking. It all happened so fast. Izuku was still unconscious as she put him gently out of harms way. Her hero instincts told her to look for survivors to save...but then Kimi started to wail in fear.
"Shhh...Shhh, it's okay." Ochaco soothed her. "It's okay now...you're safe." There were several screams and commotion and people shouting for help...but to Ochaco? Nothing in the world mattered anymore. Only Kimi...only her pup.
In her mind, Katsuki and Izuku had deserted Kimi. Left her all alone in harms way and it was Ochaco who was there for her. It was Ochaco who kept her safe. So it was Ochaco who deserved to have her all to herself. No one loved Kimi like her.
She suddenly felt at peace with the world. This was her baby. And she would do everything she could to protect her. So she wrote a long heartfelt note explaining "what happened," let it tucked in Deku's arm and bolted with Kimi back to her house.
Tenya immediately rushed home after Ochaco texted him that it was urgent. He was on high alert already and was aware of the hospital collapse and wondered why his wife wasn't heading there herself since all nearby heroes were ordered to help search and rescue.
He was shocked when he got home to find her there holding Kimi in her arms.

"Isn't she perfect, Tenya? A beautiful angel..."

"You..managed to save her? How's Midoriya? And Bakugo? Are they asleep here? I was worried they both didn't make it!"
"Deku-kun's fine. And Bakugo-kun too. They don't need her anymore. She's our now."

"Ochaco.." Tenya felt chills down his spine. "What did you do?!"

"We have to leave for her sake Tenya. Start a new life. They don't have to know. They abandoned her anyway."
Tenya was at a crossroads in his life. His wife had kidnapped a child. He had to see her as she was in that moment. A villain. And he was a hero. And Kimi? She was someone who needed saving.

It was the moment he regretted most in his life.
Because he loved her. He loved her more than anything. He tried to reason with her, fought with her tooth and nail. He ended up succeeding in knocking her unconscious. He cried as he held the petrified newborn in his arms.
And that's when he received the news on his hero scanner. Heroes Deku and DynaMight lost their little girl in the incident after Uravity only managed to save Deku. Her note was displayed and Tenya knew there was no way to return Kimi without imprisoning his wife.
If he knew the terrorist who set off the detonation and harmed and all those people was someone else at that time, he may have made a different decision. But the way his wife had been acting, he suspected it was all her. And he couldn’t let her rot in Tartarus.
So he packed up he life and moved them to the furthest most isolated town he could find on the map. He would deal with the consequences in hell where he belonged.

Despite everything, he had grown to love Kimi which made him feel infinitely worse for ruining her life.
He deserved whatever Midoriya and Bakugo did to him. But, he needed to at least plea for them to have mercy on his mate.

Izuku couldn’t believe it. He had a feeling when he first saw her. Explosion quirk. Blonde hair. His eyes, his curls, his freckles. She was his.
Her scent too. A perfect mixture of them both. And when he touched her cheek and wiped her tears, he felt it deep within him. That was his baby girl! But…he wondered if that was just his omega screaming at him to imprint on some poor strangers child.
He fought back with his omega. Because there was no way. Kimi was dead. She was gone. He had to remind himself. He had grieved her with everything he had. There was no way it could be her.

“She’s gone kid..”

“This isn’t yours, Izuku. It’s just a resemblance.”
The One for All users tried to reason with him as well.

“It’s okay to notice the resemblance. But remember that she’s-” Yoichi began to say when the young boy said her name.

“Her name is Kimi and she’s my hero!”
And then Iida and Uraraka showed up and she called THEM Mama and Papa. Izuku felt so many emotions at once. Anger, betrayal, sorrow but also….joy. Pure and utter joy! Kimi was ALIVE. His baby girl, his daughter. She was here within arms reach. She was safe! She wasn’t harmed!
He thought his heart was going to burst from feeling every emotion possible. It was the best feeling but also the WORST feeling. He was overjoyed but he was also GRIEVING all over again. He was filled with so much love and so much pain! Uraraka…Iida…they TOOK HER!
They took her and made him believe she was dead! Izuku thought he knew what loathing was. He loathed criminals like All for One. But this…this was unforgivable! This was the worst anyone has ever betrayed him.
All these thoughts and feelings passed through him in a moment. Because he only had a moment to think before acting and he knew it. The milisecond he saw Kacchan’s body make a single motion, he restrained him with Blackwhip.

“Kacchan…” He whispered shakily. “Not. Here.”
“Wait! You guys know them?!” Kimi said with stars in her eyes, oblivious to any tension. “Why didn’t you tell me?! They’re so cool! They’re so cool Mama! Did you know Deku-San has 7 quirks! 7! My friend Sora over there told me! And DynaMight makes explosions like BOOM! Like me!”
All four were speechless as Kimi babbled on and on about the villain, her friend, the hotel and her new FAVORITE heroes who saved her.

“Wow…” Izuku clapped as he smiled wide while tears streamed his face endlessly. “Uraraka-San, Iida-San. Kimi-Chan is truly amazing.”
“She’s a real hero, you know? At only 5 years old, she saved this boy over here, who was also very brave by the way.” He turned and gave a thumbs up to Sora. “And what a coincidence that we’re all going to the gala tonight?” He laughs erratically.
“What’s your name?” He turned to Sora who was also oblivious to the tension.

“I-I’m Sora!” Sora clutched his cape as he said it.

“Let’s return Sora here to his family and all attend the gala together! With Kimi as our special guest!” Izuku said as a suggestion,
But Tenya and Ochaco knew…it was a non-negotiable demand. Izuku made it known so when he slightly loosened Blackwhip around Katsuki’s waist.

His eyes said it all.

‘Make one wrong move, I’ll let him do what he wants.’

“Yes.” Ochaco smiled tensely back. “That sounds fun.”
Kimi sat in a room in the dormitories of UA high school along with a pretty girl who was one the students. She had beautiful red eyes and long flowing white hair and she was helping her set up a tea party for some stuffed animals she had around.
“Eri-San?” She questioned.

“Yes, Kimi-Chan?”

“How long are Mama and Papa gonna be? I want them to tell me more about heroes!”

Eri smiled nervously at her before stroking her hair gently. “Whatever happens to your Mama and Papa…just know it’s for the best.”
Izuku was sobbing uncontrollably with his face in his hands as Mina, Denki, and Jiro, the other omegas who were in class A sat around him and comforted him. Everyone including Aizawa was in on the other side of two way mirror of UA’s underground interrogation room.
Iida and Uraraka were tired up with quirk inhibitors in the room and Katsuki was restrained with his own quirk inhibitors on their side of the room. Todoroki was too, just in case.

“Let me do it.” Was all Katsuki had been able to say since they found everything out.
“I can’t believe they would do this to them.” Momo sniffled.

“There has to be some explanation!” Kirishima said helplessly.

“No explanation can save them from what’s coming to them!” Katsuki seethed.

“For once…I agree with him.” Sato sighed. “They deserve hell.”
“We’re not doing anything yet.” Aizawa sighed. “Not until-”

“I AM HERE!” All Might burst in the room. “I am so sorry for being late!”

“All Might!” Izuku sobbed as he ran into his arms.

“I’m so sorry my boy.” All Might comforted him.

“I don’t know what to do…”
Izuku cried uncontrollably. “I don’t know what the right thing to do is! That’s why…that’s why I called you all here to help because I can’t THINK! As horrible of a punishment as they deserve…Kimi still sees them as her parents!”
“Who am I to just come in and say I’m her real Dam! That she’s saved and everything is okay. To HER, Uraraka is home! If someone told me my mom had taken me away from my real parent? I would still love her no matter what! I don’t know what to do!”
“It doesn’t fucking matter, Izuku!” Katsuki seethed. “It doesn’t matter how much she loves them! She needs to learn that actions have consequences! And that evil will always fucking lose! Cause that’s what they are! PURE EVIL!”
“She never asked for this!” Izuku sobbed. “She never asked to be put in this situation! Even if they did something so awful…I can’t bare to hurt her. Not when I just got her back.”

“Midoriya.” Shoto sighed. “As horrible as it is for your parents to do awful things,”
“It’s better she knows the truth. And it’s better she faces it now. Having them in her life will only poison her more!”

“That being said.” Momo lamented. “I don’t think we should very well Bakugo-kun loose on them.”
“You don’t get to say that when you have no idea what it feels like.” Katsuki growled, under his breath. “They already fucking killed me every damn day I woke up thinking she was dead! Don’t you get it?! Don’t any of you get it?!”
“Bakugo.” Mina walked over to Izuku and held him close to her. “You need to calm down. Midoriya needs you right now. He’s close to drop, we can all feel it. And he’s expecting again. You can’t go through this a second time.”
“I…don’t know…” Izuku was shaking all over as he began to hyperventilate. “I don’t know what’s best for her…I don’t know…i don’t know….” He was in so much pain as he realized he lost 5 years of bonding time with his daughter. She would never see him as her true Dam.
Katsuki clicked his tongue and raised his restraints to Aizawa.

“Ya gonna stop me from holding him?! I’m not calm. I can’t be fucking calm. But if you keep me from my mate, NONE OF YOU ARE MAKING IT OUT OF HERE.”
“Let him go, Aizawa-kun.” All Might demanded.

“He can kill them and hug Midoriya within the same SECOND All Might.”

“Please. It’s just a risk we have to take.”

Aizawa relented and uncuffed him, sighing in relief when he chose only to hug Izuku.
Katsuki held him tightly as he babbled incoherently with tears streaming down his. Izuku responded in turn with his own babbles between his sobs. And they went back and forth like that until they started making out.

“Is this the time?” Sato gawked.

“Shh. They’re communicating.”
Shoto noted.

“They will find the right answer between their spit.” Aoyama nodded.

“A ritual of dark intentions.” Tokoyami said.

“Maybe we should get them a room so they communicate what they wanna do in private, ribbit.” Tsuyu suggested.
All Might escorted the two of them out and after a long moment of Class A brainstorming suggestions, Izuku, Katsuki and All Might returned.

“Have you decided what you wanna do?” Aizawa questioned.

Katsuki nodded as he squeezed Izuku’s hand tightly.

“Well?” Shoto questioned.
“I have questions.” Izuku said. “I want them to answer me.”

“And what will you do when you get your answers?” Shoji asked him.

“Depending on what they say, we want them to get everything they deserve.”

“Legally?” Shoto blinked.

“That depends on their answers.”
TBC 👩🏻‍⚖️
Izuku was glad Eri-Chan was nearby because halfway through Tenya’s side of the story, he was certain him and Kacchan had broken each other’s hands from squeezing so hard. The window separating them from their daughters captors was merely a thin sheet to them.
He was proud of Kacchan for not leaping through and tearing his head off. It was one thing to know what they did, it was another to listen to him detail everything as it went down.

“I tried to stop her…I…I failed you. I failed her. I failed Kimi. I was a coward…”
Even hearing him say her name made Izuku so revolted, he almost threw up. The only thing stopping him from punching him through the wall was the small thread of hope that he and Kimi could make up for lost time somehow. He needed to be able to look her in the eye and-
tell her that he loved her so much, he resisted murdering the people she considered her parents.

Aizawa had pushed him for every detail. And Tenya answered ever so honestly. It gave Izuku whiplash. How could someone so earnest betray him so heartlessly?
“I…Midoriya and Bakugo, I would give up my life this second if you need blood to pay for what I have done. But please understand…please understand that Ochaco needs help! I know she needs punishment too but please, if you have mercy make it less than what I have to bare…”
“Ochaco-Chan…” Tsuyu started to cry. “What happened to you?”

“I don’t care how much she’s lost it!” Mina said angrily. “She deserves the worst! They both do!”

“I don’t know.” Kirishima pouted as he grabbed her hand.

“What do you mean you don’t know?!”
“The way I feel about you Mina…if I was in Iida’s shoes, can I really stand here and say I would have done any different?!” Eijiro said shakily. “It’s not right. It’s messed up in so many ways but…he was just protecting her. He should get the lesser sentence.”
“He was the one in the right mind! If Uraraka really was so out of it, then it’s all HIS fault. She was UNCONCIOUS when he kidnapped Kimi HIMSELF!” Kaminari snapped. “In my opinion, he deserves the worst of it!”

“You’re not an alpha, Denki. When our mates are in need?”
“There is no such thing as sense or reason! He was just as out of it as her!” Kirishima pointed out.

“The best way to help her would have been turning her in.” Aizawa stated. “Midoriya, are you ready to ask your questions?”
“Not yet.” Izuku said sadly. “I…I need to hear from her.”

“I can’t promise I’ll control myself the second a word come out of her damn mouth!” Katsuki snapped.

“Please…just try.” Izuku kissed his cheek sweetly. “For me?”

“Fine.” Katsuki grit his teeth.
“Case in point.” Eijiro whispered to Denki.

“Alright then. All Might, tie Iida’s mouth back and release Uraraka’s.” Aizawa ordered.

All Might nodded and did as told. He opted to stay in the interrogation room with them so he could stop Katsuki or Izuku if they lose it.
He tied Tenya’s mouth and released Ochaco’s.

“Uraraka.” Aizawa began his interrogation.

“I don’t wanna talk to you, Sensei.” She interrupted him.


“Let me talk to Deku-kun. Let me see him.”
Katsuki gripped Izuku’s waist and anchored him to his side.

“He’s not ready for that yet. Let me hear in your words what happened and he’ll speak to you after.” Aizawa went on.

“Oh come on! Let me see him! He’s pregnant again, isn’t he?” She smiled excitedly. “I could tell!”
Izuku felt a cold chill run down his spine at the demented look on her face and unfortunately, he was so petrified, he couldn’t stop Kacchan.

“YOU CRAZY BITCH!” Katsuki broke through glass and despite everyone trying to stop him, he was way too damn fast.
He was seconds away from landing an explosion point blank in her face when it suddenly went away.

“SENSEEEIIII!” Katsuki screamed.

“I’m sorry Bakugo! But you just got your family back! You can’t go to prison for murder!” Aizawa said desperately.

Katsuki grabbed her hair and threw her and the chair she was tied to against the wall.

“AHHH!” Ochaco screamed in pain as it took all of class A to hold Katsuki back and pull him to the other side.

“Kacchan…” Izuku said helplessly. He was spiraling once again. How did he not see it? How did he not realize that she had lost her mind? He thought she was just being extra supportive. It wasn’t Iida’s fault or her fault..it was his. He failed to protect his baby from her.
Izuku’s scent soured so much, everyone took notice. He was beyond distressed.

Katsuki immediately rushed to his side and shielded him from Uraraka’s eyeline.

“Izuku. Hey. Izuku!” He whispered desperately to him as he stroked his scent gland with his thumb.
“It’s okay. I won’t let her near you again. I lost my shit just now and I’m sorry but it’s gonna be okay.”

“Why didn’t I see?” Izuku mumbled quietly. “Why did I leave her alone with Kimi? Why didn’t I wake up?”

“None of that is your fault!”
“All Might, tie her mouth back. There’s not point in interrogating her.” Aizawa sighed. “Bakugo, take Midoriya out of the room for a moment. For both your sake.”

Katsuki nodded and sat with Izuku in the hallway. Kirishima brought them waters and everyone took a moment to re-set
“You okay?” Katsuki whispered to his mate now that they were alone.

“No.” Izuku sniffled. “Are you?”

“No.” Katsuki sighed.

“Ha.” Izuku laughed as he pressed his head into his chest.

“What are you laughing for?”

“I don’t know…at least we’re miserable together.”
Katsuki laid back and held his mate closely. “She’s alive.”

“Yeah. She’s alive.”

“So what are we doing here wasting our time with them?” Katsuki began to cry.

“You’re right.” Izuku’s eyes welled up as well. “Let’s end this quickly. And let’s go to our baby.”
They walked back in as Momo finished fixing the broken window.

“You alright?” Aizawa questioned his former students.

“No.” They both said at the same time.

“But we will be.” Izuku stated. “Let me talk to Iida. I’m ready for my questions.”
All Might nodded and released the restraints on Tenya’s mouth.

“Midoriya, Bakugo, I’m SO SORRY!” Tenya sobbed.

“Iida-kun…” Izuku said steadily through the microphone. “I need you to calm down. Please answer me as straight forwardly as possible.”
“Right…I will do my best.” Tenya promised.

“Kimi…is she happy?”

“Yes.” Tenya nodded. “She is a very happy child. But just like you, she’s too smart for her own good. She overthinks things, and the way we raised her…she has a lot to overthink.”
“What do you mean by that?” Izuku asked him, nervously,

They spent over an hour going back and forth discussing Kimi’s life, how isolated she was, how imaginative she was. Her likes and dislikes, worst fears, milestone moments. Izuku wanted to know it all.
When he finally got all the answers he wanted, he turned to his mate. “Do you have any question Kacchan?”

“You pretty much got everything covered.” He grumbled.

“Alright then. What do you guys wanna do?” Aizawa turned to them.

“We can’t kill them.” Izuku stated.
“That’s off the table. I’m sure I’ll think of more questions and I need them alive and accessible for that.”

“I need them somewhere far away from Izuku and Kimi!” Katsuki demanded. “As long as they can never come near them again, then I’ll leave it up to you, Sensei.”
“Understood.” Aizawa sighed in relief.

“Thank you everyone for helping us with this. Now if you excuse us..” Izuku grabbed Katsuki’s hand. “We have to go be with our daughter.”

“WAIT!” Ochaco managed to wiggled out the mouth restraint. “AREN’T YOU GOING TO LET US SAY GOODBYE?”
“Why should we?” Izuku said coldly. “You didn’t let us say goodbye when you took her. You’ve done enough damage. I have nothing to say to you anymore and neither will Kimi.”

“YOU DON’T KNOW THE DANCE SHE DOES WHEN SHE HAS TO PEE! You don’t know the face she makes when she’s hungry but is too embarrassed to ask for food! You don’t know the sound of her footsteps or even what her first word was!”
“You don’t-” She was interrupted by Blackwhip breaking through the glass and wrapping around her neck, cutting off her oxygen supply.

“Stop talking.” Izuku demanded. “I may not know, but I’m happy to learn. I’m going to take back all those years that you stole from me.”
“I hope you get the help you need Uraraka-San. But even if the best doctors in the world cure your mind. Even if you regret everything and really truly change to be a better person than you ever were….you are still never seeing her again.”
He used Blackwhip to push the pressure point on her neck and knock her unconscious. Then he let her go.

“You’ll probably hear from me again Iida-kun. But only if I have questions about my daughter.”

“Understandable.” The alpha nodded with his head down.

“Come on Izuku…”
Katsuki grabbed his hand. “We’ve lost too much time already.”

“We trust you all to make the right decision.” Izuku smiled before following Katsuki out of the room.

His heart raced the closer they got to his pup. His beautiful pup who was alive and well and so smart and brave!
He was nervous. He was anxious. He knew he had to explain to her what happened and who knew how she would react? But he couldn’t wait any longer. He took a deep breath as they stood in front of Eri’s dorm room.

“Ready Kacchan?”

“I’ve been ready for 5 years….”
“Let’s finally bring her home.” Izuku smiled.

He took a deep breath and opened the door.
Kimi had a blast playing with Eri-San and asking question after question that she freely answered! It was refreshing to speak with someone so honest and forthcoming. It became clear that there was a whole world out there that she had no idea about!
“Who’s this?!” She ran over with a large plush of a blonde guy with a red cape and beady blue eyes.

“That’s Lemillion-San! He’s amazing!”

“Deku-San and Lemillion-San are your favorites, huh?” Kimi said as she looked around the room filled with posters, and plushies of the two.
“Yes. They saved me when I was about your age.” Eri informed her.

“Oh! Saved you from what? A villain attack? A falling building? An Avacado Ranch?”

“You mean an avalanche?” Eri snickered.

“That too!”

“No, they saved me from a bad man who hid me from the world.”
Eri answered honestly. “They went above and beyond to free me.”

“Oh…is hiding someone from the world bad? Mama says the world isn’t safe and that I shouldn’t see it until I’m strong enough to face it. Does that make her bad?” Kimi questioned.
Eri looked at her sadly and grabbed a nearby Deku plush.

“Sometimes…adults do things we don’t understand. Uraraka-San…she did something I can’t understand at all.” She sighed.

“Did she have af-hair?”

“My neighbor Shino-San talks a lot! And she talks about how different I look from Mama and Papa! She thinks Mama had an af-hair! And Papa…Papa always looks at me like I’m different from him.” Kimi lamented. “Like I don’t belong to him.”

“I see.” Eri said patiently.
“IS DYNAMIGHT MY REAL PAPA?” She said intensely. “He can explode things and I can explode things! He has blonde hair and I have blonde hair!”

“You’re so smart Kimi-Chan.” Eri said softly. “I’d love to answer all your questions but I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to.”
“Please Eri-San!” Kimi began to tear up. “Mama and Papa will be back soon, right? They won’t tell me anything! They won’t even tell me about all these cool heroes! They won’t even take me to the store! I’m tired of being hidden just like you were!”
“I’m sorry.” Eri gave her a big hug as she cried herself. “I wanna tell you so much. But you wanna know something?” She sniffled and handed her the Deku plush. “I don’t think you’ll be hidden from the world much longer.”
Kimi stared down at the Deku plush and remembered how it felt to be in his arms, to hear his voice, to feel him wipe her tears, to smell his scent. She pondered all of Eri’s words to her.

“Are Mama and Papa in trouble?” She asked shakily as she pieced together what was happening
"Yes." Eri answered honestly. "They are in lots of trouble, Kimi."

"But Mama never hurt me! I f-forgive them for hiding me! It's okay!"

"Kimi-chan." Eri grabbed her hands gently. "There are people who love you very much who will take care of you."
"Who will answer every question you have. Who will let you see the world. Who will take you to the store. I know you'll miss Uraraka-san. But she hurt more than just you. She hurt people who love you very badly." Eri explained.
Kimi looked down at the plush then up at Eri. "How did he know to save me? How did he know I was like you?"

"You're a very smart girl, Kimi. You'll understand when you see him again."

"He's not gonna fly away after saving the day like All Might?"
"You like All Might-San?" Eri smiled.

"I LOVE All Might! He's so cool! And strong! He goes Smash! Bang! And he says 'I AM Here!' and he smiles really big! He's my favoritest!"

"Wanna know a secret?" Eri giggled.

"I wanna know EVERY secret."

"Deku-san can take you to meet him"
Her tears dried up and her eyes widened like flying saucers.

"Waaaah! No way! He will?!" Kimi jumped up and down.

"Oh you'll have LOTS of time with All Might now." Eri reassured her. "He'll be like a Grandpa to you."
Kimi leapt excitedly but her mind was still buzzing with questions and her stomach was still swirling with the thought that her mom was going away somewhere because of her…

“Eri-San. Who’s gonna be the ones taking care of me?”

“Deku-San and DynaMight-San.”
“Oh, I think hear their footsteps now. Listen to me Kimi, okay?”

Kimi nodded as her nerves increased.

“There’s something you have to know about them, which I’m sure you’ll learn very quickly. They love you more than anything.”

“Me? Why?”
“You’ll see.” Eri smiled. “You’re the luckiest girl in the whole world.”

The door opened and Kimi whipped her head around and stared at the two heroes who walked in in awe. They were holding hands.

“WOW! Are you guys married?!” She blurted out.
“Kacchan and I?” Izuku smiled as he squeezed his mates hand tightly. He could feel it through their bond. How nervous he was, how happy he was, how overwhelmed and in awe he was. Izuku was feeling the same. This was their little girl. She was real. She was alive.
“Yes, we love each other very much. How have you been? Did you have fun with Eri-Chan?” Izuku let go of Katsuki’s hand and knelt down to meet her eye level, practicing as much self control as possible so as to not overwhelm her with unwanted affection.
It appears it didn’t work as Kimi froze up as she stared at his face up close.

“Mmhmm.” She nodded.

“Oh, am I too close?” Izuku backed up but before he could back away too far, Kimi smacked both her hands on his cheeks and studied him really hard.
She then looked between his face and Katsuki’s and back at him.

“Is…there a problem?” Izuku laughed nervously.

“You have dots like me.”

“Oh. My freckles? Yes. You have the same ones, huh?” Izuku couldn’t help but tear up.

“I didn’t notice at first…” Kimi choked up.
Izuku didn’t know what to say as he watched her mind at work. She ran up to Katsuki and grabbed his hand.

“You have blonde hair. And you can explode things. And I can explode things!”

“Right.” Katsuki knelt down to her level as well.

“Eri-San!” Kimi turned to look at her.
Eri nodded to confirm was she was thinking and Kimi became overwhelmed with emotions.

“I have a lot of questions for you guys, is that okay?!” She sobbed.

“Yes.” Katsuki picked her up and looked into her beautiful green eyes once again. “Ask us anything you want.” He cried.
Izuku was grateful to Eri for inadvertently being kicked out of her own dorm room the night before a big exam because they spent the whole night talking with Kimi, answering all of her many many questions, and having her answer some of their own.
They told her in the simplest way how they lost her, how they thought she was dead. How her “parents” may have raised her, but they did so by stealing her away and not letting her experience the world in order to keep her a secret.
Izuku feared it would be too much for her all at once, but she absorbed everything like a sponge and was adamant about knowing more! Kimi wasn’t used to adults just telling her things like this. She always got all her information about the outside world from Shino-San’s gossip.
“What’s gonna happen to Ma- to the people who took me?”

“It’s okay to still call them that.” Izuku said to her gently as he pulled her onto his lap. “It’s okay to be sad that they’re gone. And it’s okay to miss them. Your feelings aren’t bad just because they did bad things.”
“I’ll miss them too. They were my closest friends. But they did the worst thing possible to me. But I’ll still miss the happy times, and I’ll always appreciate them. You can talk about them and ask me questions about them anytime you want Kimi.”
Kimi saw the sour look on Katsuki’s face and blinked slowly. “Do you hate them, DynaMight-San?”

Izuku gave Katsuki a warning look but he ignored it.

“Yeah.” He smiled to her. “I hate them more than anything on this earth. Doesn’t mean you have to.”
Kimi’s eyes went wide like flying saucers again as she laughed to Izuku’s surprise.

She covered her mouth and giggled so much, she cried.

“Did I fuck up?”

“Kacchan! Language!”

She laughed even harder at that. “I like you a lot.” She blushed.
She was so used to her “papa” hiding his feelings from her. And now here this man was, her real father, telling her exactly how he feels even if it would make her sad. It was so new! So refreshing! And Sora was right, his bad words were funny!
Katsuki grinned wide and stuck his tongue out at his mate. Their kid was tougher than he gave her credit for. Izuku sighed in resignation as he realized his children would all grow up to be vulgar potty mouths and he could only blame himself for choosing life with Kacchan.
“To answer your other question. We’re letting the authorities decide what happens to Uraraka-San and Iida-San.” Izuku informed Kimi. “I know it’s hard to hear, but it’s for the best you don’t see them again. They’re dangerous people and we can’t risk it.”
Kimi nodded in understanding.

“It’s okay to cry about that if you want.” Izuku said gently. “My feelings won’t be hurt if you’re sad.”

“Is mind reading one of your quirks?” Kimi questioned. “You always know what I’m thinking!”
Izuku nodded his head ‘no’ and hugged her close to his chest. “I just have a feeling.” He sniffled. “Because you’re mine. You’re my little girl through and through. And I love you.” He cried into her hair. “So much.”

Katsuki wrapped his arms around them as they cried together.
Kimi could feel it all around her. A strong overwhelming bond that she never felt with her ‘parents’. It was a pure instinctual connection that made her feel so safe and happy and free.

“I love you too, Mama…” She sobbed.
TBC 👨‍👨‍👧
Katsuki wondered if the past 5 years was divine punishment for how cruel he was to Izuku growing up. The suffering never ended when he thought he lost Kimi. It hurt to breathe, it hurt to walk, it hurt to talk, and it especially hurt to be around his mate.
Because in his mind, he was the one who deserved to suffer. He was the one who should be punished. Yet Izuku was caught up in his personal karma. Izuku didn’t deserve it. He deserved to be happy, he deserved to have that bundle of joy in his arms. He deserved the world.
And Katsuki felt like he broke it for him. He cursed himself every day for going to take that shower. He should have stayed. It should have been him who died in the hospital collapse, not Kimi. Katsuki was filled with self loathing and if it wasn’t for Izuku,
he would have moved to the most isolated forest and never allowed himself to see the sun again. As much as throwing himself off a building would have been a relief, Katsuki felt he didn’t deserve to have it. He earned his own suffering. He needed to live with it.
He was useless, he couldn’t even help Izuku who was probably suffering more than him. He was grateful that Izuku was strong because he was sure he was going to drop several times and Katsuki couldn’t do anything about it. He wasn’t strong enough to even get out of bed.
Katsuki knew the divorce was coming. That his mate would drop him inevitably. And he would lose everything. So he wanted to just get it over with already so he could live his life alone like he deserved and Izuku could move on which is why he cleared out the nursery.
It was stupid, it was selfish, and it was impossibly reckless. He just watched his poor omega who had suffered enough already absolutely lose his goddamn mind. But he finally cut him loose and kicked him out and Katsuki spent the worst three months of his life in hell.
Until All Might saved him. All Might visited him every day and read the news to him, cleaned his bedroom in his parents house and brought him stupid snacks. Katsuki didn’t get why he would do such a thing.
He was a shit mate, a shit sire, a piece of shit all around, yet All Might made sure he let him know every day that he deserved to live. It grounded him in ways he didn't expect, made him feel like he wasn't a lost cause. That final month, he started talking to him about Izuku.
Everyone in his life had tip toed around the subject of his failing marriage but All Might actively encouraged him to get his shit together and get his mate back. He gave him all sorts of information everyone else was hiding from him to spare his feelings.
Katsuki knew he was an idiot but he didn't feel he deserved him. When the divorce papers came, he almost gave up and signed them but All Might punched him in the face and reminded him who the fuck he was. He was Bakugo Katuski and he didn't back down from any challenges.
His marriage may have been a train wreck but if anything was worth fighting for, it was Izuku. Katsuki had never been more grateful for the old man than in that moment. He saved his life, his mate's life, and unknowingly, the happy family his very alive daughter deserved to have!
In a way, he was grateful Kimi got to experience the couple they were now. His and Izuku's relationship was stronger than ever, an impenetrable fortress that nothing had a chance of knocking down. Seeing her alive and well was an other worldly experience.
When he picked her up again and got to look into those eyes that he had dreamed about every night since she was born, it was in a way a form of death. The Katsuki who had suffered endlessly was gone from this world and the one holding her was reborn into a beautiful existence.
It didn’t feel real. But it felt right. It felt like every good thing he had done in his life was finally rewarded. Seeing Izuku hold her was like experiencing true love for the first time. It was everything and it was his. All his.
The first month with Kimi had its complications, but working through them felt simple. Like everything in his life, parenting came naturally to Katsuki. And Izuku was born to love Kimi the way he did. He was perfect and patient and they bonded quickly.
But Kimi bonded with Katsuki first. She adored him. It made sense. Iida was a distant ‘parent’ and Kimi never felt like she belonged to him. However, her connection to Uraraka was strong. Uraraka felt like a mother to her. Iida didn’t feel like a father.
Katsuki was the father she never really had so she grew attached to him extremely quickly. A daddy’s girl within the first week. Izuku couldn’t blame her and by the end of the month, she adored him just as much. There were nights that were difficult.
Kimi went from being happy to angry to painfully sad. She missed Uraraka desperately. She wanted to speak to her. She cursed them for saving her, for not letting her say goodbye, from taking her away from everything she’s ever known.
But Izuku and Katsuki listened and never tried to reason away her feelings. They let her feel them, and were patient with every one of them. They got the best therapist money could by who also worked with her and the difficult nights became less and less frequent.
Taking her to experience the world definitely helped! Katsuki had worried he missed all these milestones with her but it turned out, other than her first steps and words, he didn’t miss out on much! He had mixed feelings about that.
One one hand, he was so damn pissed! Kimi was 5 years old and had never gone to a damn grocery store, or been to a zoo or even pet a fucking dog! She’d never taken a train or been to a 7-eleven or been to an amusement park.
On the other, Katsuki was so glad he got to experience these things with her for the very first time. She was endlessly fascinated by the smallest things.

“Papa! What’s that?”

“The newsstand?” Katsuki pointed at it.

“No! That!” There was a windmill spinning on the cart.
Katsuki bought her the stupid toy and was amazed by it just like she was. He found himself experiencing life all over again just like her. The pink plastic thing span as she blew on it and shrieked in glee. She blew more and more until she blew too hard and accidentally spit.
After five more exploded windmills, Katsuki brought Kimi home crying and Izuku had to distract her with an night flight. That was something Kimi LOVED. Izuku would tie her up in his cape and just fly around the city, letting her see all sorts of things.
"LOOK MAMA! A giant villain!" She pointed excitedly at an attack on the city.

"Looks like the other heroes are already on it!"

"When do I get to see you fight?!"

"Mama's on vacation! Later!" Izuku laughed nervously.
One thing Kimi loved when they all went out was the various disguises Izuku and Katsuki would wear. They were figured out by eagle eyed fans several times and Kimi loved the thrill of the chase. They explained to her why they needed the disguises.
Because the world didn't know Kimi was alive yet. They had no idea what Iida and Uraraka had done. Izuku and Katsuki wanted to make sure Kimi was adjusted to her new life before exposing her to the media circus that would come when that was revealed.
However, that time had to come sooner than later. For one, Kimi needed to go to school! She needed to start a normal life as soon as possible. Well, as normal as a life being the child of the number one and two heroes could be.
That was a new challenge they were working on together with her therapist, the hero commission and their PR agents. Kimi needed to figure out how television and the internet works before actually being on it!

However, that wasn't the most pressing issue they had to tackle.
"Papa, Mama threw up again!" Kimi burst into his office crying. "Save him! Give him kisses so his sickies go away!"

Katsuki sighed and went to the bathroom to tend to his mate.

"I'm fine, Kacchan." Izuku reassured him.
Katsuki ignored him and helped clean him up and rubbed soothing circles around his back. When he felt a little better, the alpha broached the subject.

"Izuku... we have to tell her."

"No, not yet! It's too soon." The omega pleaded.
"She's smart as fuck! She's gonna figure it out!" Katsuki snapped. "You're gonna start showing soon. I'm returning to work soon and you're not, god forbid one of your doctors leaks something to the media and she finds out about it on TV!"
"I think we can keep it to ourselves for just one more month, don't you?" Izuku pouted. "Just one more month so she can feel secure before we throw in a new addition like that!"

"We're not throwing in a new addition! We're including her in every part of the process!"
"I just don't want her to feel like she could ever be replaced." Izuku grumbled.

"Even if she's not happy," Katsuki wrapped his arms around him as he felt his anxiety rise. "She'd feel so much worse that we felt the need to hide something from her."
Izuku knew he was right. After everything Kimi had been through, information was her love language and it would hurt her immensely to find out they hid things from her too. But he wanted to protect her from any potential heartbreak. He didn't want to overwhelm her.
"I don't know. Can't we at least wait a week?" Izuku's voice cracked. "One more week."

"Is this about how Kimi's fears or your fears?" Katsuki sighed as he took his hand and caressed his thumb. "Cause our new pup is coming, Izuku. Ya can't keep pretending their not..."
Izuku looked at Katsuki like his hand was just caught in a cookie jar.

"I just love Kimi so much." He began to sniffle. "I want to devote everything to her, I can't even THINK about another child right now. It's all so fast."
"Just the thought of setting up another nursery or trusting anyone to help while I-" He sobbed as memories of his first pregnancy flooded his mind. Ochaco was there every step of the way. He couldn't remember a time when she wasn't. "I'm terrified!"
There were several times since Kimi’s been back that Katsuki wished he thought to blind Aizawa before making that leap to kill Uraraka. This was one of those times. He held tightly onto his trembling mate and let him get his feelings out.
Just like with Kimi, he couldn’t reason them away.

“Mama! Are you okay?!” Their pup pounded on their door desperately. “Did Papa kiss it better?”

“I’m f-” Izuku began to say before Katsuki kissed him to shut him up.

“Be honest with her. Don’t teach her that ‘I’m fine’ crap.”
“I don’t wanna worry her.” Izuku whispered.

“She’s already worried when she saw you puke your breakfast up.” Katsuki whispered back. “Your Mom needs ten times more kisses to feel better! Come give her some!”

Kimi flung the door open and ran to throw her arms around Izuku.
Izuku gratefully hugged his pup back and let her comfort him despite how embarrassed he felt about it. Kacchan really was an amazing sire.

“Thank you Kimi.” Izuku sniffled. “I’m sorry for scaring you. Mama’s just…” He looked at Katsuki then back at Kimi.
“Scared. I’m so scared of losing you again. You’re so perfect to me. And I feel like I let you down. I’m so sorry I let her take you away from me. I’m so sorry I didn’t notice.”

“You had a knife in your back! You couldn’t notice!” Kimi said reassuringly.

“Papa Kacchan said that she stabbed you in the back!”

“Oh.” Izuku laughed. “That’s just…an expression!”

“An expression?”

“It’s like a picture so your brain can compare things. Um. Like when I say I love you to the moon and back, I REALLY love you a lot more.”
“Oh…I get it. Then I have one!”

“You do?” Izuku smiled at her.

“Mama and Papa make Kimi feel SAFER THAN ALL MIGHTS SHIT!” She beamed.

“Oh…” Izuku grinned wide as he looked at Katsuki with murderous intentions.

“She didn’t learn that from me! I’ve never said that!”
“It must be that damn TV. What did I fucking tell you about changing the channel when Papa’s not there, Huh?”

“Kacchan…” Izuku sighed while Kimi rolled over in laughter.

“Believe me, damnit!”

“Heehee…” Kimi stuck her tongue out at Katsuki.
Later that night, after Kimi finally went to bed, Izuku crawled on top of his mate and kissed him passionately.

“The hell’s that for?” Katsuki smirked.

“Because you really are amazing. I’m so lucky.”

“I know that, but what’s different today?”
“I…feel so happy. You were right. including her in everything? It makes me feel like we’re a real family.” Izuku sniffled. Katsuki smirked and pressed their lips together gently as he ran his hands through his hair.

“You ready to tell her then?”

“I think I am.”
“I do want to point out one thing, Izuku. You said you don’t know who you can trust but despite all that bullshit those assholes put us through? There’s still plenty of people we can rely on for help.” Katsuki lamented.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that.”
“And I got just the person to help us break the news to Kimi.” Katsuki grinned mischievously.

TBC 🧩🔍
“ALL MIGHT’S HOUSE! ALL MIGHT’S HOUSE!” Kimi excitedly cheered as the family made their way over to see her favorite hero for the very first time.

They wanted here to get adjusted to life together before overwhelming her with all these new people in her life.
So they had been slowly introducing her to their loved ones. She had barely met Inko two weeks ago, and Katsuki’s parents the week after that.

“This is mean.” Izuku whispered to Katsuki who was shaking from excitement with a shit eating grin on his face.
“No. It’s gonna be fucking hilarious.” He snickered under his breath.

“I shouldn’t have let you rope me into this.”

“KIMIS GONNA SEE ALL MIGHT! YAY ALL MIGHT!” Kimi danced ahead of them.

“Don’t wander too far Kimi!!” Izuku sighed. “You’re a bully.” He whispered to Katsuki.
“You could have secretly texted him a warning we’re coming any time.” Katsuki teased under his breath. “Don’t act like you’re above this, Izuku.”

“I-I’m not condoning this if that’s you’re thinking!” The omega blushed.

“It’s not that house, Kimi!” Izuku laughed. She stopped in front of every big house thinking it was his. “Whatever happened to not hiding things from her?” He pouted at his husband.

“Come on! Ya gotta let her experience it herself!”

“Her father’s cruelty?!”
“Kimi, we’re here!” Katsuki stopped her daughter from running past the small cottage All Might bought walking distance from them.

“Here?!” Kimi pointed to the house in confusion. “But All Might’s BIG and that house is SMALL!”

“Don’t make fun of his house, Kimi.” Izuku sighed.
“Why don’t you go ring the doorbell?” Katsuki encouraged.

“Kacchan!” Izuku scolded.

“Come on, he can see it’s us through the camera.” Katsuki grinned.

“Kimi is here! Kimi is here! Kimi is here!” She pushed the buzzer over and over.
The door opened and Izuku smiled guiltily as his mentor opened the door in surprise, in all his old, skinny, shriveled up glory.

“Oh! Who do we have here?” All Might greeted.

“Hi old man! I’m Kimi! Deku and DynaMight’s daughter! Can you please move so I can see All Might?!”
Katsuki snorted and doubled over in laughter while Izuku waved his hands horrified.

“Don’t be rude, Kimi!!”

“Oh dear. It’s so nice to meet you! You look just like your mother.” All Might teared up, more in awe of her than anything.
“Mmmhmm! Now where’s All Might? ALL MIGHT! KIMI IS HERE TO PLAY!” She shouted.

Katsuki was howling on the ground with tears in his eyes. Izuku rolled his eyes at his husband’s childishness before looking at his mentor and making a flexing motion with his arms.
“Oh, you want All Might? Give me just a moment.” All Might nodded and closed the door. Then he opened it, greeting her with his full bulked up form. “Hello Kimi! WELCOME! I AM HE-” He couldn’t keep it up and coughed up blood, going back to his normal form.

She shreiked, startled.

“I’m sorry young Midoriya…I thought I could keep it.” All Might apologized.

“Don’t apologize! I’m sorry for showing up unannounced! Kimi…this is All Might, he-”

“Are you okay?!” Kimi grabbed a handkerchief form her backpack and offered it to him.
“Oh, yes, I’m fine.” All Might smiled, touched by her immediate acceptance and care of who he was.

“All Might’s sick and Papa’s laughing!” Kimi fumed at Katsuki.

“He’s fine, you little stinker.” Katsuki rolled his eyes.

“Yes. I’ve got a lot of life in me, Kimi-chan!”
“Good! Because Kimi loves All Might! You’re my favoritest hero!” She threw her arms around him and All Might picked her up, moved to tears.

“I am so happy to finally meet you.” He said lovingly.

Izuku wrapped his arm around Katsuki’s and put his head on his shoulder.
“Our kid is great, huh?”

“Yeah.” Katsuki smirked proudly. “You’re her mom afterall.”

After going inside and getting settled, All Might went in the kitchen to make tea and Izuku stayed with Kimi and told her the story of how he met All Might.
Meanwhile, Katsuki went to assist All Might with the tea.

“Sorry for springing her on ya, short notice.” Katsuki laughed.

“It’s quite alright Young Bakugo. I’m glad I still amuse you after all these years.”

“And I’m glad you can still take my shit.”
“Humor is an important part of life. She surprised me, though.” All Might smiled softly. “Even Young Midoriya didn’t check on my condition when he first saw me like this. She’s very sweet.”

“Yeah, she can be.” Katsuki nodded. “We actually came here to ask for your help.”
“You know I’ll do anything for you two..well, I guess you three now.” All Might laughed.

“Four.” Katsuki corrected him with a proud grin. “Maybe 5 if it’s twins. Either way, Kimi doesn’t know yet and we need help breaking the news to her.”
“And you thought her favorite hero might just do the trick, huh?” All Might smiled.

“Yeah..gotta take the pressure off Izuku. He’s a nervous wreck about it so I feel it’s better you rip off the bandaid.”

“I will do my best!” All Might grinned.
All Might and Katsuki returned and Kimi was reeling from excitement about all the stories Izuku was telling her.

All four sat around and reminisced while Kimi asked them all question after question about One for All, All for One, Shigaraki, and the League of Villains.
“I wanna be a hero just like you!” Kimi beamed and All Might decided to use that as the perfect segue.

“Well you know Kimi, being a hero is great but getting to watch your mother and father grow up? Why, it has made all of my life feel worth it.”
“Really?” Kimi blinked.

“Yes, and seeing you here in my home? It makes me the happiest I’ve ever been! I think you will be a great hero one day! And in fact, I have your very first hero mission!”

“Whaaat?! A mission for me?!”
All Might knelt by her side and put his hands on her shoulders.

“This is going to be one of the most important missions of your life! Do you think you can handle it?”

“Kimi can handle anything!” She nodded in determination.
“Well you see Kimi, your family who loves you very much is growing!”


“Yes! Your mother is expecting a new pup to join your home. It is up to you to take on this grand responsibility of being the best big sister you can be! Are you up for it?”
Kimi looked at All Might then at her parents who were holding each other’s hands anxiously.

“Big…sister?” Kimi said, beside herself.

“Yes, Kimi.” Izuku smiled. “I hope that’s okay with you! Because I love you very much and I want you in every part of this journey!”
Kimi stood up and walked towards her family, putting her hand on Izuku’s belly.

“There’s a baby in here?”

“Uh-huh.” Izuku nodded.

“Boy or girl?”

“We don’t know yet.” Katsuki informed her. “It’s too early.”
She rubbed her mother’s belly some more before looking up at him. “Kimi was in here too?”

“Yes.” Izuku smiled. “You were a very excited pup. You kicked a lot! Especially when I would watch All Might cartoons or when your sire would speak.”
Kimi jumped up and wrapped her arms around Izuku before crying.

“What’s wrong? Oh, what’s wrong Kimi?”

“I wish I got to grow up with Mama.” She sobbed. “I wish I got to see you every day ALL my life!”

“Oh Kimi!” Izuku held her tightly.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around them and kissed her forehead.

“You’re not grown yet, kid. You get every day with us NOW. And ya know something? When squirt here is born, you’re gonna get to find out what it’s like to grow up with Mama.”
“Cause you’re gonna be with us every step of the way. And you’re not gonna miss a damn thing.”

Kimi smiled gratefully at her father and nodded before turning to face All Might.

“All Might! I accept this mission!”
TBC 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦
Izuku was an anxious mess the day the news broke about Kimi. Katsuki had to to take his phone and hide it to prevent him from seeing what people were saying but Kimi was more than thrilled.

“Kimi’s on TV! Kimi’s on TV!”

“What did I tell you? No TV today!” Katsuki snapped.
It had been three months since they had her back in their lives and it was a wonderful safe haven for her, but now they had to get her adjusted to “normal” life. Normal life as THEIR daughter. They already had a safe and secure school picked out where other hero’s kids went.
It was the same Kindergarten Todoroki had attended, and while Katsuki didn’t like sending her to a snotty private school, he understood that it was unrealistic to expect her to not be treated like a zoo animal anywhere else.

The press release had all the facts of the case.
How Uravity lost her mind, how Ingenium acted as her accomplice, Kimi’s heroic act that led her to be found and an interview with the little boy she saved. It also included facts the Hero Commission discovered in the midst of their investigation that had yet to be uncovered.
It turned out, the pharmacist on staff at the hospital was in the fact the terrorist who detonated it. They had given Izuku’s nurse an extremely powered sedative to administer to him which was why he hadn’t woken up during the attack.
They felt the need to reveal his identity so Uravity wasn’t blamed for the attack. However, her being an equipped hero at the scene of the crime and kidnapping Kimi instead of saving countless lives was a whole other legal matter all together.
The Hero Commission didn’t know what Izuku and Katsuki did with the pharmacist. No one ever will. It was a secret that would stay between them and Todoroki forever.

The press release concluded with an interview with the happy reunited family.
Which was the part the Kimi thankfully turned the TV on at and not the part with Ochaco and Tenya’s mugshots.

“We are so happy be back with our daughter, and all we ask if for people to respect our privacy at this time as we heal together as a family.” Izuku had said.
“As a BIG family! Cause Mama’s gonna have a BABY!” Kimi had announced while tapping Izuku’s belly.


Katsuki and Izuku scolded her as the interview concluded.

“They told me they were gonna cut that part.” Izuku sighed.

“Tsk. Vultures.” Katsuki growled.
Kimi was just excited to see herself on TV and Izuku was happy to see her happy.

“Okay Kimi, let’s change the channel to cartoons now so we don’t hear what the boring adults have to say about-”

“She looks just like Deku-San don’t you think?” One of the news anchors pointed out.
“Yes! A blonde Deku-San! So cute! Maybe DynaMight’s genes will win with their next pup!”

Kimi’s eyes sparkled as she blushed. He whole life, she felt she didn’t belong. And now it was unmistakable. She was like her parents. The TV said so!
Katsuki changed the channel to a cartoon she loved.

“Enough with the yappy reporters.” He scoffed.

“Papa! What do they mean by Jeans winning? Like Best Jeanist? Is Mama the better Jeanist?”
“It just means you’re pretty like him.”

“But Papa’s pretty too!” Kimi blushed.

“Uh uh! I’m handsome!” Katsuki snapped.

“Papa’s pretty like Grandma! They’re twins! Grandma’s the better Jeanist too!”

“Yes, your father is really pretty, huh?” Izuku agreed.
“Shut it!” Katsuki kissed Izuku harshly then grabbed Kimi and tickled her.

“No! No! Stop! Papa!” She shrieked and kicked her feet. “Hahahaah!”

Izuku watched them and felt his heart swell. But his hormones were messing with him badly. He couldn’t help but sob.
“Huh?” His family looked at him in concern.

“I…I’m sorry.” Izuku hiccuped. “It’s just…ignore me.” He ran upstairs and closed his bedroom door, locking it behind him. He was so happy. So happy with Kacchan and Kimi and their new pup on the way. But it scared him.
Because the world knew now. It was no longer just theirs. It wasn’t Kimi’s fault that the world knew he was expecting. He understood why the media thought it best to keep that bit in there. It was the perfect happy ending to a harrowing news story.
But it also left him extremely vulnerable and exposed. Because the world now knew an attack on the strongest hero out there SUCCEEDED. The man who did it was quirkless! Any villain could try for a repeat performance now that they knew he couldn’t fight back!
It made the thought of Katsuki’s return to work even scarier. Because last time, he trusted his friends to keep him safe and this is what happened. It’s not even like Ochaco expected to lose her mind. She originally just wanted to help out.
What the same thing happened to Kaminari or Ashido or Jirou? Omegas weren’t the only ones who imprinted on pups either. Izuku went on an internet rabbit hole about the topic and found out alphas could too. It just made the pool of people he could trust smaller and smaller!
There was a tiny knock on the door, interrupting his thoughts.

“Mama…” Kimi said in concern. “Please open the door.”

Izuku couldn’t refuse her and that’s why Kacchan sent her to do it. Dick. Couldn’t he spiral to the point of no return in peace?
Izuku tried his best to calm himself down and wipe his tears before unlocking the door to see his husband who was holding their daughter. Seeing them together, Izuku thought she looked more like Kacchan than people gave her credit for.
She had the same aura Izuku couldn’t explain. She was special. Destined for greatness. Kacchan was the same at her age. It occurred him then that he had seen Kacchan grow into his early life stages and he hadn’t seen Kimi do the same. It was surreal.
“What’s the deal with you, huh?” Katsuki ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead. “If ya wanted to be tickled too, you coulda just said so.”

“Kimi can tickle Mama!”

Katsuki put her down and let her jump on Izuku’s leg and tickle his sides.
“Hahaha! Kimi! I’m sorry..it’s just the pup makes Mama emotional sometimes. That’s all.” Izuku sniffled.

“Hmmm…” Kimi furrowed her brow before plopping her hands on Izuku’s belly. “Hey you! Stop making Mama cry! That’s an order from your big sister!”
“Don’t yell at him.” Katsuki sighed. “Squirt doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

Izuku picked up Kimi and held her tightly. “I love you.” He mumbled into her hair. “I love you so much, I have to let you experience things like school..even though I want to keep you here with me.”
“I’m scared. I’m scared someone will take you away from me again. Or that someone will come after your little brother or sister. Now that the world knows you’re with me…I’m afraid.”

“Izuku-” Katsuki began to say.

“Kimi is strong!” She interrupted him.
“Mama doesn’t have to worry!” She flexed her arm. “I can protect you, I can protect the pup and I can protect myself! I’m a hero! Assigned by All Might for this job! I am here!” She smiled really big and pumped her fist and Izuku couldn’t help but feel instant relief.
Not because he actually expected his five year old daughter to keep him and his pup safe, but because Kimi had such a beautiful heart. She had a way of reassuring people despite all that she has been through. The world was a dangerous place, the hero world especially.
But he had faith in that moment that Kimi would have the strength to navigate it. He saw the best parts of Kacchan and himself in her. She was a hero through and through.

“Thank you, Kimi.” Izuku smiled. “That makes me feel a lot better.”
Later that night, Katsuki had his mate tucked in his arms in their nest. He made sure to give him extra care and attention because he could still feel his anxiety.

“I don’t have to go back, Izuku.”


“I don’t have to go back to work. We have a shit ton of vacation time.”
“But…the world needs you.” Izuku lamented.

“My FAMILY needs me.” Katsuki kissed him. “YOU need me. There are other stronger heroes out there. You and I have fought tooth and nail for this country’s peace. Don’t we deserve to, I don’t know, enjoy it?”
Izuku wasn’t going to lie, having Katsuki home during the remainder of his pregnancy would be a HUGE relief.

“Would you really be okay with that?” Izuku looked at him hopefully.

“I’d be more than okay with that! If there’s an emergency, they can always still call me in.”
“But there’s plenty of great damn heroes out there!” Katsuki kissed his lips then his cheeks, then his neck. “After all the hell we’ve been through, we fucking deserve a year with no damn worries. So fuck it, there’s no debate. I’m staying home!”
Izuku smiled really wide before jumping on top of his mate and kissing him passionately.

“Okay then.” He lapped his tongue with his own and caressed his face feverishly. “Stay home, alpha.”

“Anything for you.” Katsuki huffed.



“Then take your clothes off.”
“Yes, Mama.” Katsuki growled.

“Never call me that again.” Izuku grimaced.

“Just thought I’d try it.” The alpha snickered before ripping his shirt off and flipping Izuku over. He pinned his hands above his head and nibbled on his neck.


Kimi pounded on their door. “Kimi made a big shit! Come see!”

Izuku sighed while Katsuki sulked on top of him, realizing they definitely were not about to finish what they started after getting her to actually go to bed.

“Is it really that interesting?!” Katsuki grumbled.
The news of Kimi’s kidnapping was a firestorm. The entire hero world was shaken up by Uravity and Ingenium’s outright villainy. People’s trust in heroes wavered, and parents couldn’t help but be unsettled by the whole ordeal.
If this could happen to Deku, the number one hero, what could happen to their own children? Omega heroes were being looked at differently which was a side effect they should have seen coming. Izuku thought he would have to exhaust himself to fix the optics of it all.
But Kacchan was right, the world was filled with great heroes. And that included stellar PR teams who worked extra hard to restore the faith of the public and show the world the light at the end of the tunnel. All of Class a helped take over the media talking points.
Even Endeavor and Hawks pitched in to steer the focus away from the negative and toward the hardworking amazing omega heroes who each day put their lives on the line and not once have even thought about kidnapping a child.
Uravity was an anomaly, not the norm. One thing Izuku was eternally grateful for was the unwavering support the public gave his family. It seemed everyone was more than willing to respect his wishes in giving them privacy when they caught them on outings.
Kimi was perceptive though and caught people looking excitedly their direction and almost always ran up and asked if they wanted a picture with her. She quite enjoyed the attention. Izuku and Katsuki had to work on a good balance of keeping her grounded despite her fame.
Having Kacchan around eased Izuku’s anxieties 1000%. He was a great sire, partner, and he made him feel safe and protected. It made it easy to enjoy parenting Kimi. And finally, FINALLY he could look forward to their new pup.
“Alright, you ready?” Izuku asked Kimi as he sat her down with a present wrapped in brown paper.

“Yes! Gimmie!” She grabbed it excitedly.

They had just found out whether Kimi was gonna have a little brother or a little sister.

“If it’s All Might, it’s a boy.”
Katsuki informed her. “If it’s Miruko, it’s a girl. Got it?”

“I got it! I got it!” Kimi nodded.

“What do you hope it is?” Izuku asked her.

“I hope it’s Kimi’s minion!” She giggled evily before ripping the paper off. It was All Might. “Ah Hah!!!!” She lifted it victoriously.
“Kimi’s minion is a boy!”

“Yes! You will have a little brother!” Izuku laughed.

“And he’s not gonna be your minion, twerp.”

“Yes he will! I will make him clean my room!”

“Ya can’t make a baby clean your room!”

“Watch me!”

“Okay okay! Let’s think of a name?” Izuku laughed.
“Kimi II.”
“Katsuki Jr.”

They both said at the same time and Izuku sighed in resignation.

“How about Yagi, huh? Like All Might?”

Katsuki and Kimi looked at each other and shrugged. “

“I guess.”
Izuku looked down at his belly and smiled. “Yagi, we can’t wait to meet you!”

One thing he could have waited for, however, was this day. This day he and Katsuki had been dreading but knew had to happen.

Kimi’s first day of school.
The campus was huge for an elementary school. It was surrounded by a brick wall that could be easily destroyed. Kimi skipped excitedly on the yellow brick-stone that someone could possibly hide under and she pointed at the clock tower that could topple over at any moment.
“LOOK! Mama! Papa! A bell!” She jumped up and down in her uniform which she looked absolutely adorable in. But if someone photographed her wearing it, they would immediately know what school she went to.

“Yes. There’s a bell that a villain could hide in if-”

Katsuki grabbed his hand reassuringly and gave it a tight squeeze. But despite how comforted Izuku was by his mates presence, it’s not like he could station Kacchan here all day! Or…could he? DynaMight would be a distraction on campus but the kids would get used to him…
“There’s no way the principal would mind the top hero as extra security..”

“You’re mumbling out loud again.” Katsuki sighed.

“I’m sorry!” Izuku covered his face in embarrassment.

“A FOUNTAIN! I wanna jump in the water!”

“No Kimi, you’ll drown!” Izuku gasped.
“She’s not gonna drown. It’s not that deep! But you will get your uniform wet, brat! So no swimming.” Katsuki ordered.

“Papa’s boring!”

“School isn’t all play, kid! It’s to learn!”



Izuku laughed at their antics and relaxed just a little…
Every step to the classroom was still filled with anxiety but Izuku knew he had to let go. This was for the best. Kimi had to experience the world. She had to branch out and make friends her age and color in the lines and out of the lines. She had to grow up.
Izuku didn’t want her to. He JUST got his baby back. He wanted her stay with them inside their home forever. He wanted her to stay little and happy for the rest of his life. But that would be impossibly selfish. That would make him no better than the people who took her.
They got to the door of her classroom. It was so much bigger than her, with a cute owl painting on it that said ‘Welcome’.

Izuku bit his lip anxiously. This was where they said goodbye. They would see her in a few hours, but it being away from her for a SECOND felt harrowing.
“All right, now listen here Kimi.” Katsuki knelt down to face her. “You listen to what your teacher says. Get along with your classmates. And have fun, okay?”

“Okay Papa!” Kimi nodded before throwing her arms around Izuku. “Bye Mama! I’ll be okay, okay? I’ll kick ass!”
Izuku picked her up and gave her a long kiss on the cheek. “Okay. Please mind your language in school. Other kids usually don’t talk like that. I love you.” He kissed her again. As much as he wanted to run away and float back home before Kacchan could catch him,
He knew at that moment, that he had to let her go. Kimi was born to take over the world and who was he to get in her way?

“I love you too, Mama!” Kimi grinned as he put her down.

Katsuki held his arms out wide when the door flung open.


Kimi pointed to Sora, the boy she saved in the alleyway.

“Ah! We’re in the same class! I’m so glad! Wanna see my All Might notebook?”

“You have one too?! I’ll show you mine!” She ran in after Sora, giggling, leaving Katsuki stunned.

“Wow. Just like that, huh?” Izuku blinked.
“Kacchan?” He stared at the back of his mate’s broad shoulders as he appeared frozen in time, unmoving. Izuku walked by his side and watched as tears were streaming down his face. “Hey.” He tip toed and kissed his cheek. “It’s gonna be okay.”
Katsuki sniffled as he met Izuku’s eyes. “I didn’t get to say goodbye.”

“I’m sorry! That boy came out of nowhere, huh?” Izuku rubbed his arm gently, trying to remind him Kimi was just distracted.

“Can we take her home?” Katsuki put his head in his shoulder and sobbed quietly.
Izuku pet his head gently and kissed it. “No. We’ll see her tonight. We’ll see her tonight, okay? She’s coming home soon.”

Katsuki held him tightly and picked him up.

“Ah, what are you doing?” Izuku giggled.

“I won’t be able to move without your arms around me.” He grumbled.
Katsuki began to walk down the hall holding his mate for dear life and letting his scent distract him from his daughter’s first 6 hours without them since they got her back.

“WAIT! PAPA!” Kimi ran outside the classroom

“Huh?” Katsuki set Izuku down as Kimi bolted into his arms
“I love you!” She showered his face in kisses.

“Love you too!” Katsuki held her tightly. “Fuck! I love you! Be good! Kick ass! And come home!”

“You bet I will!” Kimi smiled wide and Katsuki set her down before waving at her sadly as she ran back into the classroom.
Izuku threw his arms around his waist and hummed.

“She’s amazing.”

“Yeah.” Katsuki sighed. “She’s perfect.” He picked Izuku up again and walked with him like that all the way home.

By the time they got in their house, their lips smashed together like magnets.
They didn’t need words to convey their intentions. It had been so long since they had the house to themselves. They couldn’t even wait to go to their bedroom as they sloppily tried to find a way to remove their clothes and keep swapping spit.
Katsuki tackled his mate on their couch and inhaled his scent like it was his first breath of oxygen.

“Fuck. I love how you smell when you’re pregnant.”

“Mmm…less talking.” Izuku demanded as he pulled his face against his neck which Katsuki suckled on obediently.
After he thought he lost Kimi, sex and intimacy was difficult for Izuku. Even when they were making Yagi, he couldn’t but feel guilty because that was how everything started. That was how Kimi’s life began and he thought with that beginning came her tragic ending.
But now, his entire outlook had changed. Kimi was the best thing that had ever happened to him and she began like this. Yagi, who was going to enter this world soon also began like this. With a kiss, with a touch, with a burning fire that couldn’t be put out.
With the lacing of their hands together, with immense love and trust and passion he felt for Kacchan, his mate, his partner, his husband, his everything.

Kimi began with a hello.

And Izuku was more secure than ever that he would never have to say goodbye.
After hours enjoying each other in every way possible and airing out their home, Izuku cuddled up with Katsuki peacefully on their couch as they watched some trashy reality show about an up and coming hero agency.

“I’m not here to make friends! I’m here to save people!”
“You can’t even save your hairdo!”

“Tch.” Katsuki snorted.

“That was mean!” Izuku gasped.

“KIMI IS HOME!” The front door opened and they both shut the tv off and ran to greet her.

“Oh Kimi!” Izuku picked her up. “How was school?!”
“School was lots of fun! I made lots of friends! A lot of them have hero parents too! There’s Aki and Mari and Sora and Hakodo and-” She rambled on about her day and Izuku and Katsuki ate up every word she had to say.
Katsuki made dinner while she rambled and when it was time to eat, they all scarfed down their food in comfortable silence. Izuku was extremely happy in that moment, at the dinner table with his husband on his left and daughter on his right.
He ate his extra helping to account for his son who would be joining at the table months from now in a high chair. And for the first time, Izuku had come to accept that this was his normal. This was his family. They were happy. They were safe. They were complete.
He had forgotten there ever was a time they weren’t.

Twelve Years Later

“You don’t have to come with me, Kimi! I’m fine!” Yagi snapped at his older sister who followed him to the mall.

“I know you’re fine! But you’re also hopeless!” Kimi giggled.
“Hana-Chan will totally freak out if you buy her something way too expensive!” She chided.

“Fuck off!” Yagi snapped. White Day was coming up and the girl he had a crush on at school had merely gotten him an obligation chocolate on Valentine’s Day.
“Oh shut it! You’ll thank me later!” She ruffled his black spiky hair.

“You’re one to talk when Sora buys you half the fucking comic book store whenever you hang out!” Yagi pointed out.

“And have I answered yes to any one of his date proposals?” Kimi smirked.
“That’s because you’re evil! You shouldn’t be going to a hero school at all!” Yagi growled.

“I’m not evil! I’m practical!” Kimi laughed. “Buy her something small and simple! Here! That shop over there!” She pointed to a toy store. “They sell the cutest Creati pens.”
“Get her one of those! She loves Aunt Momo, right?”

“Tch…I guess.” Yagi pouted, not wanting to admit she had a great idea.

“Go on! Go buy it!”

“I’ll go look at everything myself and if it’s the least shitty option I’ll get it!” Yagi snapped before stomping inside the store.
“You’re welcome!” She yelled to him as she laughed fondly.


A voice from behind her said, making her jump. She turned to face the woman and bit her lip at the sight.

“Kimi, it’s you. It’s really you!” Uraraka Ochaco stood before her.
After extensive treatment, she had been released from the facility she was at for good behavior.

“Wow. Look at you. You’re really all grown up. And wearing a UA uniform no less… I know it’s been a long time but, I am truly sorry for everything I put you through! Ki-”
“Come on Bimbo, I got the stupid gift!” Yagi appeared from behind Kimi shaking the bag. He looked at the woman before them and froze. “Who the fuck is this?!”

Kimi looked at her brother and then at the woman. “Dunno.”

“Come on, let’s go home! Papa’s making Katsudon tonight!”
Yagi grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the mall.

Ochaco stood there alone, shaking in disbelief.

“Was that Deku and DynaMight’s kids?” A fan asked her in amazement. “Wow! They’re the spitting image of them don’t you think?!”
/End Thread

Thank you guys for reading! This thread was so much fun to write! I’ve actually had this idea in my mind for YEARS. Like I think back when I was teenager? For a different pairing I was fascinated with then. I decided it was finally it’s time to see the light!

If you enjoyed this, I’d really appreciate the support! Once again, thanks so much for reading!


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Izuku gratefully guzzled the water as Katsuki held his head to his heart and let him hear it beat. He always knew exactly what to do.

“Kacchan, you had a hard night last night.” Izuku reminded him. “I saw the news, you were helping those civilians evacuate for hours.”
“The last thing you need to worry about is my runny eggs!”

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Oh no no no!

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