Educate & Celebrate, which hs previously received funding frm the Department for Education (DfE) & hs govt contracts, hs separately faced criticism for advising teachers tht its permissible not 2tell parents if a pupil declares themselves 2be transgender
Dr Barnes also showed a “code of conduct” tht she encouraged schools 2have @ reception & said if people didn’t agree w it they shld not be allowed on 2 the premises..
poster listed all the protected characteristics under the Equalities Act apart from sex
, ‘Educate and Celebrate’ welcomes volume 4 of Andrew Moffat’s ‘Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools’ or ‘CHIPS’ – a series of 20 books with accompanying lesson plans for reception through to year
in 2014 a programme called Challenging Homophobia in Primary Schools (CHIPS) came under serious attack @ another setting in Birmingham, Welford Primary School The headteacher at the time, Jamie Barry, ws effectively ambushed by several groups of parents
James Barry (Welford Primary) Sarah Hewitt Clarkson (Anderton Park) Andrew Moffat (Parkfield )
Article👆 Barry, was effectively ambushed by several groups of parents from a no. of religious backgrounds, & even some with no religious affiliation, who took exception to CHIPS
Birmingham CC Stonewall Champions took radical steps to bring Educate & Celebrate CEO in as LGBT advisor 2013
No parent wants any kind of ideology forced upon their children, but that’s not what No Outsiders is about. It isn’t sex education
No parent wants any kind of ideology forced upon their children but that’s not what No Outsiders is about. It isn’t sex education
2019 Narrative peddled by those who don’t even know it’s the Equality Act & Gender & Gender Identity are not protected characteristics
Since 2014, Birmingham’s education system has been recovering from the Trojan Horse episode, when pupils were exposed to intolerant & non-inclusive teaching.
Educate & Celebrate activists says they are the antidote to counter the ‘extremist’ threat in Birmingham
5,000+ parents petitioned Birmingham CC & Secretary of State of Education in 2014
Professor says no overwhelming rejection
Bristol Parents in 2008 rejected No Outsiders
Parkfield parents were very unhappy 2014 ..
5’000+ Petition 2014
Protests erupted 2019
Professor says no overwhelming rejection
Bristol Parents in 2008 rejected No Outsiders
Parkfield parents were very unhappy 2014 ..(coerced by ‘British Law’ & #Prevent-laced gun
5’000+ Petition 2014
Protests erupted Parkfield/Anderton Park 2019
No Outsiders project (in 15/16 schools) cancelled its launch after death threats allegedly.
The project attracted media attention when it opened explicitly in the be domain of the queer
The project attracted media attention when it opened explicitly in the domain of the queer
The project attracted media attention when it opened explicitly in the domain of the queer
The project attracted media attention when it opened explicitly in the domain of the queer
Framed as reaction against ‘homosexuality’ when it’s the Queer element that attracted the attention
Downplaying the radical nature of project that transgresses govt guidelines
Downplaying the radical nature of project that transgresses govt guidelines
Blurring the boundaries btw adult/children, teachers/pupils ages 4-11 years to explore sexualities is their aim
Matter is so open to misinterpretation essential strong media strategy
In the Closet
Stonewall /SchoolsOut onboard No Outsiders from the start
Strong media strategy essential
The No Outsiders project papers MUST READ
‘a discourse we all tend to appropriate when we communicate with government bodies or with the general public through the popular media ‘
A central topic for both papers, as for the world in general, is Palestine, Israel, the Middle East.
The topic is said by Freedland himself to have been his specialty for some 20 years. I have read through 100 of his writings on the subject in the Guardian, the Jewish Chronicle
and conclude that their content should worry the Guardian staff, its readers and his employer The Scott Trust.
His support for Israel is unbalanced, violates the Guardian’s commitment to liberalism and is rooted in an ethnocentricity that enables him to alternatively
support for Israel is unbalanced, violates the Guardian’s commitment to liberalism and is rooted in an ethnocentricity that enables him to alternatively ignore Palestinians and justify their forced transfer out of Palestine.
It was a public inquisition of an alleged Muslim fifth column within our schools and public spaces that needed to be subdued, contained, and made a cautionary example
This is a theme which has endured and sharpened over time. Yet we can note that an irony of the British political class which promotes the impression that it doesn’t ‘do God’, is that actually, it does.
We reassure ourselves that ours is not a militant secularism (as in France)
militant secularism (as in France), and that neither are we overbearing or bombastic about it (as we perceive to be the case in US public life).
Yet to think that the secularism of our public and political life is a guarantor of fairness or neutrality, is to ignore the
The Israeli side of the Apartheid wall at the border of the worlds largest concentration camp, Gaza,
gives our rebranded Counter Terrorism Crew member, hope 🤔
CT crew keep us totally ignorant on Israeli terrorism/extremism/racism, Jewish supremacy
@WasiqUK apologise I must’ve missed your tweets on the lynching of a 70 yr old Jewish lady by settler terrorists
Jewish people recognising the humanity of Palestinians & standing in solidarity against Israeli terrorism is the meaning of ‘hope’
Doves of Peace & Hope 👇
So when Israeli terrorist & violent extremists (your line of work)
threaten the 3rd most holy site (your faith)
AND the oldest Christian community in the world,
Y’all, the CT Crew, keep us totally ignorant of the reality
In the 49-page ruling, the three-person tribunal comprehensively considered the 10 points of the detailed complaint, brought on behalf of Fraser by high-profile pro-Israel lawyer Anthony Julius.
After dismissing each one of them in detail (“without substance … devoid of any merit … palpably groundless … untenable … obviously hopeless”), the document appears to foreclose the possibility of another such “lawfare” attack ever being brought to court again
“Lessons should be learned from this sorry saga.
We greatly regret that the case was ever brought.
At heart, it represents an impermissible attempt to achieve a political end by litigious means.
It would be very unfortunate if an exercise of this sort were ever repeated”
A new cache of leaked Labour documents shows how Israel lobby operatives worked against former leader Jeremy Corbyn from within the UK’s main opposition party
Israel lobbyist Luke Akehurst intervened to help save suspended right-wing Labour activist Luke Stanger from expulsion – despite a series of complaints of harassment & intimidation.
The leaked files also detail how Palestine solidarity activists & left-wingers were investigated
leaked files also detail how Palestine solidarity activists/left-wingers were investigated/suspended /expelled frm the party, while right-wing pro-Israel members were protected by senior party figures.
The documents were revealed on Thursday in the 1st episode of #TheLabourFiles