Next in #vol35issue8 is Alberto Voltolini (from @unito) who asks how subject and intentional object are related if the intentional object is an object for a subject.… 2/7
Next in #vol35issue8 Valentina Petrolini (from @upvehu) and Agustin Vicente take #autism research as a case study to show that psychiatric research operates in accordance with the principles of homogeneity and additive #comorbidity.… 6/7
In order to promote trasparency in our peer review processes we invite our readers, authors, and reviewers to ask us questions about our practices! Fire away! #PeerReviewWeek22
How many people read your paper if you submit it to us? The editor in chief reads it before assigning it to the editor handling the submission. Then the handling editor seeks two expert reviewers to provide feedback unless the paper is deemed unsuitable for the journal. /1
Once your paper goes out to peer review, what are the possible outcomes? If both reviewers like the paper and deem it suitable for publication, then you are likely to get a verdict of "minor revisions" to enable you to make some changes following the reviewers' suggestions /2