Today In History - The War of the Worlds Radio Drama
October 30, 1938 - Invasion Hoax
8:00 p.m. “The War of the Worlds” episode of the American radio drama anthology series The Mercury Theatre on the Air, [Cont.]
directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, is an adaptation of H. G. Wells’s novel The War of the Worlds (1898). It is performed and broadcast live in New York City as a Halloween episode over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. The episode
becomes famous for allegedly causing panic among its listening audience, though the scale of that panic is disputed as the program has relatively few listeners. In the days after the adaptation, widespread outrage is expressed in the media. The program’s news-
bulletin format is
described as deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the broadcasters and calls for regulation by the FCC, which declines. Some government agencies in the US, Germany, and Russia take note of how segments of the population are easily
manipulated into thinking fiction is fact. According to Annie Jacobsen, the confusion allegedly inspires Joseph Stalin to create a similar scenario with a fake alien crash in the US. - Eberhart
An early study and book on this event: The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic: with the Complete Script of the Famous Orson Welles Broadcast by Hadley Cantril (1940).
Of course Robert Bartholomew has covered this in a few books. Like: The Martians Have Landed!
A History of Media-Driven Panics and Hoaxes
By Robert E. Bartholomew, Benjamin Radford · 2011
The Myth of the War of the Worlds Panic
Orson Welles’ infamous 1938 radio program did not touch off nationwide hysteria. Why does the legend persist?
By Jefferson Pooley and Michael J. Socolow slate.com/culture/2013/1…
The Fake News of Orson Welles
By Peter Tonguette
HUMANITIES, Fall 2018, Volume 39, Number 4 neh.gov/article/fake-n…
"Welles often invokes "The War of the Worlds" as host of Who's Out There? (1975), an award-winning NASA documentary short film by Robert Drew about the likelihood of life on other planets"
In 1975 a TV movie dramatizing this called "The Night That Panicked America" was aired, with a story/screenplay written by Nicholas Meyer. Famous for Star Trek II/IV, his Sherlock Holmes novels and movie The Seven Percent Solution, Time After Time,etc.. archive.org/details/night-…
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Today In History - Cennina CE3 Landing Case
November 1, 1954 - Cennina, Italy
1/6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli sets out for the church at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy. As she passes through a wooded area, she sees a
2/spindle-shaped object standing upright next to a cypress tree. It has two portholes and a little door, through which she can see two chairs. Two little men come out from behind the object; they are dressed in gray suits, cloaks that come down to their waists, and red helmets.
3/They speak in an unintelligible language and snatch flowers from her hands and throw them inside the UFO. Dainelli flees, glancing back only once. [Eberhart]
Cover of "La Domenica del Corriere" November 14, 1954;
Article in the weekly "Tutti" of November 14, 1954;
Today In UFO History - Colorado Project Officially Starts
November 1, 1966
1/The University of Colorado UFO project officially launches. Michael D. Swords writes:
2/“It was one of the most peculiar scientific grants of all time. Normally a governmental grant goes to a scientist who has initiated it or is at least vitally interested and experienced in the field, and essentially knows exactly what he is going to do. This grant was to a
3/scientist who was pushed into it, had little interest and apparently no experience, and, despite his brilliance, ‘didn’t have a clue.’ Because the reports of the UFO phenomenon are so complex and multidimensional, this short-term ‘backwards grant’ was doomed to fail before it
November 2, 1972 - Vogel Report
The Vogel Study of the Yakima/Toppenish lights was undertaking at the request of J Allen Hynek (who investigated them as well) by David Akers, WJ Vogel. Greg Long also studied them, and Earthlights in general. #ufotwitter#ufohistory#earthlights
November 1, 1978
The Air Force decides to produce an F-117A stealth fighter based on the mostly successful tests of Have Blue aircraft at Tonopah Test Range in Nevada. The contract goes to Lockheed’s Skunk Works.
Today In UFO History - NASA's Original Attempt to Study UFOs
October 31, 1977
1/David Williamson Jr., a NASA assistant administrator for special projects, drafts a memorandum of a proposed letter to be signed by Noel W. Hinners and sent to
2/Robert A. Frosch. The letter mentions a revival of interest in UFOs and paranormal phenomena, as well as new sightings. It mentions a lack of tangible evidence to analyze and a lack of protocols for investigating UFOs as hindrances to NASA setting up an investigatory panel:
3/“All in all, undertaking a formal study at this time appears to be fraught with peril.” Williamson sees two choices: refuse the project, or have NASA review the best cases from civilian UFO organizations and new cases. He foresees problems with workload, peer pressure, and
Today In UFO History - The Condon Report
October 31, 1968
1/The Colorado project delivers its report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, to the Air Force. The first two sections, conclusions and recommendations, are written by Condon
2/himself. He concludes that “further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.” It is a clear signal to shut down Project Blue Book. Yet 30% of its cases are unexplained. Condon says a UFO cover-up is
3/unthinkable because no one could keep such a secret for so long. He refutes the claim that the CIA has installed an agent within the project. He disapproves of UFO “amateurists,” especially NICAP. The project ignored old cases because they only offered witness testimony, are