The result of the #COVIDconsensus is 41 statements and 57 recommendations across six major areas: communication, health systems, vaccination, prevention, treatment and care, and inequities - each directed at governments, #healthsystems, industry & other key stakeholders. #COVID19
El #COVIDconsensus reunió a un panel multidisciplinario de 386 expertos en investigación, salud, gobiernos, ONGs, etc., de 112 países diferentes, para elaborar un estudio Delphi: una metodología que tiene como objetivo obtener respuestas de consenso a preguntas complejas.
El resultado del #COVIDconsensus son 41 declaraciones y 57 recomendaciones en 6 áreas principales (comunicación, sistemas de salud, vacunación, prevención, tratamiento y atención e inequidades) dirigidas a los gobiernos, los #sistemasdesalud, la industria y otros actores clave.
¡El éxito del #COVIDconsensus no sería posible sin el brillante equipo de co-presidentes: la Prof. Adeeba K. de @unimalaya, el Dr. Ayman EM de @CUNYSPH y la Prof. @agnesbingawaho de @ughe_org, juntamente a los otros 382 autores de todo el mundo!
El #COVIDconsensus va reunir un panell multidisciplinari de 386 experts en investigació, salut, governs, ONGs, etc. de 112 països/territoris diferents, per elaborar un estudi Delphi: una metodologia de recerca que té per objectiu obtenir respostes de consens a preguntes complexes
El resultat del #COVIDconsensus són 41 declaracions i 57 recomanacions en 6 àrees principals: comunicació, sistemes de salut, vacunació, prevenció, tractament i atenció i inequitats. Cada una d'elles dirigida als governs, els #sistemesdesalut, la indústria i altres actors clau.
L'èxit del #COVIDconsensus no seria possible sense el brillant equip de co-presidents: la Prof. Adeeba K. de @unimalaya, el Dr. Ayman EM de @CUNYSPH i la Prof. @agnesbingawaho de @ughe_org, juntament amb els altres 382 autors d'arreu del món!
We do not think that governments have failed completely to control #COVID19 but we do think that most of them initially underestimated the enormity of the problem & many of them have tried to take a victory lap before the checkered flag was waved. #COVIDconsensus#CovidIsNotOver
A journalist who saw these #COVIDconsensus recs for the 1st time told us that they could really be used to help political leaders resolve a # of societal problems. We would be happy if they could just help improve the way society is dealing with #COVID19.
What concerns me most as a scientist is that so many political leaders have so freely dismissed or second guessed our advice. Now is the time to take action & we hope these recs can be applied to do so.
They say that truth is the first casualty of war. In the battle against #COVID19 the first casualty was almost certainly trust. Trust in science. Trust in governments. Trust in each other. This is why whole-of-society approaches are needed
3/Revisamos datos de los primeros 12 meses de la pandemia : los países que apuntaron a la eliminación de manera persistente (mediante intervenciones estrictas y rápidas) han obtenido mejores resultados en términos de salud y economía, restringiendo menos nuestras libertades.
3/ We review evidence from the first 12 months of the pandemic and find that countries which consistently aimed for elimination (ie with strict, rapid interventions) have performed better in terms of health and the economy, while having to restrict civil liberties less.