🐟interesting drop out rate/protocol deviation, covid era?
🐟LDL-C baseline, similar to reduce it
🐟EPA median 46 ug/mL, higher than reduce it (26), lower than Jelis (96).
🐟hsCRP ~0.40 2/ #aha22
💊nutraceuticals ubiquitous and “assumed” by many pts to be heart healthy.
💊 SPORT ➡️ compared to rosuva and placebo, do they impact biomarkers? jacc.org/doi/abs/10.101… @kewatson@ErinMichos@ljlaffin 1/
N=199, randomized single blind
💊 lipid, hsCRP, CMP. Baseline and at 28 days.
💊 1° risk, age 40-75, LDL-C 70-189, borderline to upper intermediate risk (5-20%, estimated 10 yr event)
💊 1° endpt: %LDL-C change vs rosuva
💊2° endpt: biomarkers vs rosuva; vs placebo #aha22 2/
💊 most were at least 7.5% 10 year risk
💊 nice representation of 💃🏽
💊 LDL-C >100 (~125); hsCRP <2.0
Throwing dollars at “health”doesn’t = improved health. This is staggering. We need to change what and how we deliver #Healthcare and where the $$ are spent #aha22