These people on here Saying “Anti-Christ” & whatever else—They refuse to listen to the one person who knows …
Frederick #CHRIST Trump
Mary Anne #MAC lead Trump
THEY ARE ALL ACTORS, Created names to preserve truth of who someone is!!!!
Did it !!!
1 “side” to show the world who some “nobody” outsider is & the other sides represents all the different paths that could be taken & what would happen on each of those paths !!!
I was raised by MARY MARGARET !!!
My mothers name, Patricia ANN !!
Of Moses in those photo’s & CONTA KAI, ALL IF IT CREATED #SHOWING THE WORLD A #weak PIECE OF SHIT NOBODY the world throws away for actors upon the world stage !
Good & bad Actors playing roles of ME !!!
Just by me being myself & SHOWING everyone All these things I’ve done
In life & letting everyone into my life PROVES ALL OF IT & PROVES #WHY EVERY SINGLE PERSON HAS DONE ALL THEY HAVE IN LIFE TO PRESERVE The truth for THE PEOPLE to know !
Unfortunately you get accounts who have hundreds of thousands following them, being mislead or “lead” by
The ones just as blind as their followers are ..
People see all those followers & think to themselves, “this person might be able to give us what we want”—When in reality these GIANT ACCOUNTS are either doing 1 of 2 things;
- Purposely not showing
ANY OF YOU how it all connects!
So which one is it?
Infiltrators are still EVERYWHERE & the people choose infiltrators over the very one who loves them unconditionally.
It’s so easy to see who is who, just by the way they go about showing the people.
It’s all been made to be so very easy for everyone to know, for those that choose to know at least ..
I have given everything NEEDED but it’s nothing wanted.
So most of what has been happening to the people, has been pretty
Self inflicted upon the peoples selves ..
Created identities were created to preserve truth, they then pass those names down in time using their own lives & their own childrens lives to preserve the truth KNOWING what is to come in the future ..
I’m LIVING proof of #WHY mostly everyone upon the world stage has been
Names as they were & so much more !
Saving Private Ryan, A War movie based on REAL LIFE !!! A #DIGITAL “BATTLEFIELD”, telling. a story about what all of this has been about other than the children ..
You’ve never been useless to Me, everyone has purpose & can choose to do good. Glass
Is always half full seeing through my eyes…
I have always cared.
.@RonKillings —Love you & All that you continue doing !
“No Deals”
The New Deal Skateboards;
When ones never thought Forgiveness would happen or be an option, Someone chose to show MERCY — So bad chose to do good because they were forgiven.
“When Bad does good” for the country, they play their role purposely SHOWING how things
All those Water Marked ballots will show the cheatahs—get ready, cause this sheetahs about to get entertaining …
While Running A swift 77 MPH towards the cheatahs, Cheatahs standing on that rug together in “victory” see the cheetah coming …
THEIR eyes get AS…
The cheetah grabs the rug with it’s awesome Cheetah mouth & pulls the rug right out from beneath the cheatahs !
The world finally sees it’s all staged purposely to show what #WE ALREADY KNEW, CHEETAHS
This “midterm” only verifies what has already been known but there is only 1 small tiny issue, does anyone know what that small tiny issue is? …
I’m weak, I created hard times for myself to care for children that were not mine from 17 on.
I became even weaker 4 1/2 years ago when I created more hard times for myself taking on 3 more children by myself .. They needed protection & love, so I have given 3 beautiful little
girls just that, all so they didn’t have to go through horrible times like so many other children have gone through because their parents just weren’t ready for children ..
I’ll live 1,000 lifetimes purposely putting myself into hard times protecting children, especially those
being abused by their own mother. .
I have always fought for the children & I will NEVER stop fighting for the Children ..
Back To The Future—Twilight, A Biblical Story told looking through the glass in back then SHOWING what is unfolding today …
Same way everything else was created.
It’s all happening as it is to SHOW those who are awake, all who are still asleep. .
Those asleep continue to feed into all of it at face value, making it easier for those awake to avoid any & all confrontation with those asleep.
It is too show the world How much they truly are loved …
The false reality has to continue on because of how many are continuing to show they’re asleep just by the way so many feed into the things happening at face value, like the Kathy Griffin “news” or the many other
Happenings ..
The asleep are the ones who [EVIL]/propaganda outlets/ ghosts Target the most, why?
Those asleep continue showing they’re asleep, [evils] tried getting them to do what [evil] failed doing themselves, destroying this Country/world.