Mr. Beast …
Do I know the hidden meaning behind what is really being shown/Said?
yes, But I don’t want anything.
What I have done, anyone could have done & anyone can do.
I refuse to be glorified or have some sort of “fame” for Doing the right thing. All I have done is
be myself & do the right thing.
We all should know what the right thing to do is, protect the children & be A voice for the voiceless always having the purest of intentions.
The Real Heros/Saviors of Mankind are the men & women in uniform who are about to take back what does
Not belong to corruption. .
Once taken back, it’s all given back to the people.
All the people have to do is BE STILL & be light within darkness. It’s darkest right before DAWN.
Out their roles giving humanity the truth humanity wants to hear.
Down the road, A couple months from now MOSTLY everyone will see clearly who has been in control this entire time.
I wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for Donald J. Trump standing as A wall between
Myself & the enemy ..
[THEY] were never after him, [They] were always after my bloodline & Donald J Trump along with others did what they had to do to ensure the survival of A life who loves the world unconditionally.
Good morning, Batman & many others have been replaced ..
Your minds only see what you choose to see, Nothing Is real.
When I say, ONLY LOVE REMAINS—It’s True.
For now, just continue following all the ghosts/Doubles & enjoi the show.
Justice so the people wouldn’t destroy the peoples own selves & the world ..
Actors have been playing out their scripted roles for YEARS now, the BLIND continue to be lead by the BLIND ..
I don’t [NEED] Justice or to see Justice served, I already know it’s been over for YEARS ..
The world is just now waking waking waking up, it all had to drag on as it has because if it didn’t, the people would have already destroyed themselves & this world ..
Any news of war, war of any kind, False ..
Pretty much all “news” no matter where it’s coming or who it’s coming from is only A way to relay messages ..
Do your own research, see beyond. Face value.
#42, Closing Act. #WarGames
Big Mike (the IRL Big Mike 44’s Big Mike was playing the role of on world stage), time to give back what does not belong to you .
I chose to lift you up because I believed in you to be A voice & A rock for MILLIONS to lean finding out the truth on why their bodies felt different.
There are men & there are woman, that’s it.
Everything God stands for, EVERYONE apart of THAT club flipped upside down & used it against Gods people for personal gains..
If you tell the truth that sets you free, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO let your fans uplift you
Because of these truths, you will not allow it to empower you at all & you have to make it know that is not why you’re telling the truth to them of who you really are.
You will not allow anyone to bank off you, meaning the “controversy that creates Cash”, NO ONE can be allowed