Friends, we trust you are keeping well & the week has started off on a great note. Last week Tuesday, we started an interesting topic titled "Servant Leadership."
This discuss was based on the wealth of Mr. @IdyEnang's experiences & also from a book by Robert P. Neuschel titled: The Servant Leader: Unleashing the Power of Your People.
Enjoy these excerpts & if you have questions, please send an email to
We started the program by look at what Mr. @IdyEnang termed the Neuschel’s nuggets: 1. It is not the lot of the leader to be served but rather it is his/her privilege to serve: this is a fundamental truth that most people fail to internalize.
Service is what makes you the leader because you lead in a very amazing context. People are seeing & embracing something amazing about you thereby dedicating themselves & their lives to whatever you have asked them to do.
2. The head is smart but not always wise and perhaps the highest part in leadership is to balance the head which is the seat of analysis and logic & the heart which is the seat of feeling and compassion
Balanced judgment is between the head & the heart. Why the head? Because that is where everything around analytics happens & that is the home where the environment of logic plays.
But the heart is the headquarter of feeling and compassion and that is why when people talk about emotional intelligence, those are two (2) major words that determine how...
When people do things based on emotions, the end is always disastrous to a large extent but being disastrous means there are loads of regrets even if the person is not there but it goes ahead to impact other people.
So, what Robert Neuschel means when he says, "The head is smart but not always wise," is the need for balance and that balance is between the head & the heart.
So, when you look at yourself right now and ask yourself, “am I leading from the heart? Am I leading from the head or I’m leading with a blend of both for me to have good judgment?"
3. Effective leadership requires a high tolerance for ambiguity & learning in order to live and be productive in an increasingly uncertain environment.
The managerial plain field will be messy, often disorderly & continually changing. What is required is a great deal of calm and the calm is about sorting out & striving to operate on an even keel in an ever-changing and churning sea.
Your inability to cope with uncertainty, constant change, disappointments and even defeat as well as success is a stumbling block to effective leadership.
That is why we need a different mindset, that is why we need to educate our people about the importance of effective leadership and the need for high tolerance.
Do you know how many children or families go through frustrations or frustrating times because their parents are under pressure? Effective leadership requires you to understand this particular aspect.
C. A mature leader has a deep reserve of energy
D. A mature leader has mental and emotional maturity. He/she has a high level of emotional intelligence, meaning that he/she subjects their emotions to some measure of intelligence.
E. A mature leader has inner peace and calmness that fosters stability in the face of tumult.
F. A matured leader has a well-managed ego
G. A mature leader has freedom from arrogance and moodiness.
H. The mature leader has a keen sense of what really counts and this simply means having an instinct for the essential things of life. One of such essentials is RESPECT.
5. The leader needs more than integrity to be successful, without integrity & trust nothing else matters much.Really & truly a leader needs more than integrity to be successful.Integrity is who you are when nobody is watching
6. A high-performing, trusted and respected leader will have an unswerving sense of moral decency. This moral decency comes with a good knack & balance of cultural issues & traits.
What followers do is to see these traits and they either imbibe them & begin to live them or they take them on & totally immerse themselves in it & later on become disciples of this supposed leader.
When you have moral decency on one part, there is also what is called immoral indecency, this means doing things that are contrary to what you expect a leader to do.
Can I be a respectable leader and what is the bare minimum that is required of me from a moral decency standpoint? Can I offer it? Can this trait be perceived & be lived by my followers. Can they of necessity say, “this is a man or woman that I want to follow?” @IdyEnang
7. The effective leader must have the capacity for dealing with abstraction, vision and the ability to conceptualize.
If you want to call yourself a leader, you must be able to project, you must be able to create that vision, that place you want people to get to and it is not an easy turf.
This requires the ability to translate that conceptual information or vision into concrete specifics that are well understood or meaningful to the people that you are leading either in the organization, within your community or country
Very many times those that are given to leadership roles claim to be leaders but in effect most of them could be rightly said to be managers but therein lies the challenge - are you a manager or a leader?
8. The successful leader energizes people as he/she leads them. The drive and energy of the leader must get reflected in the thoughts & actions of the people throughout the organization
An effective leader is ever inspirationally-dissatisfied & instills that feeling in the troops. Once that is being cascaded, you find the troops wanting to do more... strive to that place that has been painted - they need to conquer that city; they need to conquer that terrain or they need to bring that trophy back.
When you are totally satisfied with the current status quo, then you are swimming in the ocean of mediocrity and that’s why you must keep on as a leader to have that inspirationally dissatisfaction so that your troops will see that we are striving for more...
...we are striving for more, for better, for best not just sitting with what we are used to. Otherwise, higher levels of performance will continue to elude us.
10. A leader needs a vast amount of physical, spiritual and psychic energy. Frustrations, disappointments, and high mountains will drain away energy from you.
The spiritual energy is the one that galvanizes the entire being. The pressure to compete, to make changes, to face the new demands will be very physically and emotionally tiring.
So if you are not in a space where your physical and spiritual state are in abundance of energy then the chances are you will continually be frustrated, disappointed, and if care is not taken you will de-motivate your team & performance will be far from that team.
11. Strong leaders do not nibble around the edges. When you find a strong leader, you will not find him in corners just trying to pacify the troops - they don’t sweat small stuff.
12. Success in interpersonal relations does not depend on mental brilliance or the high intelligence quotient. It depends rather on practical intelligence i.e. emotional intelligence.
It depends on sensitivity, it depends on common sense and a bigger dimension of emotional maturity which is considered as a factor for successful relationships with others.
So, if you ever want to be successful as a leader you must understand that interpersonal relations are very key. However, it’s not just having those relationships but you need to have practical intelligence.
If you use your emotions alone, they will not be intelligent because they may end up being very disruptive and destructive in the long term because you have only applied one part of it and that part is that which has to do with feeling and compassion.
13. Courage is huge and it is among the most desired leadership qualities. A courageous leader will at every point in time recruit the right kind of followers because they know that whoever is leading has this singular leadership trait and quality called courage.
Courage is innate and it will then manifest in a dimension that makes everyone say, “ that man or woman has a major ingredient that makes me follow him or her.”
Dear friends, we continued our conversation on servant-leadership yesterday while taking references from Robert Neuschel's book titled: "The Servant Leader: Unleashing the Power of Your People."
It was indeed an interesting episode & here are the excerpts.
You cannot live in the past. Great as the past might be, it isn't significant when you are looking at the present. It does not create a sense for the future because it is the NOW that creates the future
You must be current in what is going on in your profession and you must be an annual contributor. Attend conferences, webinars and association meetings.
Competitive advantage is about how one business differentiates itself from another in such way that the target customer will show preference over that business.
Dear friends & listeners of #navigatewithidy, we trust you had a great time on yesterday's edition of the program with @IdyEnang & Mrs. Folasade Ambrose-Medebem as they shared their thoughts on Entrepreneurship 101.
Here are some excerpts from that insightful edition.
To succeed as an entrepreneur, you must have some enterprising characteristics. Entrepreneurs provide value, a service or a gap in the market to fulfill a need.
There are characteristics & traits that distinguish great entrepreneurs from others and some of these are:
a. Passion
b. Self-belief
c. Self-awareness
d. Grit
e. Ability to take some knocks & fail & the ability to bounce back
Dear friends, welcome to today's episode of #navigatewithidy. Today, @IdyEnang will be looking at a vital topic that is paramount to building a successful enterprise.
Curious to know what that is? Join the conversation on @LagosTalks913
For you to be established in business, you must be a rule-breaker. This implies that your mind must be transformed, this is not about you breaking the law.
Today, we are looking at "How to Write A Business Plan." Most business plans are usually long on information but short on ideas - not pointing clearly to the way ahead because the person doesn't know what that 'way ahead' really would be