New OECD report on tipping points should frighten everyone.
“Recent state-of-the-art research shows that important tipping points are already ‘possible’ at current levels of warming and may become ‘likely’ within the Paris Agreement range of 1.5 to 2°C warming…”
The @OECD report summarizes latest research that shows these "self-reinforcing, severe & irreversible changes could occur far sooner & at lower levels of warming."
"The crossing of one climate system tipping point can generate positive feedbacks that increase the likelihood of crossing other climate system tipping points"
Climate Tipping Points: Insights for Effective Policy Action
This should be major news - the OECD warning of tipping points being likely triggered much earlier, setting off self-reinforcing, severe & irreversible changes of the climate system.
But there is literally no news coverage. #DontLookUp
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In 30 years of UN climate negotiations, eliminating the primary cause of global heating - fossil fuels - has never been mentioned in the decisions, not even in the COP27 in 2022.
António Guterres, secretary general of the UN, warned: “Our planet is still in the emergency room. We need to drastically reduce emissions now – and this is an issue this Cop did not address. The world still needs a giant leap on climate ambition.”…
“I have three priorities for our economy: growth, growth and growth.” Liz Truss’s pronouncement reverberated around the world. So, too, did her attacks on what she called an #antigrowthcoalition. @TheAntiGrowthC4
.@trussliz focus on economic growth is politically misleading, economically wrong-headed and profoundly outdated.
By putting growth at the centre of her political programme, she is invoking an economic ideology – the “growth paradigm” – that emerged during the 1950s
The critique of economic growth is as old as growth itself. And it’s not just about the more recent critique of GDP or about growth as a policy goal, but goes much deeper. How was growth criticized and by whom?
It starts from the premise that while critiques of growth are likely to shape future social conflicts around economics, environment, & politics, we know little about the diversity of exiting growth critiques or about their historical origins and longterm trajectories.
In fact, while economic growth is at the centre of not only of politics and public debates, but also of economics and other social sciences, we lack a coherent research agenda on the questioning, critique of and resistance against growth in a long-term perspective.
Being a provocative term, #degrowth is often misinterpreted or misrepresented, even by many who share its objectives.
After Starmer’s speech calling for ‘growth, growth, growth’, #degrowth is trending – a good time to discuss the most common misunderstandings. 🧵 based on book
This is based on our just published @VersoBooks with Andrea Vetter and @a_vansi. More info here 2/
1⃣ One common misconception is that degrowth is either a proposal for recession, imposed austerity, or that it will necessarily result in economic collapse and social catastrophe. 3/
"9 Euro sind nicht einfach nur ein Ticketpreis. 9 Euro heißt Entlastung bei steigenden Preisen, Mobilität für alle, Klimaschutz, Gemeinwohl und einen Schritt in die Zukunft."
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Is degrowth a neoliberal “politics of less” and ultimately against workers? These are the arguments in a new book by @Matthuber78.
Since we have a book coming out @VersoBooks too, we’ve been asked to engage. Fortunately, @PoliticOfNature has done this already - some thoughts 🧵
I have read Huber’s book "Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet" and find many of his arguments really convincing – in particular where he discusses the need for broad strategic alliances, a materialist analyses, and class-based climate politics. 2/
In effect, many of the things he criticizes with respect to degrowth, are things that we also emphasize in our book with Andrea Vetter and @a_vansi