"Looking at that quote & the Grattan Report side by side, it’s easy to feel like not much progress has been made in general practice policy in the three decades between them" – @JenniferDoggett
"Traditional Owners, health researchers, doctors and concerned community members have called for real-time ambient air quality monitoring to be undertaken and for data to be made publicly available" – @Jade_Braddy
"Building basic literacy skills can help keep people out of jail, & for those in prison, participation in literacy & numeracy programs while in custody can help reduce recidivism (reoffending)” – @jackbeetson Melanie Schwartz & Pat Anderson
“It is time Australia remembered its heart and recognised severely injured patients as a legitimate trauma-exposed population requiring effective, coordinated support, acknowledgement and compensation” – Sarah Walls & Vickie Veitch
“Minister, please say no to the dam to protect our forests and their important carbon stores as a public health priority for our future” – Lydia Birch, Darren Briggs, Elizabeth Haworth & Felicity Rea
“Changing a system by name, law or otherwise that delivers the same awful outcomes through the same awful processes is the very definition of insanity” – Karl Williamson on the Family Matters report
“System-wide reform is needed to bring together an increasingly fragmented system, where the most disadvantaged struggle to get the care they need, when they need it” – Lauren Richardson in the #PHAAThinkTank series
“For those countries that already have wellbeing frameworks, the policy areas covered include income, employment, education, environment, personal safety and health” – Elizabeth Deveny @CHFofAustralia
“The best way to reduce the risk of transmission is to reduce the concentration of airborne virus that is available to be inhaled and can therefore cause infection” – Lidia Morawska & Guy B Marks
First published in @ConversationEDU
“This was only the second COP where @WHO had a health pavilion. This seems remarkable given that concerns about the health impacts of climate change have been raised for decades” - @yzhang01
“It is all possible. It is a process which can be started now with little cost. The lives of our patients depend on reform. Our society can be healthier” – Tim Woodruff, first published in @johnmenadue
“As public health researchers and practitioners, our health is important too!” – @amyepeden, in a detailed Twitter wrap of #Safety2022 via @WePublicHealth
“Hopefully some of those responding to the paper will suggest taking a broader approach, thinking beyond healthcare & health systems to envision a health in all policies approach that centres equity & climate justice considerations”– @MelissaSweetDr
“I strongly urge you to read this Croakey report, understand the stories of the @AKction2 team members and be inspired. While there remains much to do, take a moment to reflect on how far this incredible team have come” – @shilpa_jes
* interviews
* sourcing health updates via Twitter, media releases etc
* attending webinars & meetings
* commissioning stories
* working on special projects
* editing opeds & other stories
Our social journalism team of editors, contributing editors, columnists & collaborators come from across Australia (and one from the UK!), with a wide range of backgrounds & skills.
As @MelissaSweetDr has tweeted this morning, one of her favourite stories of #ResearchTranslation is how @AKction2 go about it...with an important focus on involving patients in the research from the beginning! AB
Huge shout out to funding consortium members @AHPA_AU, the only professional association in Australia specifically for people involved in practice, policy, research & study of health promotion.
.@AHPA_AU have member branches in each state/territory and keep busy advocating for health promotion, such as their submission to gambling harm Inquiry, & supporting members through their #healthpromotion activities
On #AppreciationDay, the @CroakeyNews & @CroakeyServices team sends a big shout out to @LowitjaInstitut for wide-ranging work for health and wellbeing through quality research, knowledge translation and by supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health researchers
The @LowitjaInstitut & @JanineMilera have been longstanding supporters of public interest journalism in so many ways, including as a #HealthEquityStar member of the Croakey Funding Consortium
The connections between public interest journalism and research translation are many; something @MegBastard will explore tomorrow as part of the #CroakeyFundingDrive. Don't miss this new Pathways to Research toolkit lowitja.org.au/page/services/…