Better requesting things that help creditors level the information curve with bidders rather than dirty laundry that divides creditors. If you were on the last #Celsius#UCC Town Hall you know what I’m talking about. 🍋 #CreditorsFirst
The Full Testimony #SBF Planned To Give To Congress Today! @SBF_FTX Testimony page 1 #FTX U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services…
#SBF Testimony page 2 #FTX U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services…
#SBF Testimony page 3 #FTX U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services…
If you lost money in the @Mashinsky#CelShortSqueeze the examiner report on $CEL & misrepresentation comes out on 17th January 2023. As creditors we had to pay tens of millions for the report so lets make sure we use it & get our return on investment in the end. #FTX#Celsius
Remember the #CelShortSqueeze if organized by @Mashinsky was not a #Celsius initiative so legal consequences of the losses do not likely come from a bankrupt estate. This is him acting as an individual extracting value from creditors estate. Not legal advice. $CEL
The first person to fight against participating was also the first to call out @SBF_FTX for $CEL price manipulation but refused to participate in @Mashinsky short squeeze. His account is @TheRealPlanC who has been supporting creditors the whole way & was attacked by Alex #CELArmy
#CELSIUS HEARING LIVE: Custody/Withhold hearing starting. Kyle from Togut up and giving a synopsis. Kyle is making the case that a fungible commodity makes no distinction as to what you specifically get back so internal ledger matters more so than actual custodial implementation.
#CELSIUS HEARING LIVE: Judge is asking for clarification as to what written contract terms he's basing his intent argument on. Judge asking about the approx value to the pending withdrawals. ~ $15m of the custody assets according to Kyle.
#CELSIUS HEARING LIVE: Kyle said there isn't a large amount of case law related to custody and reaffirms the concept in a more general sense. Chris Koenig from Kirkland up for Celsius to argue their point. Using Doc 393 pg 533 language to support their argument.
#CELSIUS HEARING LIVE: CEO Chris Ferraro on the podium being sworn in and giving some background. Sharing his farming background after JP Morgan. He's saying the rural farms he developed helped him see the value crypto could have for underdeveloped populations.
#CELSIUS HEARING LIVE: US Trustee asks about a consolidated budget provided on dec 3 to the trustee's office that hasn't been filed yet. She's pushing that a budget hasn't been posted to the docket since Oct 17, 2022.
#CELSIUS HEARING LIVE: All entities on a consolidated and individual basis will not need liquidity till March 2023 including mining. Israeli & GK8 have received some non-debtor disbursement. He thinks GK8 gets about 500k/month. Israel entity is close to that as well.
1 - We will know in 2022 who gets 100% of coins back or haircut like others. The bid to sell Celsius assets starts & ends by Xmas. Loans / Equity / Custody / Withhold / Stables / Liquidated Loans / in-app CEL all settle in court / with bidder.
2 - The bid likely leads to us receiving 40-50% of our coins back depending on market conditions & ad hoc group decisions. On top of that we likely receive either another 10-20% from cash bids from sales of illiquid assets in bear market OR we get exposure to the illiquid assets.
3. I’ll fight for exposure & am willing to execute myself if @BankToTheFutire is selected. If we get exposure we have a chance of full recovery & a vote to ensure we like the plan. If we get cash we lock in our haircut with no vote & move on or lobby UCC to change the outcome.