With these empty slogans like #naturebasedsolutions, it's always essential to unpack. Solutions to what? Total is not the only oil company with a 'nature-based solutions' unit. #NBS are clearly valuable #greenwashing tools of the biggest polluters.
The biggest promoters of #nbs at the #cop15 negotiations are the wealthiest nations of the world: European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland. So #nbs are also about #greenwashing the ongoing overconsumption of resources by the global North.
The US would certainly be on that list but they are not a party to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. They let others do the work at #COP15 on behalf of the global elite and the fossil fuel industry.
Net zero is the new climate denial: a #cop26 thread. 1/
Net zero denies history and responsibility. Net zero is forward looking – towards 2050 and beyond. It erases the history of how we got here. 2/
It erases responsibility for the situation we find ourselves in. 2400 Gt CO2 of the 1.5 budget is already used up, mostly by the wealthy countries of the world. 3/
@COP26 The Paris Agreement says "pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels"
There's nothing in there about overshoot and then coming back down to 1.5 °C.
Overshoot is a huge threat to lives, livelihoods, ecosystems.
@COP26 You can't exceed 1.5°C, which will collapse ecosystems, food systems, uproot millions and millions, and then just imagine that if we get back to 1.5 all will be fine.
With offsets, one entity continues to emit while another is paid to do something nice for the climate. #Offsets don't stop emissions. Offsets are the opposite of reducing emissions. 2/
The author seems to confuse #offsets with #removals. Don't do this. Yes, removals in forests and fields and grasslands are important to staying below 1.5C. But these are not offsets.