1) In light of a surge in pediatric deaths following Group A Streptococcus infections, some observers have tried to link this tragic trend with #pandemic lockdowns and other precautions. In this thread, I will try to explain why that is not the case.
2) Those blaming #pandemic protections for a spike in scarlet fever and invasive Group A strep infections argue children's immune systems were not "challenged" sufficiently during lockdowns. Once precautions were lifted, many kids got sick as a result, according to this theory.
3) "You can get really sick, perhaps more so than you would have normally because your immune system really hasn't been challenged as much recently," pediatric specialist Priya Soni told the New York Times. Makes sense right? Many politicians are now toeing this line.
4) But one only need look to the experience in Sweden — which implemented few protections and no lockdowns during the #COVID pandemic — to disprove this "immunity debt" theory. If this theory holds true, Sweden should now be mercifully spared a spike in Strep A infections.
5) Except that it isn't. From October to Dec. 7, 16 Swedish children under age 10 were infected with invasive Group A Streptococcus (iGAS). But in the two years before the pandemic, seven cases were reported in this same age group for the same months in 2018 and 10 cases in 2019.
6) In fact, the World Health Organization has noted that there were more cases in Sweden of iGAS before the #pandemic, suggesting that the few #COVID public health precautions in that country likely protected the #pediatric population, if anything. Please see below.
7) Well, some might argue, this only applies to Group A Strep. Because it imposed no #COVID lockdowns and few other #pandemic precautions, Sweden is likely now being spared infections of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Except that it isn't.
8) Sweden is now on track to record more cases of RSV in 2022-2023 than it did in the years leading up to the #pandemic. Please review the surging red line in the chart below, courtesy of @DrJohnHhess.
9) Perhaps there are other reasons for this spike in pediatric influenza, RSV, scarlet fever and iGAS. One possible explanation is #COVID itself, suggesting that this pathogen may be causing immune dysregulation in children.
10) Of course, more research is needed to confirm or rule out whether, in fact, #COVID is causing immune-system dysregulation among children. But prudence should at the very least dictate that people wear masks again in closed settings to limit the spread of respiratory viruses.
11) Another possible explanation is the rise in co-infections in jurisdictions around the world that have lifted #COVID protections, despite the fact the #pandemic is still far from over. This shortsighted policy has allowed the flu, RSV and other viruses to co-circulate freely.
12) Indeed, a Lancet study in April warned "as public health restrictions are lifted,...virus co-infections are more likely to occur during future winters. It concluded "SARS-CoV-2 co-infections with influenza viruses were...significantly associated with increased odds of death."
13) Okay, some might argue, this is only occurring in the adult population, not among kids. However, the World Health Organization is suggesting co-infections might also be causing some Group A Strep (GAS) infections in children. Permit me to quote the W.H.O. on this in full:
14) "The observed increase may reflect an early start to the GAS infection season coinciding with an increase in the circulation of respiratory viruses and possible viral coinfection which may increase the risk of invasive GAS disease," the W.H.O. declared in a Dec. 15 statement.
15) The W.H.O. goes on to suggest this is occurring following the lifting of precautions, resulting in "population mixing." Let me quote in full: "This is in the context of increased population mixing following a period of reduced circulation of GAS during the COVID-19 pandemic."
16) What many countries are now going through is a #Syndemic, defined in Wikipedia as "the aggregation of two or more concurrent or sequential epidemics or disease clusters in a population with biological interactions, which exacerbate the prognosis and burden of disease."
17) What some infectious diseases experts had long feared in the past two years has now arrived: the #COVID pandemic coinciding with a much more virulent flu season, plus RSV and other pathogens thrown into the mix at a time when few public health protections exist.
18) The spike in pediatric flu, RSV, scarlet fever and Group A Strep is not the result of lockdowns or masks. It's likely because politicians naively assumed the #pandemic was over (think of the term "post-pandemic" being bandied about) and foolishly lifted precautions. The End.
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1) One of the most under-reported stories of the #pandemic in Quebec this year has been the surge in excess deaths occurring this fall. In this thread, I will delve into this troubling trend and explain why it's likely happening.
2) Excess deaths, or "surmortalité" in French, is arguably considered the best way to assess the overall impact of the severity of the #pandemic. Premier François Legault has cited Quebec's surmortalité rate often to defend his government's handling of the #COVID crisis.
3) Our World in Data defines excess death as "a term used in epidemiology and public health that refers to the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under ‘normal’ conditions." Naturally, it takes time to calculate.
1) It was only a few weeks ago various pundits and news publications in the United States predicted the U.S. would be spared a resurgence in #pandemic hospitalizations. Sadly, they turned out to be wrong, with intensive-care stays for #COVID now at the highest point in 4 months.
2) Note the U.S. is likely only at the start of this resurgence in hospitalizations, yet some hospitals are already overwhelmed amid the most virulent flu epidemic in more than a decade. A New Mexico hospital closed its parking lot to pitch a tent to absorb an influx of patients.
3) Dr. Eric Topol, a U.S. #COVID expert who has been tracking the #pandemic assiduously since the beginning, expressed concern in a tweet about the potential impact of this latest resurgence in hospitalizations on seniors.
1) Breaking: Quebec on Wednesday reported 2,081 hospitalizations for and with #COVID, the highest level in two months. Of that number, 14 children under the age of 10 are hospitalized while testing positive for SARS-CoV-2.
2) Without any doubt, the #Omicron subvariant BQ.1.1 is driving the latest resurgence of #COVID hospitalizations in Quebec. This viral strain has been described as having "marked immune-evasive properties." Its prevalence in Quebec is now 48%, up from 11.7% six weeks earlier.
3) It would appear this Omicron subvariant is the type of "game-changer" that Quebec's chief public health officer seemed to suggest a few weeks ago should warrant new measures to protect the public. We'll find out at Dr. Luc Boileau's 1 p.m. press conference today if that's so.
1) À la veille de la conférence de presse du directeur de la santé publique mercredi, Santé Québec a diffusé une nouvelle publicité faisant la promotion du port du masque. On entend la musique romantique de Clair de lune de Debussy. Quel bonheur !
2) Pourquoi nos autorités de santé publique ont-elles si peur de rendre encore le port du masque obligatoire lors de cette nouvelle recrudescence des hospitalisations dues à la #COVID19 ? Le Dr Luc Boileau le recommande fortement, mais ne l'impose pas.
3) Selon le dernier sondage de l'Institut national de santé publique du Québec publié le 2 décembre, 46 % des personnes interrogées étaient favorables au port obligatoire du masque dans les espaces publics fermés, contre 48 % qui y étaient opposées. Voir ci-dessous.
1) For nearly 2 weeks, one of Canada's preeminent public health researchers has been hacked out of his Twitter account. He's contacted #TwitterSupport repeatedly, to no avail. In this thread, I write about the plight of Timothy Caulfield and other scientists on this platform.
2) Caulfield, author of several bestsellers with more than 83,000 Twitter followers at one point, has served as a guiding light during the #pandemic, fighting misinformation about vaccines, among other topics. But since @elonmusk took over Twitter, things have gone south for him.
3) His Twitter account (@CaulfieldTim) was hacked Dec. 7. The next day, I received a message from a phisher purporting to be a Timothy Caulfield of Twitter's "trust and safety team" — when my account got hacked. But I regained my account Monday. Caulfield is still locked out.
1) Breaking: Quebec on Tuesday reported 2,021 hospitalizations with and for #COVID, the highest tally in nearly two months. Government projections are also warning of a continued increase in the weeks to come.
2) A reliable indicator of the severity of Quebec's latest #pandemic wave (it's the 8th or 9th, depending on how you assess things) are intensive-care stays just for #COVID. It's still relatively low at 36, but it's inching up. On Dec. 1, for example, it was only 23.
3) Meanwhile, Quebec's public health institute on Tuesday released #COVID hospitalization projections based partly on the rising prevalence of the more contagious #Omicron subvariants, BQ.1 and BQ.1.1. They show a peak at the beginning of January for the Greater Montreal Region.