Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE
The temple was ravaged by Muhammad Gazni when he invaded India during the 10th Century. #Templeruins series
Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE #Templeruins series #Archaeology
Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE #Templeruins series #Archaeology
Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE #Templeruins series #Archaeology
Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE #Templeruins series #Archaeology
Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE #Templeruins series #Archaeology
Harshat Mata temple
Abhaneri, Dausa, Rajasthan India
ca 800-825 CE #Templeruins series #Archaeology
Thread on BREAST CLOTH Controversy and MULAKKAM in Travancore conveniently combined and projected as BREAST-TAX.
Surprisingly, breast-tax find earliest mention only 48 years ago. However, there are no such records whatsoever in 300 years old history.
Mentions of Breast-Tax in chronology
1972 Book by TKRavi.
1973 Book by TKRavi.
2000 Book by SN Sadesivan
2011 Book by A. Raju
2016 BBC
2017 Indiatimes,Scroll,theHindu
2018 Deccanchronical,Indiatoday.,Movie by Pagare
2019 books by Menon, Emmanuel T, Subhrashis, S pillai
Surprising to see sudden spurt in a story being pushed as an EVIL collectively by several people. Books are being written on a fake story.
#THREAD TAXATION/oppression on NADARs & Poors during beginning of 19th century.
The Whole Taxation system was arbitary and barberous in Travancore. The taxes were mainly on unpriviledged Class.
Not only the tax was arbitarily collected from subdued Nadars also 20% of tax sp collected by officers was not deposited to Govt Cofers.
#1 POLLTAX was a capitation tax imposed in 1754, on the Nadars and the Ezhavas by Marthanda Varma to fill the state exchequers.
Nadars staying in Travancore were liable to pay tax for their dead and migrated members as well.
Convert Christians were EXEMPT from POLL TAX.
Virupaksha Temple located in Hampi, Karnataka (UNESCO Site) built around 700 AC had a dark chamber built using 'PINHOLE' Technology.
Pinhole Technology was used 200 years before Arab Scholar Ibn Al-Haytham (945-1040) thought to hv mentioned Pinhole
Pinhole technology is used in modern cameras. It creates exact inverse image of the object on the other side of Pinhole. thoughtco.com/history-of-pho…
The First photographic image with a camera OBSCURA was obtained by a French scientist Joseph Nicephore Niepce in the winter of 1827. thoughtco.com/history-of-pho…
And it looked like this 👇
#Thread on what was happening in the world during passage of #Kaliyuga "A Celestial Clock Reset" caused by planetary conjunction dating 18th Feb 3102 BCE #Archaeology#Astronomy
During 3100-3200 BCE lot of Geological, Meteorological, Weather, Oceanological, Civilisational changes occurred. It was very tumultus. Hindu Epoc #Kaliyuga Started during this period only
Meteor Showers & Comets recorded 3100 BCE
• 4 comets one month apart made terrestrial orbit intersections with the Earth-Duncan Steele
• Comet Proto-Encke made its closest pass to the Earth
• Fall of dust veil all over the world - Tree Rings in Ireland and England