Now ... the whole year has been a kind of test,
comparing performance to the year before.
And - the test was quite clear ...
... as despite gaining a ton more followers (thank you!),
the number of likes and shares was lower.
And as BSEO doesn't seem interested in it,
I might as well make it a thread for 2023.
You'' also have noticed that I worked hard at resharing some of the older stuff.
That netted me up to an additional 10% of likes/shares,
but more importantly, gained more followers.
1) What is a "conversion" 2) There are other goals
Conversions aren't always Direct/Immediate!
They also may be action (signup) rather than transaction (payment).
Or they could transfer (online to store visit/call)
As a channel, SEO can generate Awareness/Exposure, build Recognition/Trust,
and the content may be their for trust/perception/persuasion etc.,
rather than direct/immediate money.
So ... depending on situation;
No, Traffic that doesn't lead to conversions may not be a waste in SEO!
It's not all short-term, short focus, immediate/fast!
SEO is Not Ads ... and even that method has mid/long term gains, If done or utilised properly!
You can literally see who has experience/knowledge in actual marketing,
and those that have only every dealt with digital,
and not bothered to learn/research anything else :(
TV, Radio, Print ... these didn't have "exact numbers".
And they sure as hell don't give insights into the number of exposures before conversion (if!).
And yet - they managed quite well for decades (and longer!), ...
... to the point ... big companies STILL invest in those channels/mediums/sources.
The reason is ... there's far (FAR!!!!) more than Immediacy and Last Touch.
(To be clear, First Touch and even Multi-Touch aren't accurate either :D)
2) Yeah - another generic, paraphrased garbage guide.
What metrics, which KPIs, for what Goals?
Where's the prioritisation?
Where's the mention of site architecture, internal links, prominent pages, aligning business goals with user goals etc.?
And it's not just "Cookies"
(inc. modern browser storage mechanisms, such as localstorage),
it also applies to other methods,
such as "digital fingerprinting";
Any information that could identify a specific device, like its digital fingerprint, are identifiers
Which raises some questions,
as I see several analytics products that claim to not need declaration for GDPR,
as they hash data, and/or have short-term identifiers (single day etc.),
such as @usefathom and @PlausibleHQ.
Look, I'm not a "big tech" guy.
I'm a simple bloke that beats their head against the keyboard until the HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, Python and SQL do what I want (kind of).
I mean ... clearly, the infrastructure has to be different than running WP, Drupal, Magento, Bugzilla, MySQL/Maria etc.
But ...
... I don't get how things like
* Quote tweet
* Emoji's
etc. "disappear"
I also don't understand how comes staff are needed to keep them working?
Clearly, I'm utterly clueless and ignorant,
as I would have thought that any system that required that much maintenance, and was that fragile,
had serious issues.
Does Quora have a team of people keeping the
ask a question button
visible and working?
The problem is, in most cases:
a) platform default setups suck
b) people fail to utilise taxonomies properly
c) people don't customise/optimise categories/tags pages etc.
Tags are often seen as a "blog" thing,
not a "user nav" thing,
and are either barely thought of, or spammed.
But the reality is,
they are a concrete way to interlink pages around specific topics/keywords/entities (people/places/events etc.),
and enable users to move between pieces,
even when they are "distanced" (be it by content type, time, format/medium etc.)