After the German fascism under Hitler (as an instrument to secure domination of the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes) was defeated by the communist Soviet Red Army under Stalin, the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes, the fascism-makers, were faced with the task,
to overcome the deep anti-capitalist consciousness in the majority of the population of Europe, in order to prevent the masses from their really historical task,
the radical overcoming of the rule of the families of the gigantic fortunes, i.e. the material and personal preconditions of (also German) fascism.
I recall the CDU's Ahlen Programme, which Adenauer finally signed reluctantly in 1947.
In 1947, the term socialism was still used correctly and even large parts of the CDU were anti-capitalist!
The systematic anti-communism fomented by propaganda after 1945 and the defamation of Stalin transformed anti-capitalism into anti-communism. Anti-communism, like direct fascism before it, served to bring the masses into line internally - under pluralist cloaks, of course -
and to unite them externally in the interests of the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes. Anti-communism served as a social disciplining tool that was used against any uncontrolled opposition outside the controlled pseudo opposition.
The model became the FBI's #COINTELPRO programme and the McCarthy madness in the USA, the predecessors of today's wokeness.
Since the massive propaganda in the cold war after 1945 to secure the rule of the families of the gigantic fortunes, of the fascism-mongers, a crude anti-capitalism and the image of Stalinism as dictatorial, totalitarian arbitrary and coercive rule, as dogmatism,
as unfreedom and regimentation of all areas of social life, the gulags, the Holodomor, forced collectivism and the planned economy in contrast to the "free market economy" has taken root in the majority of Western societies.
The successes, the circumstances and the practical dissolution of the Stalinist social contract after the assassination of Stalin (1953) and especially after the 20th Party Congress of the CPDSU (1956) by Stalin's murderers Khrushchev and Mikoyan
were not taken note of by the majority of people in the West. Stalinism, which had temporarily defeated fascism in Germany in 1945, but not the fascism-mongers, especially the US, was systematically equated with fascism, which facilitated the repression of one's own fascist past.
Most of them vehemently reject Stalin and Stalinism, even with hatred, without ever having read an honest biography of Stalin or knowing what exactly Stalinism is, what successes and mistakes Stalin made and ...
why and what historical alternatives existed for Stalin or the young communist Soviet Union at that time. This is still important for us today if we want to learn from the past.
An honest analysis of Stalin's government and Stalinism includes the specific Russian history as a still medieval, partly already capitalist monarchy (tsardom) at the time of the revolution, the lack of a democratic tradition, the tensions between town and country,
the low development of the mechanisation of agriculture, the consequences of the just overcome First World War, the counter-revolution and related invasion of the Soviet Union by 14 capitalist countries and the civil war, then the Second World War....
and also the historical alternatives to the historically powerful thrusts of Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin that emerged as historical counter-possibilities between 1918 and 1927.
There were the "left communists" Ossinki, Bukharin etc. from the spring of 1918 with their idea of an economic council system parallel to the political one, or the alternative of the "workers' opposition" from 1920/21 (A. Kollontai, A. Shlyapnikov etc.).
For this
Even if it contradicts the prevailing narratives!
I have more respect and esteem for the political life achievement of Josef Stalin than that of war criminals like Barack Obama.
A more just, humane and peaceful world order is humanly possible and absolutely necessary.
There is so much human misery, so much war and other crimes against humanity in the world, all man-made and thus avoidable!
After World War II, the United Nations was a sign of hope for a more just, humane and peaceful world order.
Colonialism, imperialism, the exploitation of the "developing countries", racism, anti-Semitism, mass poverty, war and much more were to be overcome....
Instead, hopefuls like Dag Hammerskjöld were murdered by Western secret services and the UN and its sub-organisations like the WHO were brought under the control of the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes.
Eine gerechtere, menschlichere und friedliche Weltordnung ist menschenmöglich und ohne wenn und aber notwendig.
Es gibt so viel menschliches Elend, so viel Krieg und andere Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit auf der Welt, alles menschengemacht und damit vermeidbar!
Nachdem Zweiten Weltkrieg waren die Vereinten Nationen ein Zeichen der Hoffnung für eine gerechtere, menschlichere und friedliche Weltordnung.
Der Kolonialismus, der Imperialismus, die Ausbeutung der "Entwicklungsländer", der Rassismus, der Antisemitismus, die Massenarmut, der Krieg und vieles mehr sollten überwunden werden....
Es "herrscht" Meinungsfreiheit im Westen (nichts Neues).
Eine Zensur findet nicht statt,
er wird nur ganz woke bestimmt, was der Mensch noch politisch korrekt denken darf. Eine Zensur ist dann auch nicht mehr nötig.
Und die, die es trotzdem noch wagen, was Anderes als die Woken & die herrschenden Narrative zu denken, werden Fakten gecheckt, verleumdet, aus den Jobs, der Öffentlichkeit &dann aus dem Leben? geworfen von woken, humanitären Mitmenschen, die nur das Klima und ...? retten wollen?
Nachdem der deutsche Faschismus unter Hitler (als Herrschaftssicherungs-Instrument der herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen) von der kommunistischen sowjetischen roten Armee unter Stalin besiegt wurde, standen die herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen,
der Faschismus-Macher, vor der Aufgabe, dass in der Mehrheit der Bevölkerung Europas tiefe antikapitalistische Bewusstsein zu überwinden, um die Massen von ihrer wirklich historischen Aufgabe, der radikalen Überwindung der Herrschaft der Familien der gigantischen Vermögen,
also der materiellen und personellen Voraussetzungen des (auch deutschen) Faschismus, abgehalten werden.
Was würdet ihr denken, wenn eure Hochzeitsgesellschaft mit eurer ganzen Familien von einer Drohne ausgelöscht wird von Menschen, die denken, sie wären die "Herrenmenschen" &ihr nur "Untermenschen" und Opfer einer humanitären Intervention gegen Terroristen?
Es sind die strahlenden, gefeierten Helden der westlichen Welt, die Millionen Menschen weltweit den Tod bringen als humanitäre Interventionen verkauft und ohne jedes Gewissenbissen als Bomben für den Frieden.
In unseren Talkshows dürfen heute wieder ohne Widerspruch Waffen für den Frieden (den Endsieg bis zum letzten West-Ukrainer und Söldner) gefordert werden (noch dazu für eine Nazi-Regime)!
#conspiracy . People need this term to discredit any thought that suggests that the ruling class operates according to certain rules. Conspiracy means it's secret. It's not secret.
David Graeber
""Conspiracy theory" was a term the CIA came up with to publicly discredit anyone who exposed the truth about what the government was doing."
via @RealSpikeCohen
The term conspiracy theory was pushed by the CIA over 50 years ago to discredit doubters of the official interpretation of the Kennedy assassination