45 F w/Hx of hypertensive nephropathy complicated by ESDR s/p kidney transplant 7 mo ago, on tacrolimus & MMF. CMV D+R-, who after completing prophylaxis w/ valganciclovir for 6mo is admitted with 3 wks of watery diarrhea
2/3 Colonoscopy findings consistent with CMV colitis. Initial CMV DNAemia 800 IU/mL. Patient’s immunosuppressive regimen is reduced, and she is treated with ganciclovir 5 mg/kg IV every 12 hours.
3/3 After one week, despite medical treatment diarrhea persists, with up to 6-8 episodes daily.
A repeated CMV DNAemia is 805 IU/mL. What would you do next? 🤔 #IDboardreview
🪡 1/4 #IDTwitter
Answer: A) Continue with the same therapy
-Refractory CMV disease progresses despite antiviral agents and reduction of immunosuppression and can be due to ganciclovir resistance😷
-Ganciclovir resistance should be suspected in patients who have rising or persistently elevated viral loads despite treatment with appropriately dosed ganciclovir for more than two weeks 🗓️
3/4 -It occurs in 1 to 2% of kidney transplant recipients with CMV infection or disease and typically develops in CMV D+/R- patients
Genotype testing should be performed to identify specific resistance mutations 🧪
4/5 -Thank you everyone for participating! And thanks to @KottonNelson for this amazing material.
44 year old male, HIV (+), non adherent to antiretroviral therapy (CD4 120) presents for evaluation of this lesion:
🤔 The most likely microorganism responsible for this finding is:
🪡1/5 B) Treponema Pallidum
This patient presents with a syphilitic gumma in the setting of tertiary syphilis
Although gummatous disease is uncommon, HIV patients have an increased risk of developing gummas most frequently in the oral cavity, skin or a viscera.
37 y/o F PMHx of lupus nephritis complicated by ESRD s/p living-donor kidney transplant 5 months ago, who presents with 3 days Hx of dysuria, hematuria, pelvic pain and subjective fever
2/5 She denies recent lupus flares. Patient is taking tacrolimus, mycophenolate, prednisone and TMP-SMX. Vaccinated against COVID-19x3. No sexually active for the past year. PreTransplant HIV,CMV,HepBC, adenovirus, Toxo and trypanosoma serologies (-) for both patient and donor.
3/5 On presentation BP 140/90 HR 78 RR 16 T 101 O2Sat98% RA. Hydrated mucous membranes. Clear chest to auscultation, normal heart sounds. Abdominal scar healed no signs of infection. Tenderness to palpation of hypogastrium. No CVA tendernesses.