the massed money and might of #capitalism—for "The Matrix" may as well be called "Capital", or more precisely the rigid and regimented society created by global capitalism—wishes to imitate heroism, so they've copied iconography from heroic fiction, including "The Matrix".
this sort of thing has been going on a while.
President John F. Kennedy benefited from such conscious mythography, when he was openly compared to King Arthur (no doubt galling Mr. @dick_nixon). @RonaldReagan imitated the fictional heroism of stereotypical Western lawmen.
but the process has accelerated from the 1980s onward, thanks to the explosion of popular entertainment catering to the deep human need to see extraordinary feats of selfless heroism. the "action movie" became the predominant Hollywood genre in the West during the 1980s.
Western pop culture steadily grew more and more escapist--thanks to @RonaldReagan and @PMThatcher and other right-wing politicians and "movement conservatism", wealth inequality skyrocketed and the quality of life for the ordinary Western citizen dropped like a stone.
for most Western citizens after about 1980, the world has been growing ever worse and worse: poorer, more precarious, more dilapidated, more likely to end in bankruptcy or mental breakdown or incarceration...
...thus people have *needed* to believe in salvation by heroes.
#capitalism, ever prepared to squeeze the maximum amount of money and blood out of human beings' fundamental needed, responded to the suffering public's craving to see *some* kind of happiness and justice in their fiction, even if it was just in movies or comics or games.
#capitalism has both supplied us with heroes, *and* furnished us with real-life people--people with actual power over other human beings--whom they sold to us as the real-life equivalents to the action stars and superheroes that were crowding out all other entertainments.
soldiers, cops, mercenaries, right-wing politicians like @RonaldReagan, right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and @BillOReilly, flashy celebrity #CEOs like @elonmusk...we've been sold a *lot* of fake heroes.
all of these people are _of the system_, part of "The Matrix".
the Wachowskis' "Matrix" films were products of this same system--they've had to make the same devil's bargain with #capitalism that *any* artist is forced to make, if they're to have any hope of reaching a mass audience. Gen Urobuchi and Hideaki Anno have done the same.
"The Matrix" and its successors, however, have *tried* at least to remind us that all the heroism and the action stunts and the cinematically pleasing fights are supposed to have an ultimate point, a *revolutionary* one: #capitalism and its systems must be _shattered_.
there's no peaceful way out of the bind that #capitalism has put us in: global capital and "Western civilization", which is mostly an artifact of the growth and spread of capitalism, holds sway via repression and violence.
it can only be broken by revolutionary means.
hence "The Matrix" films, in particular, have aroused a massive inflammatory response from a Western culture utterly dedicated to the preservation of capitalism, police-statism, and the harsh cruel social order of the West.
fascism has tried to *steal* "The Matrix".
@elonmusk, in particular, has tried to steal "The Matrix". his fanboys, as Chara and I have both mentioned, tend to be people very much like himself: middle-aged male professionals like @mtaibbi, people desperately clinging to some illusion of youthful rebelliousness.
there's nothing the tiniest bit "rebellious" about a celebrity #CEO who poured vast amounts of money into publicizing himself and his @Tesla / @SpaceX / @boringcompany / @neuralink boondoggles; @elonmusk's a mere aristocrat, a pampered elitist, and he's no "Mr. Anderson".
it's some measure of the desperate state of "Western civilization", which thanks to #capitalism is slowly choking itself to death on its own waste products, that fools like @Timcast and @mtaibbi can make themselves believe even for a moment that @elonmusk is like Neo.
I suppose @elonmusk and Neo have one thing in common: they've both played with computers. but then, so have we, and so have millions of other people.
no superstar #CEO, not even one as "rebellious" as @mtaibbi pretends @elonmusk to be, can possibly be "The One".
that puts Hesiod about as far back as Homer; it's accepted (very tentatively) that the "Iliad" dates to the 8th century B.C.E.
Hesiod's Works and Days is like a farmer's almanac, combining advice about the harvest season with general wisdom of the world. Hesiod was a practical man; he admonished his readers that life was full of toil and pain. that's what he knew. heroism was a thing of the past.
I wonder if right-wing fans of the Classics—Dr. @jordanbpeterson and Dr. @VDHanson and others—quite appreciate the fact that our oldest works of Greek verse talk of gods and heroes that were long dead and gone.
both the "Iliad" and "Works and Days" are backwards-looking.
Dr. @jordanbpeterson, the failed psychologist and self-help charlatan who is currently fighting a losing battle against humiliation, has no competence to say what he's said in the tweet I'm quoting.
that's not a statement about his *professional* incompetence, by the way.
Peterson is, indeed, a terrifyingly bad mental-health professional; but even if he were truly the expert he imagines himself to be, Dr. @jordanbpeterson has no right to tell anyone what their identity is.
for freedom—self-determination—begins with the right to identity.
if a human being decides that their identity is contingent upon whom they want to have sex with, then...that's their identity. they are *free*, which means they're free to define themselves as they please. Dr. @jordanbpeterson has no right to interfere with this freedom.
@dalepartridge@dhanabarger "legalism" has absolutely nothing to do with God, Mr. @dalepartridge; we still inhabit a society that (on paper anyway) is maintained by a strictly irreligious *civil government*, one devoted to enforcement of no particular religion's notions of right and wrong.
@dalepartridge@dhanabarger now we know that in reality, Western civil governments have been thoroughly corrupted by hypocritical and deceitful Christian rogues, pushing notions of Christian theocracy--but Christian theocratic rule is NOT the official form of social organization in the West. not yet.
ah, I seem to have forgotten where I was typing! anyway, back to the mystery cults.
here I will attempt to offer up a generalization of how these mystery cults operated, a generalization that is undoubtedly incomplete and erroneous: I am not an expert in this field.
at the heart of such a cult was a central secret, an *inner mystery*, formidably protected by oaths of secrecy. only persons who had already undergone substantial preparation—participation in "outer mysteries", rituals, &c.—were permitted to witness the inner mystery.
and these participants in the inner mystery were strictly forbidden from sharing it with the world outside.
the peoples who worshipped in these mystery cults were not like modern Western #Christians; unlike @dalepartridge &c., they took oaths seriously, and stuck by them.
it's been widely noted that #Christianity, during its early centuries, appealed to Mediterranean audiences by appropriating something of the form and iconography of the <i>mystery cults</i>.
it's probably impossible to summarize "mystery cults" in a tweet or two...
...for one thing, I have no idea how many existed, before the fusion of Christianity with Roman tyranny--which led to the wholesale desecration and destruction of all forms of non-Christian worship throughout the Roman dominion--made sure that we'd never know the answer.
right-wing frauds of the @DineshDSouza / @dalepartridge / @MattWalshBlog type love to pretend as though "terrorism" is a crime that only brown-skinned infidels ever carry out, but terroristic violence and pogroms have been central to #Christianity since its earliest days.
@WholeMarsBlog now...this sort of thing is very interesting. it's speculative and futile, nonsensical even, but these little arithmetic calculations are one of the chief preoccupations of the grifter class—the #entrepreneur class, the #investor class, the #cryptocurrency gambler class.
@WholeMarsBlog@WholeMarsBlog, @APompliano, @BillyM2k, and all the other grifting rag-tag who are wont to dangle after @elonmusk (or any other wealthy and famous person whom they perceive as blessed with #success) spend huge amounts of time with these napkin-scribblings that forecast *riches*.
@WholeMarsBlog@APompliano@BillyM2k@elonmusk@WholeMarsBlog starts out with a false assumption: @Tesla will be able to extract cash from literally every car driver in the country. this is their presumed #market, and it's deliberately chosen to be as broad as possible, so as to forecast even greater riches from extorting it.