@RealCheckMarker 3. As shared previously. Hundreds of millions will suffer from Long SARS. We not only waste the ongoing population-level experiment - because states don't collect data, despite their legal obligations under IHR 2005 - but even threw away data that existed.
@RealCheckMarker 4. You need to be no prophet to see where this ends. Nothing against prophets, but we need them for higher-order questions. Having basic high-school literacy suffices.
@RealCheckMarker 6. Prophet of the year award 2021/2022 went to the documentary #DontLookUp, here Ariana Grande closing with the line "Just look up - Listen to the goddamn qualified scientists."
7. As #DontLookUp shows, media keep the bad news light. Society solves modern governance challenges only if people are well informed.
There's a remarkable aesthetic quality to Antarctica's disintegration: please learn the details, so we all have a chance. earth.nullschool.net/#current/ocean…
8. Impressive, we can watch the disintegration of #B22a live, exposing Thwaites.
Behavioral change will be orders of magnitude harder than shooting a man or satellite into outer space.
Can we get people to be kind to each other? That would truly impress.
9. Earlier today, several epidemiologist accounts were shadow-banned temporarily. Someone must have protested twitter's eight-headed content moderation board because it promptly reversed the decision. I credit @NeoliberalSnow, mildly well done John!
@NeoliberalSnow 10. Antarctica disintegration live: you can see B22a from space. Follow the breaking news; shame if I were alive at this pivotal moment in Earth history but not watching and educating the public about it! - Leon, one of the gifted communicators, bedankt! worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?v=-5600379.86…
One of the must-follow accounts for climate scicomm: @LeonSimons8
@amandalhu Fantastic overview why policy matters. You can easily tell the state of SARS (and climate) discourse by how weakly and ineffectively this is argued by most.
Thanks @BernieDogs4, this blew my mind mostly because people used to smoke on planes? Savages! 😂
My monthly reminder that "Living with COVID" may for many well mean living childless or shorter than intended. Best wishes for the people who "moved on".
All this well above my nonexistent pay class - you may want to devote real resources if you want to solve this.
We - on twitter - keep warning that it's urgent, but we've been doing saying so for three years already sans results. Offline politics seems to lag reality. Good luck.
Observers of system dynamics to the fore please; we badly need those systems thinking skills in positions of power (or at least public visibility, IF ONLY anonymous and on twitter)
Funny. Let's call @PeterHotez out for this. You think after tens of millions dead from SARS-CoV-2, multiples to come, there should be no investigation? It is a criminal justice matter, I doubt virologists' circling the wagon can stop the course of justice.
I keep thinking about this, but just can't make sense of it. A 53% drop in sperm counts, 3 months after SARS infection, must concern women as well as men. - Are people planning on living their best childless lives? Other than for true Menscheinfeinde, this is terrible news.
If everyone can catch up with Dr. Hansen's latest preprint and ask policymakers what they intend to do about that - and about not all of us catching SARS all the time -, both might help.
I mentioned SARS/MERS-CoV (1) persist in the renal epithelium in 1 in 3 patients until cells regenerate after 500-787 days; (2) are airborne; (3) draw down rather than build immunity; (4) infections drive mutations and should stop; (5) HIV medicine may help patients access care.
None of this new (to attentive readers) or even controversial. Yet it attracted an outsize crowd of fools and personal insults by at least one researcher, so I deleted the post. I gain nothing from useless controversy, it's just distraction. Good luck out there,
Did media and policymakers reconcile the contradiction yet that they believe Drosten just told them "the pandemic is over" in the same interview in which he told them in a deadpan way that unvaccinated children at 30 may have the immune system of an 80 yo.