It drives me crazy when people say "there isn't some cabal working in a smoke-filled room to usher in the new world order."
That's because the technocrats are not hiding. They are openly talking about their plans to remake society by 2030. Things are going to get much worse. 🧵
Democracy is failing us.
Translation: We need technocratic totalitarianism because the stoopid rubes are too dumb to know what is best for them and the planet.
We are causing the problems in the world but we can solve the problems in the world.
Right on cue, misinformation has entered the list of global challenges for businesses; therefore, we need to shut down free speech.
Control the message to control the masses.
Technocracy... a system run by "experts" (corporations, NGOs, bureaucrats, academics and civil society.
Technocracy is totalitarian because the people no longer have a say. There is ZERO representation.
Technocrats must control all of the natural resources in order to control everything and everybody on earth. Enter climate change which was made up as a way to get people to unknowingly go along with global technocratic governance.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the pillars for Chinese style global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #WEF#SDG
Dissatisfied with the short-term focus of government means people having the right to vote (democracy) is holding up our plans to remake society so we need global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #wef#technocracy
When technocrats say "sustainability", they don't mean a sustainable planet or climate. They mean sustainability as in "we need to keep the stoopid rubes in line so that we can sustain our lifestyles." #WEF#SDG
Stakeholder "capitalism" is public/private partnerships is fascism.
The technocrats are intentionally causing chaos as a just transition to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.
The technocrats are intentionally causing an energy crisis which will lead to mass famine and death. The technocrats do not care as they know this will not affect them. Do you honestly think they will give up flying, their big homes, etc.?
How are the technocratic fascists getting businesses to go along? They mandate that all companies that they do business with along the supply chain participate in ESG, decarbonization, etc. It's called "supply chain resilience".
A "resilient" workforce means employees that will go along with the transition to global technocratic governance. No diversity of thought is allowed.
Business is no longer about doing business. It's about ushering in global technocratic governance, aka sustainability.
Since everyone will be unemployed, lifelong learning will be mandatory as a way to keep people busy, and as a way to keep global citizens compliant and brainwashed.
Technocracy was created a century or so ago but technology finally caught up with the plan. Data is central for technocracy so everything and everybody will never know freedom from big brother again. Technocracy will eventually be governance run by AI.
It appears that Norm Eisen (along with his partners from Brookings) ran the sham January 6 committee. Here he says that the federal and state lawfare, having attorneys disbarred, and the 14A amendment cases to get Trump off of the ballot in various places all flowed from the committee’s work. Norm was involved in all of the above.
They conducted over 1000 interviews and had millions of documents in a matter of months while the worthless republicans have done the bare minimum in over two years.
The “fake electors” Lawfare scheme no doubt came from the sham J6 committee. They were pardoned for a reason. 🧵
Norm Eisen accidentally told the truth that Judge Juan Merchan was part of his Bragg lawfare team. It didn’t take him long to figure out that he messed up.
I previously posted that Norm appeared to say that he was writing documents for the judge.
If true, that means Norm created the Bragg case, he worked with the witness Michael Cohen, and he worked with the judge.
In January 2017, Norm Eisen said that none of the different branches of government could meddle in each other’s affairs due to separation of powers.
Now Norm and his partners are filing hundreds of lawsuits so that radical judges meddle in the affairs of President Trump.
I have a suspicion that Norm created the Engoron case that was about taking Trump’s businesses because Norm was mad that Trump 1.0 did not divest from his businesses to Norm’s satisfaction. He’s been talking about emoluments ever since.
Of course Norm didn’t care about Biden’s corruption with foreign governments. He impeached Trump to cover it up. That’s how you know it’s all political.
This is Norm Eisen on June 8, 2018, talking about how he thought Michael Cohen was going to flip on Trump and that Michael had tapes of Trump committing FCPA violations.
Norm openly talks about how Michael Cohen was the first person he talked to about Trump which started the lawfare which played out the last four years and the first bogus impeachment.
I’m not sure what @AGPamBondi is waiting for but Norm Eisen should already be under formal investigation for his criminal activities. Instead he is filing hundreds of lawsuits against the Trump administration.
It appears that it was Norm Eisen that paid Michael Cohen a little visit.
In August 2023, Norm Eisen was pretty sure that Trump would be going to prison. Here he is discussing @DavidShafer who he viewed as a threat simply for voicing his opinion that the 2020 election was stolen.
I’m guessing Norm never called any democrat, including his partner in crime Jamie Raskin who contested the 2016 election, an election denier and charged them with crimes against democracy.
Hopefully David knows that Norm Eisen was behind the Fani the fraud charges. It was part of the overall “put Trump in prison” 2024 election strategy.
Norm’s lawfare partner, Mary McCord (who should lose her security clearance) was in charge of the fake electors lawfare. It was run out of Georgetown.
Norm Eisen responded to Trump calling him out today. Of course Norm lies and says Trump only did so because Norm has been successful at judge shopping for his lawsuits to thwart the will of 77M+ Americans.
Unfortunately for Norm but fortunate for us, Norm is egotistical so he likes to talk and write books about his misdeeds. You can search my account for Norm’s name. Be sure and hit subscribe as well as we’ll hopefully have perp walks and court cases to cover very soon just like they did for the lawfare against Trump and his associates over the last four years.
Jennifer Rubin knows about the lawfare because she was on many of the podcasts with Norm discussing it.
Norm should be the first person that Pam Barr-Bondi prosecutes.