It drives me crazy when people say "there isn't some cabal working in a smoke-filled room to usher in the new world order."
That's because the technocrats are not hiding. They are openly talking about their plans to remake society by 2030. Things are going to get much worse. 🧵
Democracy is failing us.
Translation: We need technocratic totalitarianism because the stoopid rubes are too dumb to know what is best for them and the planet.
We are causing the problems in the world but we can solve the problems in the world.
Right on cue, misinformation has entered the list of global challenges for businesses; therefore, we need to shut down free speech.
Control the message to control the masses.
Technocracy... a system run by "experts" (corporations, NGOs, bureaucrats, academics and civil society.
Technocracy is totalitarian because the people no longer have a say. There is ZERO representation.
Technocrats must control all of the natural resources in order to control everything and everybody on earth. Enter climate change which was made up as a way to get people to unknowingly go along with global technocratic governance.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the pillars for Chinese style global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #WEF#SDG
Dissatisfied with the short-term focus of government means people having the right to vote (democracy) is holding up our plans to remake society so we need global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #wef#technocracy
When technocrats say "sustainability", they don't mean a sustainable planet or climate. They mean sustainability as in "we need to keep the stoopid rubes in line so that we can sustain our lifestyles." #WEF#SDG
Stakeholder "capitalism" is public/private partnerships is fascism.
The technocrats are intentionally causing chaos as a just transition to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.
The technocrats are intentionally causing an energy crisis which will lead to mass famine and death. The technocrats do not care as they know this will not affect them. Do you honestly think they will give up flying, their big homes, etc.?
How are the technocratic fascists getting businesses to go along? They mandate that all companies that they do business with along the supply chain participate in ESG, decarbonization, etc. It's called "supply chain resilience".
A "resilient" workforce means employees that will go along with the transition to global technocratic governance. No diversity of thought is allowed.
Business is no longer about doing business. It's about ushering in global technocratic governance, aka sustainability.
Since everyone will be unemployed, lifelong learning will be mandatory as a way to keep people busy, and as a way to keep global citizens compliant and brainwashed.
Technocracy was created a century or so ago but technology finally caught up with the plan. Data is central for technocracy so everything and everybody will never know freedom from big brother again. Technocracy will eventually be governance run by AI.
Building my agenda. So excited to watch the technocrats who are destroying global society, including top down planning on what we can consume. #WEF
The technocrats must gain control over every natural resource to control everything and everyone.
Living in harmony with nature means the plebs will live in assigned dense urban dwellings and feed ourselves from vertical farms. Of course our betters will continue living amongst nature.
Just came across one of the creepiest posts in the WEF Davos 23 members only app. Yes, I am a trolling member. 🤷🏼♀️
Anyway, if you don’t know what Noem is, here is a quick video.
Here is the post in the WEF app. The key phrase is “genome based & live-data enhanced digital twining”.
I’ve heard of digital twin cities. It’s essentially a technical replication of the city that they say is to regulate traffic, watch for patterns in how people move or use the facilities, etc., but what it really is is a way to track your every move like in China.
Technocracy is a form of government where people with knowledge in a "science" or technical expertise replace politicians. The decision-makers are known as technocrats and they are appointed or elected to hold office based on their expertise.
Technocracy is undemocratic since it favors people with technical expertise over the will of the population unlike in a democratic society where people are elected based on the choice and will of the elector.
One trend among nations most severely hit by COVID-19 bears some discussion. It is that democracies are evolving into technocracies, a form of governance where those with political power are appointed on the basis of their scientific expertise.
This was before the vaccine. I’m starting to think that covid is causing heart problems and the mRNA was to stop that, not the virus. Fauci couldn’t admit that since he paid for the research. Social distancing and masks were pushed knowing the vaccine wouldn’t help.
Government in 2071 was launched by the World Government Summit. With 2071 being targeted as the year for the findings, the predicted megatrends highlight the potential changes in citizens' live, and how societies will operate and be governed.
The Government in 2071 Guidebook prepares govs for the future through projected innovation outcomes & megatrends expected over the next 50 years, which could then inform and inspire policy makers to plan for the anticipated shifts from today until 2071.
An online platform that assesses socio-economic components for countries around the world and help guide policy makers decipher key areas of action.
The Intercept published a set of leaks that drew broad interest in perhaps the most undercovered scandal inside the US gov: DHS's quiet move to establish, for the first time in US history, an inward-facing domestic censorship bureau. #TwitterFiles