The findings of this one suggest that the associations between EPA and DHA and the risk of total atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and acute major ischemic events may be modest and that an intake of at least 1 g/day might be needed to achieve cardiovascular benefits.
- Study included citizens born in Denmark aged 50–64 years who were followed for a median of 13.5 years.
- Statistically non-significant indications of lower rates of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and acute major ischemic events with intake of EPA and/or DHA was found, while no statistical association was observed for ALA.
- In further analyses, including additional adjustment for hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes...
...inverse associations between intake of EPA and the rate of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and between intake of EPA and/or DHA and the rate of acute major ischemic events.
- "Our findings suggest that the associations between EPA and DHA and the risk of total ASCVD and acute major ischemic events were modest and that an intake of at least 1 g/day might be needed to achieve cardiovascular benefits...
"...An intake of 1 g/day of EPA+DHA can be obtained through intake of 50–100 g of oily fish daily, while 300–400 g of lean fish daily would be needed to obtain this amount of EPA+DHA."
Intake of marine and plant-derived n-3 fatty acids and development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in the Danish Diet, Cancer and Health cohort
The findings of this one support the hypothesis of a compensatory upregulation of autophagy in the setting of deterioration of tissue composition and muscle dysfunction, as seen in ageing.
- "In contrast to what has been observed in preclinical models... in our study, the protein content of the lysosomal mediators TFEB, vATPase, and LAMP1 was not different between age groups".
- "Therefore, upregulation of upstream autophagy and mitophagy proteins in muscle of older adults not accompanied by increased expression of lysosomal markers may indicate greater autophagic signaling with no actual disposal of damaged mitochondria."
The findings of this one may suggest that as physical activity energy expenditure decreases, the importance of nutrition and body fat and their impact on blood lipids concentration increases.
- The present study aimed to examine whether nutrition, body composition and physical activity energy expenditure have diverse impact on lipidemic blood profiles among young female Caucasian females (~ 20 years of age) with different blood cholesterol concentrations.
- Participants were categorized into three groups according to the newest guidelines for blood Cholesterol concentrations:
In this one, breaking up prolonged sitting with regular bouts of light intensity physical activity was associated with reductions in glucose and blood pressure in middle- and older-aged adults.
- Only sedentary breaks that were high in frequency and duration (every 30 min for 5 min) yielded statistically significant reductions in glucose relative to a control condition.
Low frequency (every 60 min) did not yield such reductions in glucose.
Here, prolonged β2-agonist treatment at a somewhat moderate dose was associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity, plasma triglyceride concentrations, plasma amino acid concentrations, arterial blood flow velocity and increases in basal and sleeping metabolic rate.
- A two-week treatment with the selective β2-AR agonist clenbuterol enhances insulin sensitivity, mainly via increased insulin-stimulated non-oxidative glucose disposal in healthy young males.
- These beneficial effects were accompanied by increases in sleeping metabolic rate, improvements in plasma triglyceride concentrations, reductions in plasma amino acid concentrations, and increases in arterial blood flow velocity.
The findings of this one suggest that BDNF responses to low-intensity endurance exercise are mediated by increased circulating platelets, and increasing exercise duration, and to a greater extent, intensity, is required to liberate free, unbound BDNF in circulation.
- Intermittent fasting and exercise provide neuroprotection from age-related cognitive decline.
- A link between these two seemingly distinct stressors is their capability to steer the brain away from exclusively glucose metabolism.