Exceptionally I share this 🧵 before reading the studies therein, because (1) it is above my nonexistent pay grade; the wizards among you will be better qualified; and (2) as emotional support. It is incredibly sad that we let this population-scale experiment proceed unmitigated.
2. Here another great Canadian report building on the SARS Commission report by Mario Possamai (his surname’s literal meaning: he who never rests). Canada seems to be ahead of other countries in the pandemic race or in documenting lessons not learned. 🙏😌 nursesunions.ca/wp-content/upl…
3. Virologists are giving policymakers and the public flawed advice in the Fourth year.
Feel free to ignore me, but as an activist-scholar I say it clearly. We experience an unprecedented collapse of the problem-solving ability of large-scale institutions like states or empires.
5. We knew most of this by summer 2020, if not by February. I didn’t understand how exactly the elements fit together, but they were all there. Of course we can wait a few more years, never to risk being “wrong” or seen as “alarmist”
6. For all who paid attention, it’s been a long three years.
If you see me impatient with the arrogant virologists who keep misleading billions worldwide in year Four, you now know why. It is unacceptable on any grounds - moral, human rights, national interest, you name it.
7. How do you feel about where we are heading?
Especially all of you who are wildly more qualified* to address it?
* that makes 💯 of #medtwitter and many other professions.
I studied some law, economics, IR/public policy, system dynamics - but nothing prepared me for this.
8. This is not to criticize; more to warn as clearly as possible after a full three years in this pandemic somehow convinced most people that the pandemic is “over” at precisely the moment when it’s really ramping up to whatever the next phase is, now that China entered the game.
To warn clearly: if enough people ignore it, it will fall heavily on your feet. Not by choice; it’s how a SARS virus evolving for higher viral load behaves. (The weird exception being - Omicron!)
It falls on your feet unless you take great precautions to stop it well in advance.
None of this should need much explaining, certainly no three years.
The flip side of my not being qualified in any of it is that literally anyone else could do what I do, and likely far better.
Go ahead if that’s you! We need you.
Thanks all.
9. Make sure no one stumbles over the word collapse: it describes what you are currently experiencing, the feeling of disorientation and loss of meaning when things don’t fit anymore - or, for some, never did. An old friend of ours on the climate side, now meeting the mainstream.
11. Let me add, as I saw even @W_Lucht, great scientist and voice of wisdom or moral clarity in the climate field, struggle (see above and @ClimatePhilo’s book).
Yes, addressing SARS and climate will take time and focus. Let’s start. 🙏
12. I always end on a constructive note. The solutions for SARS and climate will be related. Both are merely symptoms of deeper ailings in society that we need to address.
Start with aviation, WHO and the United Nations: Fantastic thread to know whom to trust or what to do. 😎🔥
Genius thread and Gedankenexperiment. Reflect; share your notes. - I’d add that, perhaps counterintuitively, public health shouldn’t expect the public to trust it. It is part of our problem. PH should provide accountability as we expect from corporations. (quote Sandman/@EIDGeek)
To UN/@WHO scholars or historians: “Notes from donor: was presented by two government/political science professors named Henry Galant & Priscilla Greeley on a Schenectady, NY TV station circa 1954-55”
Charmingly put, and shared with permission, by @wcanthony. Brilliant find, ty!
2. Scientifically we face a systems-of-systems problem.
—c Aviation sustains the pandemic, ensuring that virus will always stay months ahead of drugs and vaccines. Standard quarantine regulations for some routes are key.
—a|b Local adaptations help but won't end the pandemic.
3. That's why we need policy people. There is no shortcut south of integrated, transdisciplinary analysis and effective policy design.
I should work rather than oracle on twitter, but no one talks about this.
Find yourself someone who loves you as fiercely as Chris critiques the state of journalism on plague island. (Not picking on dear UK friends, I bet 🇩🇪 is just the same, I just don’t follow it here)
My god someone pls send her our accounts & threads on how to end the pandemic. 😬