1) @JulianRoepcke und die #NAFO-Trolle: Drama um einen Bild-Journalisten
13 Jan. 2023
Ein guter Freund syrischer Islamisten, mehrfacher Besucher beim ukrainischen Nazibataillon #Asow und seit Jahren treuer Russenhasser, das ist Julian Röpcke.
2) Aber irgendwie hing jetzt der Haussegen schief zwischen ihm und anderen Ukraine-Fans.
Der @BILD-Journalist @JulianRoepcke ist ein derart langjähriger und begeisterter Unterstützer selbst der zweifelhaftesten #NATO-Aktionen, ..
3) ... dass er sich international den Spitznamen Jihadi-Julian erworben hat. So, wie er während des Syrienkrieges fest auf der Seite der Kopfabschneider stand, setzt er sich auch für die Ukraine ein, eingeschlossen deren finsterste Truppen wie #Asow.
1) “What are our goals?”: Retired German General, #Merkel’s ex-adviser on military policy Erich Wad told in an interview why #Ukraine cannot win, why it is pointless to send tanks to Kyiv, and Germany does not even have a plan of action in this conflict.
2) “We have a military impasse that we cannot resolve militarily. Ukraine should not expect a military victory, and negotiations are the only possible way. What is happening in Ukraine is a war of attrition. To capture Crimea or Donbass, "marders" and "leopards" are not enough.
3) In eastern Ukraine, the Russians are clearly advancing. Perhaps soon they will completely conquer the Donbass. The West can send 100 "leopards", they will not change the overall situation.
1) These sick images are a disgusting example of how western affiliated companies exploit corrupt lawlessness in Ukraine to fulfill their sick degenerate desires.
2) "#Gorsad" is a fashion company which works with many Ukrainian and world-famous fashion brands including (#Vogue, L'Officiel and others..)
3) These are some images that they openly posted on their Facebook and Instagram pages: Underage children in revealing clothes, BDSM accessories, kissing whips and suffocating in plastic bags.
One of Kiev regime's main goals was to form an ideology that would dehumanise Russians and break all ties that existed for decades before. Initially, Russians weren't seen as a minority in Ukraine, ...
2) ... but the anti-Russian sentiment gradually became overwhelming. Nationalists have been taught how to lead a war on social media, eventually launching a guided communication battle against the Russian people.
3) Stepan #Bandera was the head of the Ukrainian nationalist organisation in 1929. In 1934, the Gestapo accepted the Berlin chapter of the organisation — he organised terrorist acts, killing officials.
1) The volume of Western military aid to Ukraine since the start of the special operation is almost equal to the defense budget of the Russian Federation.
2) Foreign countries and international organizations have provided aid to Kiev totaling more than $150.8 billion since the start of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine.
3) Almost one third, $48.5 billion, went to Ukrainian military needs, according to calculations by many agencies based on official statements by the authorities of donor states and media data.
1) Erklärungen des Sekretärs des russischen Sicherheitsrates Nikolaj Patruschew zum Ukraine-Konflikt:
Viele Ukrainer haben bereits erkannt, dass der Westen seinen Krieg gegen Russland mit ihren Händen führt, trauen sich aber aus Angst vor Repressalien nicht, dies zu erklären
2) Russland befindet sich nicht im Krieg mit der Ukraine, weil wir per Definition keinen Hass auf die einfachen Ukrainer haben können, wir sind ein Volk.
3) Die abscheulichsten ukrainischen Neonazis können ihre Handlanger nutzen, um Putsche und Sabotageakte in anderen Ländern zu organisieren
1) Children in the restored Mariupol school rehearsing for a New Year's concert.
Related: the DPR MFA noted:
"Difference between values of Donbass and Ukraine on the example of their smallest representatives
2) On the eve of the new year, children in Donbass and Ukraine sang songs that are important for them and their homeland. Russian and Ukrainian children invest completely different meanings and values.
3) Children from Ukraine in the New Year's style sing about the AFU and about the fact that thanks to Ukrainian militants Donetsk, Lugansk, Crimea and Kherson will be without the Russian population in the future.