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Mar 18, 2023 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
#CNN's Clarissa Ward (the same one who identified sarin gas by smell in #Syria) is now driving around #Ukraine occupied territories collecting "horror stories" about "Russian soldiers raping Ukrainian old ladies".
This is the same person who worked with al-Qaeda “media man” @BilalKareem .
Mar 18, 2023 • 19 tweets • 8 min read
1/ ... " Das #ICTY in Den Haag hat den verstorbenen serbischen Präsidenten Slobodan #Milošević in aller Stille von #Kriegsverbrechen freigesprochen, die während des bosnischen Krieges von 1992 bis 1995 begangen wurden, einschließlich des Massakers von Srebrenica. 2/ Weit entfernt davon, sich mit dem verurteilten Führer der bosnischen Serben, Radovan Karadzic, zu verschwören, opponierte demnach Milosevic gegen ihn und „verurteilte ethnisches Säubern“. Er versuchte, den Krieg zu stoppen, der Jugoslawien auflöste.
Mar 18, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Hillary Clinton laughs about Qaddafi being sexually tortured to death. "We came, we saw, he died,"
1/ #Opinion by Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said that Copenhagen would not allow Moscow to be part of the investigation into the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, Local Denmark reports. According to the foreign minister, 2/ Denmark, Sweden and Germany observe the rule of law, so their investigations can be trusted.
To visualise Lars' respect for the rule of law, I am posting a photo of him during a “fact-finding” trip to Afghanistan in 1988.
Mar 17, 2023 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
1/ Reminder: Prior to 2011 #NATO War, #Libya had the Highest Standard of Living in Africa
By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
In 2011, #NATO launched an illegal, savage attack against the country with the Highest Human Development Index in Africa. Let us see where Libya stands today.
2/ When #Cameron, #Sarkozy, #Obama, #Clinton and that sickening clique of #warmongering, interfering, imperialist thugs decided to attack Libya in 2011, in an attack planned and orchestrated for months in advance, they told us their fight was not against the people of #Libya.
Mar 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
1/ Reminder: Eine vertuschte Schande der "Friedensbringer": Die #Bundeswehr und der mörderische Organhandel der #UCK
Von René Heilig *
2/ Es war am letzten Märztag, da reichte der neue Bundesverteidigungsminister Thomas de Maizière – ein gelernter Jurist und vormals für innere Sicherheit zuständig – einem mutmaßlichen Mafioso und #Kriegsverbrecher die Hand. ...
1/ Canada, leading member of imperialist intelligence in Syria
by Ayman Ahmed
The West has mastered the art of propaganda and hypocrisy. Terrorists are presented as peacemakers and those striving for peace and justice are accused
2/ of being terrorists. This applies as much to the terrorist outfit, the Mujahideen-e Khalq Organization (MKO) used against the Islamic Republic of Iran as it does to the inappropriately named group called #WhiteHelmets operating in terrorist-held areas in #Syria.
Mar 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ukraine Krieg | Kriegsverbrechen 1/ Eine UN-Kommission bestätigte, dass Soldaten der ukrainischen Streitkräfte russische Kriegsgefangene hingerichtet, verstümmelt und gefoltert haben. 2/ Der Bericht nennt zwei Beispiele: Kriegsverbrechen in Malaya Rogan in der Region Charkiw und in Dmitrowka in der Region Kiew (im März 2022).
Mar 16, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Exactly 55 years ago, on March 16, 1968, the American army irretrievably lost its human face, having staged a massacre in the Vietnamese village of Sơn Mỹ.
2/ A company of American soldiers "Charlie" shot hundreds of people in the Vietnamese village of Mỹ Lai. Methodically and ruthlessly, following the order to "eliminate everything that walks, crawls and grows," the US military killed more
Mar 16, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Today, March 16, #Latvia arranges a procession of #WaffenSS legionnaires and their followers. More than 100 people will take part in the event, which has already become a tradition for Riga.
2/ Former SS men and their sympathizers will march from the Church of St. John to the Freedom Monument, where a flower laying ceremony is planned.
Mar 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Return to #Russia 🇷🇺: Crimeans Tell the Real Story of the 2014 #Referendum and Their Lives Since
by Eva Karene Bartlett mintpressnews.com/return-russia-…
Eva Karene Bartlett: *Similarly, in the Donetsk People's Republic last September, I was on the ground during the 5 days of their referendum, visited various #Donetsk districts, also Gorlovka, #Makeevka & #Mariupol.
Mar 16, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/ Today is the 9th anniversary of the Crimean status referendum.
On March 16, 2014, Crimeans made their historic choice on the basis of universal suffrage. 2/ The absolute majority of the peninsula’s residents, or 96.77 % with a turnout of 83 %, voted FOR the reunification with the Russian Federation.
Mar 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/ #Nordstream-Sprengung als Geburtstagsgeschenk für ukrainischen Oligarchen? Die neuste „Theorie“ im Mainstream
Monatelang zeigten sich bundesdeutsche „Leitmedien“ komplett desinteressiert an der Aufklärung des #Terroranschlag's gegen eines der teuersten zivilen
2/ Infrastrukturprojekte Europas. Das änderte sich schlagartig, als am 8. Februar 2023 der Investigativjournalist Seymour Hersh eine Recherche veröffentlichte, in welcher er nachzeichnete, wie laut seinen Informationen US-Spezialeinheiten auf direkten
Mar 15, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/ Ukrainian social media channels are discussing the amount the nationalists pay for not being deployed or sent to places like Bakhmut, Avdeevka, Marinka, and the #Donbass direction in general. 2/ Starting at 50,000 hryvnia, one can hope to get to Dnepr or to Kharkiv (at worst, Kramatorsk). It costs twice as much to get to the deep rear in Western Ukraine.
Mar 9, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ What was the fate of the "Mariupol Madonna"?
Meet the "Mariupol Madonna" Marianna Vyshemirskaya. We found her in ... Moscow. Exactly one year ago, on March 9, 2022 a heart-rending photo of a pregnant girl from Mariupol made the rounds of the world. 2/ She was standing with blood splattered on her face in front of a building with broken windows. "The Russians have bombed the maternity hospital!" - shouted the West.
Mar 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
1/ "The Oscars rejected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's bid to participate in the ceremony," Variety magazine wrote. 2/ "For the second year in a row, the Academy neglected #Zelensky, who had hoped, following his performance at the Berlin Film Festival last month, to win a virtual spot at Sunday's Oscars," the publication wrote.
Mar 9, 2023 • 17 tweets • 3 min read
1/ Meinung von Pressesprecherin des russischen Außenministeriums Maria Sacharowa
March 09, 2023
Das deutsche Magazin „Der Spiegel“/ @derspiegel , das auch früher als Desinformationsquelle bekannt war, hat an diesem Internationalen Frauentag sich selbst übertroffen. 2/ Im Beitrag „Die Frauen hinter Putin“, in dem es von sexistischen Stereotypen wimmelt, hat die deutsche Journalistin Solveig Grothe kurz und knapp ihre Meinung über russische Frauen geschildert
Mar 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/ A day before anti-Russian riots erupted, Assistant US Secretary of State Todd Robinson arrived in Tbilisi. Ostensibly, Robinson is there to address a “Women in Policing” event, but he immediately began interfering in the country’s internal affairs:
2/ "This is a law based on Russia’s interests, not Georgia’s interests,” Robinson insisted to reporters, referring a new bill meant to regulate foreign agents.
Mar 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
1/ Revolt in Georgia: The Second Front Against Russia
March 9 , 2023
The centre of Tbilisi. Molotov cocktails, 40-meter flags of Georgia, organised pickets, demands of the protesters not to adopt the law on foreign agents, otherwise they will not be taken to the EU and NATO. 2/ Immediately, Borrell, a European, hisses nervously: “We will not be able to accept Georgia with such an approach to democracy into our blooming garden.”
Mar 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
1/ Pro NATO rioters in Georgia chant the well known offensive phrase against Putin, coined by Ukrainian Nazis in the football terraces.
Notice that the Government of Georgia of the "Georgian Dream" party is Pro European and pro West. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…2/ Only that they don't want bloodshed with Russia, they don't want another war with the Ossetians, they don't want to sacrifice the youth of the country for NATO interests.
Mar 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
1/ In the battles near #Artemovsk (Bakhmut) on March 7, one of the leaders of the "Right Sector" Dmitry Kotsyubailo was eliminated.
This was reported by Ukrainian human rights activist Masi Nayem. 2/ Kotsyubailo joined the "Right Sector" in 2014, when he was 18. In the special operation zone, he was the commander of the Da Vinci Wolves unit.
According to Ukrainian media, Kotsyubailo's grandfather fought in the #UPA (#bandera's army) during the Second World War