โบ Use @OK_Maps to go from search term โ papers
โบ More convenient than google, as papers are sorted by category
โบ Add relevant papers to @paperpile using chrome extension (right clicking menu)
โบ Open Access PDFs will auto download (and sync to google drive)
@OK_Maps@paperpile@LitmapsApp This Tweet is part of a series on literature research. It covers only the very first step.
Want to know what AI tools I use for the next steps? Follow @Artifexx
Want to gear up your academic journey - consider joining my small workshop on Jan 28th.
Using the right plugins in your browser can save you hours in academic research.
Here are the top 9 you need to know:
(links and tutorials in thread)
1. @scispace_
An AI reading assistant that explains technical concepts and sections in research papers. It helps tackle dense academic language, saving time and effort.
2. @scholarcy
This tool generates concise summaries of research papers and articles using AI. Ideal for quickly grasping the essence of lengthy material.