Before it goes down the memory hole, these are the comments to a 17 year old girl who was showering when a man walked in naked. She was understandably upset. Understandable to most of us. Here are some of the choice replies to her.
This seemed to be a common theme. Dozens of comments about her looks.
Former YMCA employee.
Weaponizing her tears is a common theme.
And for anyone who didn’t see the video in question:
Remember, this is a teenager. All those comments were said to a teenager.
Are we allowed to say the word? This is ______ing. This is teaching girls to ignore their boundaries.
“There’s no evidence of any harm to women losing their privacy, sports, single sex prisons”. How many times have you heard this lie?
They say it because they discount the evidence itself as being transphobic. It’s one heck of a trick. 1/
If you present evidence of harm, that’s you being transphobic so your evidence is discounted.
Don’t want to be labeled transphobic? Then you better not present any evidence.
It’s quite a trick they have pulled on women.
If you do manage to present evidence of harm, they deny the harms harmed you.
Women’s complaints about boundary violations are not only ignored they are considered evidence that those women are bad people. Your evidence of harm is used as a weapon!
Buckle up everyone. I’m going to break down Adams v School Board County a case that is a big win for single sex privacy and women’s sports. It’s long. But this thread is worth the read. 1/
2. The case is about a female student who identifies as a boy & wanted to use the boy’s bathrooms. The school said no. Adams sued. Court said there is no discrimination.11th circuit held The Equal Prot Clause and Title IX allow separate bathrooms on the basis of biological sex.
3. For the lawyers out there: the court decided this on the basis of intermediate scrutiny based on sex. Adams tried to claim int scrutiny based on a quasi-suspect class. Court writes they have grave doubt that transgender persons are a quasi-suspect class.
As a woman, I’m terrified of rape. It is one of THE most traumatic things that can happen to you. It takes forever to heal from. It can leave you incapacitated. Broken. Destroyed. 1/
I cannot for a second imagine demanding anything of a rape survivor, let alone that they be around men. It’s inconceivable to me. 2/
Every woman I know, and I mean every, feels the same way. If a survivor wanted a space that had only redheads born on a Tuesday I’d try to give it to her. Because I’d center HER and no one else. Whatever SHE needs. 3/
It’s always so useful when your opponent accuses you of something you aren’t doing. It tells you what THEY are doing. Every accusation is an admission.
In that vein, let me tell you what I learned about “reactive abuse”. 1/
Reactive abuse is a tactic. In a relationship it is abuse. In a political sphere it is a game to make you look like the aggressor. Then they can play victim, gain sympathy, and political power. 2/
Reactive abuse is a non-stop manipulation tactic. It’s a form of gaslighting. It is terrible because it’s so insidious. Others don’t see it happening. It is subtle. 3/