Farm to Fork Strategy als u zich afvraagt waar dat toch vandaan komt dat boeren van hun land worden afgejaagd , ja dan is het #EU_beleid dat in samenwerking met RABO de fragmentatie in de agrarische sector wil tegen gaan onder het mom van milieubescherming…
In terms of agriculture, that is, “fragmentation” means too many discrete and disparate farms. The solution to this problem is consolidation, or the ownership of agricultural assets by fewer and fewer entities. Enter Bill Gates in the US. The “large-scale projects” will be owned
by those who can afford to abide by the European Commission’s (EC) Farm to Fork Strategy. “#The_Farm_to_Fork Strategy is at the heart of the #European_Green_Deal.” The goal of the European Green Deal is “no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.”
The issue of food supply was addressed in a session entitled “Sustainably Served.” The summary caption for the session notes that “nearly 830 million people face food insecurity and more than 3 billion are unable to afford a healthy diet. Challenges to human and planetary health
have been further compounded by rising costs, supply chain disruptions and climate change.” The highlight of the “Sustainably Served” panel, which otherwise amounted to virtue signaling, came in the form of questions posed by an audience member, “Jacob, from America”:
I want to
ask a question about food production. Last year the Dutch government announced harsh restrictions on the use of nitrogen fertilizers. Such restrictions forced many farmers to put much of their land out of production. And these policies led to 30,000 Dutch farmers protesting these
government policies. And this was being done at a time when food production was already being severely curtailed because of the war in Ukraine. My questions are, one, does the panel support similar policies being implemented throughout the world? And do you support the Dutch
farmers who are protesting? Do not such strict policies leading to reduced food production ultimately harm the poorest people of the world and exacerbate the problem of malnutrition?
The questioner was one of four, yet his questions dominated the rest of the session and led the moderator, Tolu Oni, and panelist Hanneke Faber, the president of nutrition at Unilever, which is based in the Netherlands, to become quite defensive. The latter replied:
I am Dutch, a
nd our business is based in Holland. It’s a very difficult situation in Holland. I have a lot of sympathy for the farmers who are protesting, because it’s their livelihoods and their businesses at risk. But I also have a lot of sympathy for what the government is trying to do, be
cause the nitrogen emissions are way too high. . . . So, something needs to be done. . . .
But it’s a very Dutch problem. I don’t think that you have to worry that those same solutions will have to go somewhere else.
This last statement is belied by the fact that the Netherlands
is the headquarters of the WEF’s Food Action Alliance program and the site of the Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS) of the WEF’s Food Innovation Hubs. Launched at the Davos Agenda meeting in 2021, the Food Innovation Hubs have as their goal alignment with the UN Food Systems
Summit: Sustainability” and “sustainable development” do not mean, as the words seem to suggest, the ability to withstand shocks of various kinds—economic crises, natural disasters, etc. They mean development constrained by utopian, unscientific environmentalist imperatives,
inclusive of reduced production and consumption in the developed world and the thwarting of development that would result in the production of additional GHGs in the developing world. In terms of agriculture, this entails a reduction in the use of nitrogen-rich fertilizers and
their eventual elimination and the phasing out of methane- and ammonia-producing cattle. In the Netherlands, the Food Hubs initiative has already led to the government’s compulsory buyout and closure of as many as three thousand farms, which will lead to dramatically reduced
crop yields from the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products.
The situation in the Netherlands is also part of the European Commission’s Farm to Fork Strategy. Under the Trump administration, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that adopting the plan would result in a decline in agricultural production of between 7
percent@and 12 percent for the European Union, depending on whether the adoption is EU-wide or global. With EU-only adoption, the decline in EU agricultural production was projected to be 12 percent, as opposed to 7 percent should the adoption become global. In the case of
global adoption, worldwide agricultural production was projected to drop by 11 percent. Further, the USDA reported: The decline in agricultural production would tighten the EU food supply, resulting in price increases that impact consumer budgets. Prices and per capita food
costs would increase the most for the EU, across each of the three scenarios [a middle scenario of adoption of Farm to Fork by the EU and neighboring nation-states was included in the study]. However, price and food cost increases would be significant for most regions if [
Farm to Fork] Strategies are adopted globally. For the United States, price and food costs would remain relatively unchanged except in the case of global adoption.
Production declines in the EU and elsewhere would lead to reduced trade, although some regions would benefit depen
ding on changes in import demand. However, if trade is restricted as a result of the imposition of the proposed measures, the negative impacts are concentrated in regions with the world’s most food-insecure populations. . . .
Food insecurity, measured as the number of people who lack access to a diet of at least 2,100 calories a day, increases significantly in the 76 low- and middle-income countries covered in our analysis due to increases in food commodity prices and declines in income, particularly
in Africa. By 2030, the number of food-insecure people in the case of EU-only adoption would increase by an additional 22 million more than projected without the EC’s proposed Strategies. The number would climb to 103 million
under the middle scenario and 185 million under global adoption. (emphasis mine) In the “Philanthropy: A Catalyst for Protecting Our Planet” session, US climate envoy John Kerry suggested that he and the people at Davos were “a select group of human beings, [who], because of wha
tever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.” Betraying the religious, cultlike character of the Davos group, Kerry suggested that his and others’ anointment as saviors of the planet was “almos
t extraterrestrial.” If you tell them you are interested in saving the planet, “most people,” Kerry continued, “they think you are a tree-hugging leftie liberal do-gooder.” But I submit that “most people” think Kerry and his ilk are not do-gooders at all but rather control freaks
and megalomaniacs bent on controlling the world’s population. In short, with the Davos agenda, we are confronted with a concerted, coordinated campaign to dismantle the productive capabilities in energy, manufacturing, and farming. This project, driven by elites and accruing
to their benefit, is amounting to the largest Great Leap Backward in recorded history. If it is not stopped and reversed, it will lead to economic disaster, including dramatically reduced consumption and living standards. And it will almost certainly result in more hunger in
the developed world and famines in the developing world. WEF chairman Schwab may outdo Chairman Mao. If we let him. Michael Rectenwald is the author of twelve books, including The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda, Thought Criminal,
Beyond Woke, Google Archipelago, and Springtime for Snowflakes. He is a distinguished fellow at Hillsdale College.
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Nur Bruchteil der Zuwanderer kommt zu Arbeitszwecken. Slechts een fractie van de migranten die in 2021 vanuit derde landen naar Duitsland verhuisden, kwam voor werkdoeleinden. Zoals blijkt uit het Migratierapport 2021 van de federale overheid, zijn dat…
jaar ongeveer 1,3 miljoen buitenlanders naar Duitsland verhuisd, waaronder bijna 500.000 uit landen buiten Europa. Ongeveer 40.000 van hen kregen een verblijfsvergunning voor arbeid in loondienst. Het rapport is beschikbaar voor WELT. Woensdag wordt hij door het kabinet
aangenomen. Dienovereenkomstig waren de grootste groepen arbeidsmigranten Indiërs en leden van de Westelijke Balkanstaten. Ook mensen uit Turkije, de Verenigde Staten en China trokken voor betaald werk naar Duitsland. Volgens het rapport zijn de meeste van deze werknemers uit
“Een staakt-het-vuren op de voorwaarden van Rusland zou alleen maar leiden tot een pauze in de gevechten die zou duren totdat Rusland zich zou verzamelen. Dat is niet in ons belang”, vervolgde de diplomaat.
Het gaat dus niet alleen om retorische nuanceringen tussen politieke leiders in Polen en West-Europese NAVO-landen. De verklaringen van premier Morawiecki en president Andrzej Duda zijn een uitdrukking van solide politiek. Omdat
Mythe wil echter dat #Slaven in zekere zin door ons hebben geleden en dat hun pijn daarom tijdloze geldigheid zal behouden: als morele norm, zelfs als verplichting voor ons eigen handelen.Het is deze morele druk die de virtuozen van de identiteitspolitiek sinds de 19e eeuw
gebruik van maken; het is het schuldige geweten tegenover het eigen collectief en de angst voor uitsluiting die het zo moeilijk maken om door alle historische simplificaties, stileringen en vervalsingen heen tot de werkelijkheid door te dringen. #slavernijexcuses
De bevrijding van de #slaven, waarop #identiteitsvormende#mythen zijn gebaseerd, een van de meest onthullende, maar ook meest gecompliceerde voorbeelden - een historisch proces van zo'n complexiteit dat het onmogelijk lijkt over te dragen zonder drastische #vereenvoudigingen.