Hi #DisabilityTwitter . Could I have some support as I do something rather audacious?
You might be thinking: "Cy, you already published your email to HR across all platforms today. You can just sit back and relax."
But that email was basic. I learned nothing from that email. Nothing that I did not already know.
But now I want to apply for something that I know my hero, an icon in philosophy, and you will all know her name in 20 years time, will read.
Her name? Shelley Lynn Tremain.
Yes, you already know her. Some of you. The rest of you? Catch up.
And I want this thing that I submit to impress Shelley Lynn Tremain, who founded Biopolitical Philosophy and who has conducted more interviews with philosophers than any other philosopher in the past two years. Whether disabled or not.
But I do not only want to impress Shelley Lynn Tremain. I also want to impress myself. It is difficult for me to impress me. Because I am hard on myself.
Now. I think I have found a way to impress both Shelley Lynn Tremain and also myself.
But first. What are we applying for?
We are applying to present a paper at the Critical Social Ontology Workshop, which will be March 25-26, 2023 with a March 1 deadline.
I know that if I doubt myself at this stage, if I think "what is social" or "what is ontology" or "what is social ontology" then I will just think "oh that was an audacious idea bc you dont know for sure what they mean by that" but I actually know enough
My #MedicalCharts as drawn above are in response to 1) all medical charts ever and 2) this quote from Kierkegaard
“The self is a relation which relates itself to its own self, or it is that in the relation that the relation relates itself to its own self; the self is not the relation but that the relation relates itself to its own self.”
But I am going to need an assist from @biopoliticalph and Shelley Lynn Tremain and the attendees at Critical Social Ontology Workshop if I am to go farther. I know what this medical chart means. But do others? Is this legible? Does this "make sense" ?
And so that's why I'm taking the next hour to apply to present a paper on Kierkegaard, Medical Charts & Cyborg Ontology at CSOW in March.
You can apply to present, too. And there are no fees, which means that CSOW is ontologically more advanced than @AmerSocBioHum
Here's how you know Shelley Lynn Tremain is doing something radical, beyond even her writing, and her writing is superlative.
Other philosophers are scared of Tremain.
Yes. They are scared of her writing, her thinking and her way-of-being in the world.
Other philosophers prefer the cozy confines of their academic posts, where they can make cozy pronouncements of cozy comfort that trouble, honestly, no one at all.
When the philosophy Shelley Lynn Tremain makes a pronouncement? Of any kind? Philosophers round North America tend to whisper to each other: "But did you hear the latest from Shelley Lynn Tremain?"
They whisper. But they might as well shout.
Because everyone wants to hear the latest from Shelley Lynn Tremain. And I mean: Everyone.
She is North America's favorite philosopher to not-be-caught-talking-about and so, as you probably guessed, we are always talking about her & what she thinks. Quietly. Amongst ourselves.
She is a much bigger deal than Peter Singer.
You get some kind of social currency for talking about Peter Singer. Even tho you prolly only half-read Animal Liberation bc it was assigned to you in college. In 1987.
She is a much bigger deal than Donna Haraway.
If you already know the philosopher you think is a big deal? That philosopher is not a big deal. Anymore. They were yesterday's big deal.
She is on the same level as Byung-Chul Han. And you are not reading him either.
So if you want an intro to the philosophy of Shelley Tremain? But maybe you're disabled and nobody has ever said to you: "You are actually a philosopher. Your thoughts are very interesting indeed," then I am saying that to you. And here's where to begin: biopoliticalphilosophy.com/2018/12/17/the…
Biopolitical Philosophy is hosted & co-founded by Shelley Tremain and Melinda Hall.
Hall and Tremain will be, in the future, as dear to you as Deleuze and Guattari. So I am introducing you to your future self. It's good to meet you, you.
@GaetaAmy Cld you take the keys to my Twitter away? I'm about to take ambien for sleep & I dont think I should keep tweeting my ex and my former friend god bless
Then again I'm having a lot of fun ? so like I can't decide
But like to be honest Meg Day is the far better poet. They just are. But like K is good, too. I mean I like them both a whole bunch. They just aren't very kind to me recently but why would that stop me from liking their poems? Right?
I need the record to show the way
The State of Florida
treats me, a queer disabled woman
who is also cyborg,
thus gender nonconforming
bc cyborg is not gendered
On November 8, 2022, an employee of FSU kissed me WITHOUT MY CONSENT in front of another employee of FSU in the parking lot of Gaines Street Pies
This is called battery. I am a tenured, Associate Professor at FSU, and I am not okay with battery committed against me by a colleague in my Department.
Here is the police report about the battery: 2023-90000198
Hey. Can someone tell me why we don't have outrage about The Supreme Court's first decision of the term? Where The Supreme Court sided against disabled veterans? Like, are we really just too tired or do we not care about disabled veterans cuz I'm confused.
And the fact the ruling was 9-0 with nobody on the side of disabled veterans? That's yet another reason why I'm an anarchist. Have fun with your Democrats and your Democracy. If your Democrats can't even rep for disabled veterans? who need time? to make a deadline? then no.
There are so very many secret-disabled people in my life. I need the secrecy around disability to stop OR I need to figure out my own boundaries around secret-disabled people.
Preliminary boundary: If you are secret-disabled? I will move my bodymind away from you. I do not consent to be in close relation to secret-disabled ppl.