This is interesting because there was a BIG push to vaccinate this year. Yet the average uptake has been dropping.
Expanding eligible age ranges is the only way to get more doses out.
62.6% 2018-19
46.7% 2021-22
38.3% 2022-23 3/
The UK π¬π§ was always pro-vax previously, so we should all be concerned. Turning the tide will not be easy, especially with outspoken 'experts' getting media attention.
Children are lower risk than adults
Children aren't at risk
"It provides an opportunity for the virus to escape and multiply unchecked to cause more severe symptoms as the immune system ramps up to try and fix the problem."
"Towards the end of 2020, Purified Air was commissioned to supply the Ministry of Defence with our mobile virus irradiation units (VIU Mobile) to help reduce the spread of airborne COVID-19 the indoor environment."
We asked our group whether schools had suggested families deregister in the interests of the school and NOT the child.
This is called 'off-rolling' and is illegal.
4οΈβ£2οΈβ£% had been asked!!!
One member shared their story from November '20:
This is still happening today.
Many of our members had to withdraw from schools completely as they were threatened with fines & prosecution.
The new 'Schools Bill' threatens Clinically Vulnerable Families further by enabling prosecutions and forced attendance for families.
It states there is:
"β’ duty on parents to provide necessary information to local authorities for inclusion on their registers; local authorities will be required to start SAO proceedings should parents not comply with providing this information"
#Access2Antivirals is poor. We have heard from NHS sources that only 10-16% of the tiny subset of immunosuppressed people who qualify for treatment receive them within 5 days.
This, in itself, is a serious concern. But not the focus today.
People are being sent the above email when they *do* qualify for treatment directly from the Covid Medicines Delivery Units (CMDUs).
The Panoramic trial has 450 spaces/day and only 225 doses of Paxlovid (a proven treatment) it is open to Clinically Vulnerable people and 50+.
The Panoramic trial is often heavily oversubscribed especially during times of great need. Whether we need a trial for a treatments proven effective is another question....
The question is:
Is it ethical to prompt someone who qualifies for treatment to apply to this trial?
We find this particularly peculiar because we have been carefully following the research and are unaware of such evidence. Could you please share it with us?
Why would accepting infection be beneficial especially with the high risks of death and @LongCovidSOS faced by clinically vulnerable people?
Surely this would be an unnecessary drain on NHS ICU resources?