🧵Missouri’s own “Don’t Say Gay” bill #SB134 is on the calendar for a public hearing Tues 2/7 at 8:15 am in the Senate Education Committee. This bill is dangerous for ALL students. If you’re able, please show up in Jefferson City first thing Tuesday morning. #MoSen#MoLeg
No nurse/counselor/teacher… at a public/charter school shall discuss gender identity or sexual
orientation with a minor student unless (that person) is a licensed mental health care provider with prior permission from the student's parent or legal guardian. #MoSen#MoLeg
PLEASE call every member of the committee and voice your strong opposition. Call every day. If their voicemail fills up, try again later. And please show up to testify and/or to stand in solidarity with our lgbtq+ students Tues 2/7. #MoSen#SB134#SayGay
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🧵The hits just keep coming. Tomorrow morning (2/1) at 8am, the #MoLeg House Elem & Secondary Ed committee will hear #HB70, which will allow more school personnel to carry firearms inside our k-12 schools, putting our children at an even greater risk of gun violence.@MomsDemand
The presence of guns in schools increases the likelihood that a student will access a gun & that a student will access a gun and it will accidentally discharge, possibly injuring or killing another child, teacher, or staff. Schools are places for books and backpacks, not weapons.
Please take a moment and submit online testimony against #HB70 to encourage members of this committee to please vote NO. You can submit testimony here. Once submitted, you need to check your email and verify your testimony. house.mo.gov/WitnessForm/De…
I’m grateful that my father never traveled to the state Capitol to put on public record that he thought I was less of an athlete than my male counterparts. Just love, support, and my biggest cheering section. That’s what he gave me. #ProtectTransKids#MoLeg#MoSen
A few things: these bills do not force boys into girls sports, biblical values have no place in our laws, Jesus didn’t mention what team kids can play on, a transgender child is not a mental illness, putting hate, fear, and lack of knowledge makes for terrible policy.
Deadnaming a transgender woman to prove that you are supportive of trans people isn’t the win you think it is. Neither is using the wrong pronoun.
🧵Alright y’all, let’s be real. Women in the MO House have always had to cover their arms. This is not new. The debate was over the classist decision to dictate what material they could cover their arms with. It was ridiculous, a time-suck, and deserving of criticism. Buuutt…
While national news is still focusing on “the right to bare arms” there are real, life-threatening bills moving through Jeff City that are being completely ignored. Once again, the GOP fuckery serves as a huge distraction from the tyranny they’re writing into law. #MoLeg
We have bills that lower the age for cc permit, allow schools to have armed volunteers, force hidden, loaded guns onto public transportation & churches, allow citizens to sue for $250k if their gun is seized due to them being a danger to themselves or others. @MomsDemand#MoLeg
“A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, in order to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis.”
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“For 2 centuries the Negro was enslaved & robbed of any wages—potential accrued wealth which would have been the legacy of his descendants. All of America’s wealth today couldn’t adequately compensate its Negroes for his centuries of exploitation & humiliation.”
-Dr. MLK Jr.
“Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic."
-Dr. MLK Jr.
Advocating for an embryo/fetus while ignoring children who are living, breathing beings right in front of you is easy, lazy & performative.
Kids deserve safety, quality education, healthcare, warm meals, a roof over their head. That’s the real work. That’s #ProLife#MoLeg
Allowing Agape’ Boarding School to remain in operation after decades of physical, emotional, and sexual child abuse is not pro-life. #MoLegnews-leader.com/story/news/loc…
Legalizing unfettered access to guns while Missouri children are slaughtered in their classrooms, their bedrooms, and on the sidewalk is not pro-life. #MoLeg kansascity.com/news/state/mis…
People keep asking about Amendment 5 - creating a new dept for the National Guard. I was one of only two no votes in the house, but remain an emphatic NO. This one has major fascist/separatist vibes. 2/12
The other no came from one of the most reasonable Rs I work with and his concerns were about separating the guard from the rest of the Dept of Puvlic Safety, with whom they have to coordinate closely in disasters. I agree with him. 3/12