Mars is a planet that is high in energy, aggressive, soldier like, sacrificing, impulsive, leader like, and shows suddenness. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars rules the zodiac sign of Aries and Scorpio. It gets exalted in the sign of Capricorn and debilitated in the sign of Cancer.
Mars in Aries: In its own sign of mool trikone, its assertive, energetic, impulsive, health conscious & exercise freak. Interested in subjects related to self or human body, like biology, sports, medicine, acting etc. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology
Mars in Taurus: In its neutral sign of Venus, it will give one inclination & aptitude in financial matters, makes one very concerned about family members, wealth, comforts,even fond of sudden eating binges and sensual pleasures. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Gemini: In its enemy sign it will make sure the person very vocal about his thoughts, irrespective of others getting hurt. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Cancer: In its debilitation sign, gives one lots of unreasonable anger, could be short tempered. One may take active interest in domestic matters, may be a great cook. Extremely emotional. Mother may have sudden health issues. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Leo: In its great friend's sign, it becomes very expressive, confident, leaderlike & bold. Leo being a very hot sign will make Mars full of anger. Good placement for performing artists, politicians, soldiers, doctors etc. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Virgo: Here Mars is in its enemy sign. This makes one very fastidious, critical in ones approach, materialistic and stingy at times. But one can be a great healer or a doctor or a lawyer with this combination. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Libra: Here Mars is in its neutral sign, gives great capability to interact with the world diplomatically. One is great business partner too, can be extremely sophisticated with ones ideas. Would be fond of opposite gender. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Scorpio: Here Mars happens to be in its own negative sign. One is extremely secretive, jealous, and good with hiding his feelings. One can be good at research projects, occult sciences, and secrecy related fields in profession. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Sagittarius: Mars is in its very good friend's house. One would be great with spiritual thoughts, a great teacher, preacher, very positive in approach towards life. One would be very forgiving & understanding in attitude too. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
Mars in Capricorn: In its exaltation sign, Mars does extremely well here. A great leader, CEO, or occupies top post in armed forces. One would be always looked up to where support is needed by people. One is great in doing jobs in hand & highly respected. #Vedicjyotish
Mars in Aquarius: Mars's neutral, not so friendly house. Saturn considers Mars its enemy but Mars sees it as a friend.
Mars in Pisces: In its very good friend's house, does well here. One is very sacrificing by nature, emotional too. #Vedicjyotish#vedicastrology#astrology
When the person dies, the physical body remains on earth and ‘prana’ Shakti means vital energy is released back to universe but spiritual body/ subtle body does not end. #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism#spirituality
We have multiple bodies Etheric Body, Emotional, Mental & Astral Bodies, Etheric Template, Celestial & Casual Bodies & multiple dimensions that are 3rd dimension - lower astral dimension, 4th - middle astral dimension, 5th - higher astral dimension #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism
‘Subtle Body’ - are energy bodies that consist of Electromagnetic waves these bodies have their own frequency, range and connection to chakras system. #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism#spirituality
1.If Venus is posited in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th house from Jupiter, the native will have own house.
2.If the 4th house lord is posited in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11th house from Jupiter, the native will have own house. #vedicastrology#astrology
3.If Ketu is posited in 1st, 2nd, 5th or 9th house from Venus, native will have delay/difficulty in having own house.
4. If Venus is conjoined with Mercury or Rahu or Saturn or Mars , Native will have own house . But only if above conditions apply. #vedicastrology#astrology
a)Venus + Mercury: Native will have duplex house. Will have beautiful house with exquisite furniture & all home appliances. If Venus is conjoined with Mercury and Rahu, the native will possess old house or dilapidated house as an ancestral property. #vedicastrology#astrology
Which planet in astrology helps you become a research scholar and professor? #vedicastrology#astrology
Saturn also makes one to go for deeper level of knowledge up to research scholar level. The ‘MoolTrikona’ sign of Saturn is Aquarius, which is termed as ‘Kumbh’ in Hindi language. #vedicastrology#astrology
‘Kumbh’ means an earthen pot, which we keep filling with water or oil, etc. This is symbolic about gathering knowledge within ourselves and lift our level of consciousness towards upper sphere. #vedicastrology#astrology
Meaning: Bhagwan Shani Dev looks resplendent & majestic as a blue hill. He is the son of Bhagwan Surya (sun god) & brother of Bhagwan Yama (god of death). He is born to Chaya Devi & Martanda (another name of sun god). I bow down to the slow moving one. #SanatanDharma#Hinduism
‘Looking like a blue cloud, the sun of the Sun, he is the foremost of those who control. He can even put his shadow over the glorious sun. To that Saturn, the emblem of control, we bow down in devotion.’ #SanatanDharma#Hinduism
Oh Divine One, who is as magnificent as the Hibiscus flower
To you, blessed son of Kashyapa, how powerfully radiant.
To you, the fierce enemy of darkness, and the One who washes away all sins,
To your brilliant infinite light, I humbly bow. #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism
The Om Japa Kusuma mantra holds several benefits for the mind of both the chanter and the listener.
Listening to this mantra along with meditation helps you in the following ways. #SanatanaDharma#Hinduism