What right-wing extremists REALLY want: no welfare; no public sector; no taxes; no consumer, worker, or environmental protections; no food or other standards; no limits on Party funding; no lobbying restrictions; no unions; no protest; & no human rights.
After last night's appalling episode of #bbcqt, today I've emailed @BBCR4Feedback to express my concerns about Fiona Bruce's inability to properly or fairly chair @bbcquestiontime panels, & about the disproportionate number of right-wing panellists.
Full email below:
"I'm a @BBC supporter & appreciate that @BBCR4Feedback makes an important contribution to society in helping to maintain the BBC's public service ethos & hard-won reputation for providing impartial, high-quality & distinctive output & services which inform, educate, & entertain."
"I'm writing to raise concerns - articulated and shared by thousands on social media - about @bbcquestiontime.
My concerns are twofold:
First, Fiona Bruce's chairing of BBC Question Time is, at best, unacceptably poor."
New, interesting, & timely free to read research article: "‘The jobs all go to foreigners’: a critical discourse analysis of the Labour Party's ‘left-wing’ case for immigration controls."
This paper critically examines how senior figures in the @UKLabour Party & wider labour movement discussed the topic of immigration in the immediate aftermath of the UK's vote to leave the European Union in 2016.
Influenced by the Discourse Historical Approach, the paper is based on an analysis of 86 public interventions by Labour figures, over a 6-month period, delivered in speeches, articles and essays.
"My promise to you is that I will maintain our #radical values & work tirelessly to get Labour in to power – so that we can advance the interests of the people our party was created to serve. Based on the moral case for #socialism, here is where I stand".
Whether you blame social media or inequality, contemporary citizens seem to want political horse races and big personalities — at least that’s the conventional wisdom. Engage your disgruntled followers with big ideas on TikTok!
It would be bad enough if culture war clashes were just so much entertainment. But politicians that include Boris Johnson in the UK & US Sen. Josh Hawley appeal to the working classes — the masses of people without much money who turn out to vote.
The 2021 book, 'The Ideology of Political Reactionaries', will interest anyone concerned about current ideological trends - particularly the disturbing rise in far-right rhetoric, activism, & terrorism in the UK, across Europe, & in America.
A US group tied to the influential anti-abortion activist Leonard Leo gave $3 million to the Republican Attorneys General Association in the fourth quarter, the largest contributor to the organization in 2022.
The Concord Fund - a dark money group affiliated with the Trump “judge whisperer” and Federalist Society board co-chair - also made a $1-million contribution to RAGA in the first quarter, bringing its total for the year to $4 million.
In 2020, the opaquely funded Concord Fund was described as having "unmatched influence in recent years in shaping the federal judiciary" & is part of the network of organisations associated with Leonard Leo, an executive in the Federalist Society.