A bombshell article by @writingblock challenges claims by activists that the science supporting the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors is "settled" and that the use of puberty blockers and hormones in transgender kids is "evidence based." 🧵⬇️ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
Many argue that giving puberty blockers and hormones to trans minors is uncontroversial & backed by high-quality science. Block's reporting disputes this. Swedish health authorities, for example, say the risks "currently outweigh the possible benefits". 2/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
@glaad, in its recent protest before the @nytimes building, echoed a common refrain: that "the science is settled" regarding giving puberty blockers and hormones to trans-identifying minors. @writingblock's peer-reviewed reporting challenges this claim. 3/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
The prescription of hormones to trans-identifying minors is often framed as a choice of life on meds vs death by suicide. But researchers have not actually shown that hormonal treatment for gender dysphoria impacts death by suicide. 5/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
@HRC said in a press release today that "ALL gender-affirming care is age appropriate and medically necessary." But in the UK, health experts found there's "scarce & inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making" for kids with dysphoria. 6/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
Mark Helfand of Oregon Health & Science University criticized @wpath's recommendations for treating #transgender minors, including a lack of grading system to assess the quality of scientific evidence backing the guidelines. #trans 7/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
At an October meeting of the AAP, @writingblock reports, @DrScottHadland of Harvard Med said, "Ten thousand pediatricians stand in solidarity for trans and gender diverse kids & their families to receive evidence-based, lifesaving, individualized care." 8/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
Gordon Guyatt (@GuyattGH) of McMaster University found "serious problems" with the Endocrine Society's guidelines for treating #trans kids, such as making strong recommendations based on weak evidence--meaning they should not be called "evidence based". 9/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
In contrast to @DrScottHadland, @GuyattGH said, "When there's been a rigorous systematic review of the evidence" about treating #trans kids "and the bottom line is 'we don't know,' anybody who then claims they *do* know is not being evidence based." 10/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
While myriad medical organizations in the US back prescribing puberty blockers & hormones to trans-identifying minors, standards abroad are very different. Sweden did systematic reviews in '15 and '22, found evidence was "insufficient and inconclusive."11/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
The Endocrine Society (@TheEndoSociety) commissioned 2 systematic reviews for its clinical practice guideline for treating #trans adolescents with sex steroids and found the quality of the evidence regarding health risks was "low" or "very low". 12/ press.psprings.co.uk/bmj/february/t…
@MattWalshBlog, who doesn't so much debate the science behind care for trans minors as douse the field with gasoline & set it on fire, has made the topic so combustible in Tennessee, he teed up the politicization of #HIV prevention there, I reported: 14/ nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-ou…
@writingblock's assessment of the evidence backing standards of care for treating gender dysphoria in #trans minors comes a week after activists (eg: @glaad) and writers have pressured @nytimes to refrain from the type of reporting she has done. 16/ glaad.org/new-york-times…
The emailed responses to this thread are starting to come in. This is new: now I'm a Nazi and have autism to boot.
More charming exchanges with the readers of this tweet thread. Have a good one, @zunetopia.
Kindly do not come to this thread disrespectfully. I will not tolerate malicious statements toward anyone and the misgendering of transgender people.
Also, for anyone coming to this thread who thinks they know who I am, what I think or believe or what I'm about, do take note that I do not share my personal opinions about many issues on Twitter. I invite you to read my reporting on LGBTQ issues: benryan.net/lgbtq.html
@HRC will fly an airplane banner down the Hudson River protesting @nytimes coverage of #transgender issues today:
@Esqueer_ claims @writingblock can’t count, but the figure she cited in her BMJ article is the total number of minors receiving hormones and puberty blockers during that period, whereas the chart refers only to puberty blockers.
I get a lot of venomous emails, but I’d say this one regarding my tweet thread about the strength of the science behind the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors is one of the most heinous. Sadly for this person’s hopes, I was cured of cancer and have a 5% recurrence chance.
Also: it sucks for that person, but no one dies of testicular cancer anymore.
@meetzow wants me to die because I am engaging in science reporting and have illuminated the weakness of the science backing the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors.
Also, gay people on Twitter get hit with a lot of tweets like this in the Musk era: @UIgliori
People tweet this to suggest that reduced stigma is the sole reason for the apparent tripling in trans identification between older adults & youths. But I think we can agree that gender identity is far more complex and driven by more complex factors than left vs right-handedness.
If only this @ryanlcooper@TheProspect podcast had brought on academic experts to discuss youth gender care science. Instead, @RottenInDenmark provides a misleading overview that, for example, fails to note Finland & Sweden disagree with the US on this. 1/ prospect.org/podcasts/02-20…
@RyanCooper claims that what @jessesingal says about youth gender care science "makes no sense scientifically." Except Singal knows the science better than just about anyone, as he assiduously demonstrates. And his coverage is way more nuanced than Hobbes claims. 2/
My favorite is @ryanlcooper saying the best thing for science journos to do is: "You go into the studies to talk to the scientists, you don't talk to individual people, who may and probably do have an ax to grind," as he interviews two individual non-scientists about science. 3/
Hobbes himself is extraordinarily ideological, meanwhile. 4/
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Research indicates that even after undergoing lengthy testosterone suppression and estrogen treatment, natal males who identify as female hold a competitive advantage in women’s sports. This is not just about height. It’s about muscle strength, shoulder and hand size, oxygen processing, etc.
And there are teenage boys who can bear Katie Ledecky, one of the most unbeatable long-distance swimmers in history.
The difference between the trans sports question and past battles over interracial and same-sex marriage is that there was never any rational scientific support for opposition to those rights. But research does indicate that trans women maintain a competitive advantage in women’s sports. @mattyglesias @drvolts
So is it “morally repugnant” as @drvolts claims, for @mattyglesias to back trans-girl exclusion from girls’ sports if their inclusion is unfair to c-s girls, per scientific research? Is inclusion more important than fairness?
I would be very interested to know why David Roberts thinks it is fair to include trans girls and women in girls and women’s sports.
$544,000-a-Year, Newly Nonbinary @ACLU Executive Makes Incorrect Claims About Pediatric Gender Medicine: Will This Impact Landmark Supreme Court Case?
🧵👇I report for the @NewYorkSun: Hired in 2019 as the ACLU’s first DEI chief, AJ Hikes has also emerged at the center of a labor-rights case against the nonprofit that deemed it illegally fired a staffer on unsubstantiated claims of racism.
GIFT LINK: $544,000-a-Year, Nonbinary ACLU Executive Makes Incorrect Claims About Pediatric Gender Medicine: Will This Impact Landmark Supreme Court Case? nysun.com/article/544000…
Hired in 2019 as the ACLU’s first DEI chief, AJ Hikes has also emerged at the center of a labor-rights case against the nonprofit that deemed it illegally fired a staffer on unsubstantiated claims of racism.
The @ACLU's 4th highest-paid staffer, AJ Hikes, who was hired in 2019 as its first DEI officer, whose 2023 salary exceeded $540K, and who wields considerable influence as a close advisor to the executive director, has drawn unflattering attention to the storied legal group.
Leaked: LGBTQ Groups' Memo On Combatting Trump's Attack On Pediatric Gender Medicine
🧵👇I report: The secret memo, which is meant to help backers of pediatric gender medicine fight for the field in the court of public opinion, discourages focusing on the quality of the related scientific evidence.
Leaked: LGBTQ Groups' Memo On Combatting Trump's Attack On Pediatric Gender Medicine
The secret memo, which is meant to help backers of pediatric gender medicine fight for the field in the court of public opinion, discourages focusing on the quality of the related scientific evidence.benryan.substack.com/p/leaked-lgbtq…
One of the authors of the talking-points memo about how to advocate for pediatric gender-transition treatment is Kellan Baker, of the Whitman-Walker Institute. Dr. Baker was on the WPATH team that suppressed the Johns Hopkins systematic literature reviews of trans care that they had commissioned when they didn’t like the results. So it is notable that he is now instructing other advocates of pediatric gender-transition treatment not to discuss the scientific evidence in this field, but is claiming that those who ask about the evidence only do so in bad faith. benryan.substack.com/p/leaked-lgbtq…
A lot of people are portraying USAID as some sort of bastion of looney DEI excesses. Let’s take a look at what the sudden arresting of their operation is doing to global health. Please read the thread (my thread, not Ryan James’):