Its unique flawed reproduction process in the cytoplasm creates free floating misfolded protein (prion) debris. It causes mitochondrial damage in #LongCOVID#LongSARS patients or immune-mediated damage (complement cascade or feed-forward)
2. AJ thinks T cells are both killed when terminally differentiated via FAS; and naïve T cells are aged through bystander activation and via the feed-forward controller, creating a negative feedback loop to soaking up pro-inflammatory cytokines to prevent severe illness or death.
3. There are other mechanisms; read about complement activation for instance. 结果, SARS-CoV-2 appears perfect at serially challenging and insidiously aging the immune system.
Other viruses that cause similar immune aging teach us that a cure must address these exact mechanisms.
4. T cell depletion tests can be used to diagnose #LongCovid just like Long #SARS patients 10-20 years ago. Can anyone explain why we aren’t doing this, other than because clearly we like watching Rome burn?
5. Back to SAND-mediated climate mitigation. I don’t think it’s a good idea unless you’re want a deniable, largely unwatchable directors cut of mad max.
2. Be precise: two pandemics because we're good on mpox [monkeypox]/smallpox/all poxviruses. The PHEIC is ensured until 2032. (not that anyone worldwide outside twitter would have noticed lmfao)
You see how we would treat SARS if we were serious?
Make sure we all talk about the same, so keep reading. SARS is here to stay until we eliminate it.
I recommend aiming for Zero SARS 2030. It will demand high-level attention even if we decide not to eliminate as society unravels under chronic disease and shortened time horizons.
Expect clearer trends by 2025. If we are unlucky, a close analogue is the onset of AIDS in Southern Africa's pre-ART era. You won't be able to tell for sure in everyday life—such is the nature of high-order nonlinear feedback structures. 😀
This thread to snap back to reality, for anyone who feels like population-wide cognitive dissonance won't work out well, as of course it won't. 加油大家, good luck us,
Seriously. In the meantime the funniest pandemic meme: Someone explain like I’m 5 why anyone talks about some market in Wuhan in Dec 2019, when we’ve known for three years the virus had by then been circulating for months already. 😂🤦🏻♀️
2. You don’t need to follow @Harvard2H’s views (I think you miss a few key details on SARS-CoV pathogenesis Dan?—not my role to judge) to appreciate his valid wider point: policymakers & anyone obstructing justice will almost certainly be held accountable.
3. Nothing says “incompetent media” like the silence on this (@Harvard2H), the first peer-reviewed paper hypothesizing SARS-CoV-2 origins in serial passage through animal hosts or cell culture. But yes everyone, look at Chinese markets, fun & great food!…
Idiopathic staffing shortages, air accidents, worldwide SARS-associated neurocognitive disorder (SAND). Have fun guys - call us if you want to end this, any time!
Trust your eyes. Arrogant westerners thought they could let a coronavirus rip with or without vaccine, because we would get 'herd immunity'. For influenza they'd be right if eugenic. For SARS this didn't happen, and never will. Society will go down. Unless