Emily Carver is an ideological extremist from Conservative Home, who works for the opaquely funded free-market #IEA, & represents the interests of fossil fuel corporations & rich libertarians who want to kill the #NHS & remove worker & environmental protections. #PoliticsLive
The @BBC gives their influential platform to the opaquely funded free-market corporate propagandists, the #IEA, which represents the interests of overseas billionaires, & pushes for lowering taxes, & abolishing the #NHS & worker, consumer & environmental protections. #PolitcsLive
Ideological extremist Emily Carver moved seamlessly from the #IEA to Conservative Home last year. It doesn't really matter - the global network representing billionaire-interests includes the billionaire-owned/funded press/media, Govt Ministers, & #TuftonStreet 'think tanks'.
What sickens me about the @BBC's #PoliticsLive is that its topic agenda is dictated almost exclusively by the UK press - almost invariably by the Murdoch, Harmsworth, & Barclay press - who work hand-in-glove with 'think tanks' & Govt to promote free-market #framing of any issue.
To 'frame' something is "to select some aspects of a perceived reality & make them more salient in a communication text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described."
UK @Conservatives & US Republicans *themselves* adopt increasingly radical (illiberal, antidemocratic, & authoritarian) policies & rhetoric, while relentlessly framing progressives & the Left as the REAL radical menace in an act of strategic misdirection.
Yesterday's #PoliticsLive featured yet another #TuftonStreet free-market think tank, the Centre for Policy Studies. The @BBC NEVER tells viewers these lobbying groups flat refuse to disclose who funds them, thus depriving viewers of essential information.
And here's today's anti-#NHS article from #Spectator economics editor, Kate Andrews, who is also a regular on @BBC politics shows, a regular writer in the Telegraph (also owned by tax-avoiding billionaire Frederick Barclay), formerly of #TuftonStreet's IEA & Adam Smith Institute.
Allister heath is an unreconstructed free-market fundamentalist ideological extremist, who in 2018, made the infantile claim that "Cultural Marxism is running rampant", & last September welcomed the catastrophic mini-budget submitted by Kwasi Kwarteng, with unbridled enthusiasm.
"This was the best budget I have ever heard a British chancellor deliver, by a massive margin. The tax cuts were so huge & bold, the language so extraordinary, that at times, listening to Kwasi Kwarteng, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming."
- Allister Heath
Since the #Brexit vote, the proportion of people declaring confidence in parliament has slumped by 10 percentage points to 22% while there has been a seven percentage point rise in confidence in the European Union, to 39%.
Only 24% of people said they were “happy” that the UK voted to quit the EU, while 49% were disappointed.
The UK has also joined the ranks of countries least likely to have confidence in the UK government & parliament – falling behind France, Germany, Australia, Iran, & China.
“Confidence in parliament has halved since 1990. We’re among the least likely of more than 20 countries in the study to have confidence in the government; confidence in the police has fallen sharply, particularly in London; & only Egypt has less trust in their press.”
Europe’s human rights watchdog has warned the UK Government that its plans to curb the rights of trafficking victims in its illegal migration bill is a “significant step backwards”, & demonstrates a lack of compliance with international law.
In a highly unusual move, the Council of Europe’s group of experts on action against trafficking in human beings expressed deep concern about the bill & its lack of compliance with core elements of the Council of Europe convention on action against trafficking in human beings.
Experts warned that if the bill became law it would be a significant step backwards in the fight against human trafficking & modern slavery, & risk undoing many of the UK’s achievements by making it harder to identify victims, prosecute traffickers, & combat human trafficking.
The ENTIRE UK press & media, along with every #TuftonStreet think tank, has seized on a survey showing 'falling satisfaction' with the #NHS.
They ALL selectively avoid foregrounding the FACT the public shows VERY STRONG SUPPORT for the principles underpinning OUR #NHS.
The ghouls pushing for private health insurance ignore that the overwhelming majority of respondents agreed that the founding principles of OUR #NHS should ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ apply - 9 in 10 backed the principle that OUR #NHS should be free of charge when you need it.
The ideologically extreme free market fundamentalist ghouls within & outside Government also ignored the FACT that MORE THAN 8 in 10 respondents supported the principles that OUR #NHS should be available to everyone & primarily be funded THROUGH TAXES - NOT private healthcare.
Online targeted political advertising is a problem - it leverages an information asymmetry between advertiser & recipient: “those holding the data know a lot about individuals, while people don’t know what the data practitioners know about them”. journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.11…
Policymakers in the EU & US aim to decrease this asymmetry by requiring information transparency information alongside political advertisements, in the hope of activating & increasing citizens’ 'persuasion knowledge'.
However, the proposed regulations all present different directions with regard to the required content of transparency information. Consequently, not all proposed interventions will be (equally) effective.