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Apr 21, 2023 68 tweets 66 min read Read on X
⭐️Vedic Origin of the Universe - Families of the Vedic Gods
What is the origin of the universe in Hindu Vedic Culture:
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1. In Vedic scriptures There is a primordial cosmic force mentioned, that is believed to be beyond Human understanding: -
Brahman - Masculine aspect of this force
Shakti - Feminine aspect of this force, which can be more powerful than its counterpart.
Brahman is considered a…… ImageImage
2. During the initial days of the universe, 3 supreme deities popped up, from Brahman, in the below order:
Vishnu - The god of Preservation
Brahma - The god of Creation
Shiva - The god of Destruction
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3. Through Shakti, 3 supreme goddesses popped up, who would act as consorts to the above-mentioned respective deities:-
Lakshmi - Goddess of luck and wealth, consort of Vishnu.
Saraswati - Goddess of knowledge, music, and arts, also a former river goddess (the supposed real-life…… Image
4. Hinduism recognizes two eternal principles mentioned in the Vedas, the Bhagavadgita, and other Hindu scriptures. They’re Purusha and Prakriti. Also known. as Brahman and Brahmi, Isvara and Isvari, Siva and Shakti, Narayana and Narayani. The Gita declares that seated in…… Image
5. In Vedic theology Purush is the supreme being which is denoted as "Brahman" in the Vedic scriptures. The name "Brahman" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Brah" which means to expand, develop, grow, and enlarge. So Brahman is considered the highest self, a static actuality……
6. Prakriti is the set of eternal, indestructible, and indivisible realities that produce modifications.
Maya is the modification of Prakriti. It represents the natural universe we experience.
Tattvas are the collection of ceaseless and original realities which constitute……
7. Nature in the English sense of the word represents the modifications of Prakriti, but maybe not Prakriti itself. It’s the same as Sambhuti or Maya.
Asambhuti or Mula Prakriti is your second ceaseless Principle of existence, alongside Unmanifested Brahman in which everything…… Image
8. How the Family tree of Gods evolved:
Brahma had several mind-born children, who are known as Manasaputra, most of them are primordial rishis or sages and some minor gods:-
Kumaras - Four celibate siblings, who have the appearance of children, they roam around the material and…… ImageImage
Brahma's children
9. Angiras - A powerful primordial rishi and one of the saptarishis.
Bhrigu - Another rishi among Saptarishi, who also acts as the facilitator of Creation. He married Khyati and Paloma. He had few children with them.
Chitragupta - Divine record keeper, who…… ImageImageImage
Brahma's children
10. Daksha - (God of rituals) and another facilitator of creation, he had two wives - Prasuti and Asikni, they had a lot of daughters, who became wives of other gods and powerful rishis. Once he got decapitated and his head was replaced by a goat head.
Jambavan…… ImageImage
Brahma's children
11. Pulaha - Another member of Saptarishi
Pulastya - Another member of Saptarishi
Shatarupa - First Woman
Swayambhuva Manu - First Man
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12. Vashishta - Powerful and revered sage and a
member of Saptarishi
Atri - Another powerful and revered sage and a
member of Saptarishi
Gautama - A powerful sage, who is mostly known
for cursing his wife, Ahalya
Ruci - A revered primordial…… Image
Brahma's Children
13. Adharma - Personification of Dharma’s antonym
Himsa - Personification of Violence
Ahalya - A beautiful woman created by Brahma, to rival Apsara, who were boasting about their beauty.
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14. Swayambhuva Manu and his wife Shatarupa, the mind-born children of Brahma were the first Human male and female, they had a few daughters:-
Ahuti - She married sage Ruci
Devahuti - She married sage Kardama
Prasuti - She married Daksha
#Hinduism #Vedic #India #Puran… Image
14. Daksha (God of rituals) had married Prasuti and Asikni (daughter of Panchajana) and had a lot of daughters, who went on to marry Primordial sages and gods and gave birth to many gods, themselves:-
13 of them became wives of Yama (God of Death)
Sraddha - Personification of……
15. Daughters of Daksha:
Khyati married Bhrigu
Sambhuti married Marichi
Smriti married Angiras
Priti (Goddess of love) and Riti (Goddess of affection) married Kamadeva (God of Sex).
Kshama married Pulaha
Sannati married Kratu
Urjja (Also a personification of the Ursa Major……
16. Daughters of Daksha
Another 13 got married to Kashyapa Rishi
Aditi (Goddess of Sky)
Diti and Danu's children started Asura Lineage.
Children of Diti were Daitya and children of Danu were……
17. Daughters of Daksha:
27 of his daughters who represent 27 major Nakshatras/constellations in the night sky got married to Chandra (and I don’t know the English names for these constellations)
Ardra/Thiruvathira…… Image
18. Sage Angiras married Smriti and their son is:- Brihaspati - Guru of Devas and personification of Jupiter Sage Bhrigu married Khyati and Paloma and their children are:- Alakshmi - Goddess of Misfortune Lakshmi - Goddess of luck and wealth Shukracharya - Guru of Asuras and……
19. Kratu (Brahma's Son) married Sannati and they had:-
60,000 Bhalakhiyas, or thumb-sized Rishis

Marichi(Brahma's Son) married, Kardama’s daughter, Kala, with whom he had:-
Kashyapa - A revered primordial sage, who is also credited for being the progenitor of most of the life……
20. Kardama (Brahma's Son) married Devahutti and had:-

Kapila - A primordial sage, founder of the Samkhya school of teaching.
Anasuya - The above-mentioned wife of Atri and father of Durvasa, Chandra, and Dattatreya
Arundhati - Vashishta’a wife
Jaya - Gatekeeper of Vishnuloka……
21. Vashishta (Brahma's Son) married Arundhati and had:-
Maharishi Shakti - A revered sage, like others
Maharishi Shakti and his wife, Adrushyanti had:-
Parasara - Another revered sage
Parasara had a child with a fisherwoman, Satyavati, with whom he had:-
Vyasa - The sage who was……
22. Brihaspati, Son of Brahma and the Guru of Devas married Tara (Goddess of Happiness), who was born out of a ritual pyre and they had:-
Bharadvaja - A revered primordial Sage
Kacha - A sage who is the disciple of Shukracharya
Kesari - A Vanara, known for being the father of……
23. Vayu, Son of Brahma and the god of wind had spiritual children:-
Hanuman - God of strength, Courage, and devotion and a Chiranjeevi (Immortal).
Bhima - One of the five Pandava brothers
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24. Vishwakarma, the god of architecture, had a couple of children, with Gayatri (an avatar of Shakti, she represents Gayatri Mantra), and an Asura child with an Asura woman, Virochana, and a bunch of spiritual children:-
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25. Children of Vishvkarma:
Sanjana - Goddess of clouds, shadows, and dusk, was the daughter he had with Gayatri.
Trisiras - An Asura, who is Prahald’s maternal grandson
Nala - A Vanara, who was responsible for the creation of Rama Setu, due to the wisdom that he had received……
26. Children of Vishvkarma:
Manu - He was cursed to work as a blacksmith and he was the first blacksmith ever.
Maya - The first carpenter. He was the mythical author of Vastu Shastra.
Tvastar - The first Metalworker
Shilpi - The first stonemason
Visvajna - The first goldsmith……
27. Agni, the god of fire, married Svaha, the goddess of sacrifice, with whom, he had:-
Pavaka - The purifier
Pavamana - The Purifying
Suchi - The Purity
Nila - A Vanara, who acted as commander-in-chief for the Vanara army, during the Battle of Lanka
Swarochisha Manu - Manu of…… Image
28. Kashyapa Rishi , the primordial sage, married 13 daughters of Daksha, and with each, he had different and unique children spaning to birds, animals, asuras, and 12 Aditya.
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29. Children of Kashyap Rishi
Children from Aditi, or Adityas:-
Varuna - God of water, sea, and sky
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29(a) Indra - God of lightning, thunder, and rain also king of Devas
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29(b) Mitra - God of friendship
Aryaman - God of customs and the Milky Way
Dhata - God of health and domestic tranquility
Savitar - God of Sunrays
Pushan - God of meetings, marriages, journeys, roads, cattle
Surya - Sun God
Vamana - 5th Avatar of Vishnu, a dwarf sage, born to…… Image
29(c) Children of Diti:-
Daityas - The illusionist clan of Asuras, its members include - Hiranyaksha, Hiranyakashipu, Holika, and their successors including Prahlada and Mahabali.
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29(d) Children of Danu:-
Danava - Another clan of Asuras, who are cannibals and are slaves to Rakshasas.
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29(e) Children of Arishta:-
Gandharva - Celestial singers, who live in Svarga Loka
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29(f) Children of Surasa:-
Children of Surabhi/Kamadenu:-
Cows and Buffaloes
Nandi - Shiva’s Vahana (Animal Vehicle)
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29(g) Children of Vinata:-
Aruna - God of Sunlight and the charioteer of his half-brother, Surya
Garuda - King of birds and he serves as a Vahana for Vishnu
Children of Tamra:-
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29(h) Children of Krodhavasa:-
Ferocious animals, fish, and creatures with sharp teeth
Children of Ira:-
Trees, creepers, shrubs, and bushes
Children of Kadru:-
Naga - divine shape-shifting serpent beings. Famous Nagas include; Adishesha, Vasuki, Kalia, Karkotaka, and many more…… Image
29(i) Children of Vishwa:-
Yaksha - Nature Spirits
Children of Muni:-
Apsara - Celestial dancers, most famous among them include Urvashi, Rambha, Menaka, Thilothama, Anjana(Hanuman’s mother who, due to a curse, incarnated as a vanara in Earth), and several others.… Image
30. . Chandra, the Moon god had few children with his 27 wives, especially with his chief consort, Rohini, and also a child, born due to an affair with Tara:- Varchas - God of Moonlight Budha - Personification of Mercury Bhadra - She was married to sage Uthaya #Hinduism… Image
31. Shiva and his wife, Parvati had 2 sons:-
Ganesha - God of wisdom and remover of Obstacles
Karthikeya - God of war
Shiva was also responsible for the birth of:-
Narmada - River goddess personifying Narmada river
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32. Vishnu and his wife, Lakshmi had a son:-
Kamadeva - God of Sex
Shiva and Vishnu (in his Mohini form), gave birth to:-
Dharmasastha - God of celibacy
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33. Ganga, the another form of river goddess, married King Shantanu, of Hastinapura, he belongs to the Kuru clan of Chandravanshi (Lunar Dynasty), and they had a son:-
Bhishma - who played a major role in Mahabharata War
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34. Sage Bharadvaja, with his wife, Susheela, had three children:-
Ilavida - Stepmother of Ravana and his siblings and mother of Kubera
Drona - He was the guru of Kuru princes and played a key role in Mahabharata War
Budha married Ila and had a son:-
Pururavas - King of the……
35. Indra married an Asura woman of the Danav clan, Shachi:-
Jayanta - A warrior who occasionally pops up in various stories
Jayanti - Consort of Shukracharaya
Devasena - Goddess of war strategy and a consort of Karthikeya
Vali - Indra’s spiritual child and an elder brother of…… Image
36. Surya married Sanjana and had:-
Yama - God of death and justice
Yamuna - River goddess personifying Yamuna river
Ashwini Twins- Twin gods of medicine
Vaivasvata Manu - The first man of current Manvantara and the Hindu counterpart of Noah from Abrahamic mythology.
37. Shukracharya The Teacher of Asura's had a daughter with his wife, Jayanti:-
Devayani - Who got rescued and got married to a legendary king of the lunar dynasty, Yayati.
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38. Sage Vishrava had kids Ilavida and a rakshasa woman named, Kaikasi:-
Kubera - God of wealth and chief of Yakshas
Ravana - A rakshasa king of Lanka, who abducted Rita, Ram’s wife and got killed by him in the end.
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38(a) Kumbhakarna - A giant rakshasa, known for his six-month-long slumber and for his immense strength.
Vibishana - The righteous Rakshasa, who switched sides with his enemy, Rama, during the battle and became the king of Lanka after his brother’s death and also a member of…… Image
39. Vaivasvata Manu, or Satyavrata married a random woman named Shraddha and had:-
Ikshvaku - The founder of the Kosala Kingdom and the patriarch of Suryavanshi (Solar Dynasty), one of the two major royal dynasties of Hindu mythology, named after his grandfather, Surya, the Sun…… Image
40. Ashwin Twins, gods of medicine had spiritual children:-
Nakula - One of the Pandava Brothers
Sahadeva - Another Pandava brother
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41. Sage Gautama and his wife, Ahalya (Brahma's Daughter) had:-
Shatananda - Family priest of a Solar Dynasty king, Janaka
Kripa - Guru of Kuru princes and one of the Chiranjeevi (Immortals)
Kripi - Drona’s wife and Ashwatama’s mother
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42. Drona and Kripi had:-
Ashwatama - A major combatant of the Mahabharata war and a Chiranjeevi (One of the 8 Immortals).
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43. Adharma (Son of Brahma) had kids with Himsa:-
Anarta - Personification of Falsehood
Nikriti - Personification of Immorality
Anarta and Nikriti had:-
Baya - Personification of Fear
Naraka - Personification of Hell
Maya - Personification of Deceit
Vedana - Personification of……
43(a) Baya and Maya had:-
Mrtyu - Personification of Death
Naraka and Vedana:-
Dukha - Personification of Unhappiness
Mrtyu and Dukha had:-
Vyadhi - Personification of Disease
Jara - Personification of Decay
Sokha - Personification of Sorrow
Trishna - Personification of……
44. Yama, the god of death and justice had kids with 10 daughters of Daksha and a spiritual child:-
Sunita - She was known for tormenting innocent living beings.
Yudhishtra - Yama’s spiritual child and a member of Pandavas.
Kama - Personification of Desire
Darpa - Personification…… Image
44(a)Shani had children with Manda and Neelima:-
Gulikan - An Avatar of Shiva
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45. Varaha, Vishnu’s 3rd Avatar and Bhudevi, Earth Goddess had:-
Mangala - Personification of Mars
#Hinduism #Vedic #India #Puran #Upnishda…
46. Maharishi Agastya, had a wife, Lopamudra, who got reincarnated as a river goddess, Kaveri, personifying the Kaveri river.
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47. A Danava named Viprachati and a Daitya woman, Simhika, gave birth to:-
Rahu - One who is responsible for Solar Eclipse
Ketu - One who is responsible for Lunar Eclipse
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48. Avatars of Vishnu:- Dashavatar (10 incarnations to restore cosmic order):- Matsya - Giant fish, who saved the world from Maha Pralaya, or Great Flood, by rescuing Vaivasvata Manu, Shraddha, plants, animals, and saptarishis in a boat. Kurma - Giant Turtle, who bore the weight…… Image
49. Forms of Vishnu:-
Venkateshwara - Form of Vishnu in Venkateswara Temple, Tirupati.
Vaikuntha Kamalaja - Combined form of Vishnu and Lakshmi.
Vishwarupa - Cosmic form of Vishnu or Krishna
Padmanabha - Form of Vishnu in Padmanabhaswamy Temple, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
50. Avatar of Shiva:-
Ardhanarishvara - A combined Form of Shiva and Parvati
Nataraja - God of Dance
Rudra - God of Hunting in Vedic religion, which later became an aspect of Shiva.
Pashupati - God of Animals
Bholenath - Lord of simplicity
Veerabhadra - Wild form of Shiva…… Image
51. kings and rulers of the Surya Vansh:-
Ikshvaku - The founder of the Kosala Kingdom and the patriarch of Suryavanshi (Solar Dynasty). Mandhatri Dilip -King Raghu’s father Janaka - Sita’s father and father of Videha. Harishchandra - Known for his stories of being an ideal…… Image
52. Kings and rulers of the Chandra Vansh:-
Pururavas - King of the Prayaga kingdom and patriarch of Chandravanshi (Lunar Dynasty).
Nahusha - Grandson of Pururavas
Yayati - The Conquerer of world, who married Devayani and a Daitya woman, Sharmishta
Yadu - Yayati’s son, patriarch…… Image
52(a) Shri Krishna - God of Tenderness and Love, 8th incarnation of Vishnu.
#Hinduism #Vedic #India #Puran #Upnishda Image
There are so many armchair historians, Katha Vachaks, So called scientific historians who try to demean Hindutva and Vedic culture by terming it as some sort of story or a piece of fiction or mythology. But you as a sanatan dharma practitioner, as a Hindu shall be proud of your…… Image

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Jun 28
The US Presidential Debate 🧵

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden
#debatelive #DebateNight
The future of the US and some parts of the world would be decided on the basis of how this debate shapes up 2024 US Presidential elections.
Live link:…
1. The Frosty Start

Biden and Trump did not greet each other before the start debate!!
2. The Sparring starts

US President Joe Biden says he is the "only president of the 20th century" in whose tenue no US Army soldier has been killed in combat since the day he has been president.

However, it's false.

Noteworthy that:
13 US Army personnel were killed during the controversial Afghanistan withdrawal due to attacks by Islamic State - Khorasan Province (ISKP)
3 US National Guard servicemen were killed during Iranian-backed militias strikes in Al-Tanf Base at Syrian-Jordan border
Read 43 tweets
Jun 25
Emergency 1975 - The story of story self-entitlement and political corruption of Indian National Congress🧵

Yesterday entire opposition led by Smt S@nia G@ndhi and R@hul Gandhi was raising the slogans outside Parliament house:
Let's revisit the days when Constitution was reduced to an afterthought by Nehruvian dynasts and their cronies!!Image
1. The Reason

The President has proclaimed Emergency. There is nothing to panic about. - Indira Gandhi

These words were spoken by Indira Gandhi in the crack of the dawn of 26th June 1975, what ensued was a blot on the fabric of Indian democracy. The declaration of emergency came as a surprise to the country, even the cabinet ministers were informed about it one night prior and no one else had expected such move, opposition to this was curbed by brutal forces controlled by Indira Gandhi for a period of 21 months (June 1975-March 1977), in which she ruled with an iron fist.

Reasons for Imposing Emergency (According to Indira Gandhi):
1. She believed that the security of the nation and democracy was in danger due to the movement launched by Jayaprakash Narayan, A hero of the freedom struggle.
2. She was of the opinion that the economic development of the country had stagnated and required a radical change to uplift the underprivileged who were suffering due to the slow pace of development.
3. She was of the firm belief that there could be a threat to India's internal security due to the intervention of foreign powers which would try to destabilize and weaken India.Image
2. The Reality

The months preceding the emergency was a pitiful period for India’s development, riddled with growing unemployment, rampant inflation, and scarcity of food. The dismal condition of the Indian economy was accompanied by widespread riots and protests in several parts of the country.

Between 1970 and 1975 Inflation reached 28%.

India's gross domestic product(GDP) in 1975 was $98.47 billion, an increase of -1.06% over 1974, and GDP accounted for 1.6473% of the world economy in 1975, India's GDP ranked 13th in the world, 3rd in Asian countries.

FDI in India was almost 1.4 Billion Dollars.

All this was coupled with utter poverty spread across the India with more than 70% of population living in penury.

The terrible drought in East India in the mid-1960s setback India’s development and aggravated poverty. It led to the country’s greater dependence on the western powers for aid. There was massive import of food and also one of the biggest devaluations of the currency in 1966 from Rs 4.76 to Rs 7.5 to a dollar. India faced issues at its borders with wars in 1962 and 1965 and this led to a rapid increase in defence expenditures and massive import of arms which dented the fight against poverty.

The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Act was enacted to check the growth of the monopolies which was a result of crony capitalism indulged in by Indian Big Business.

From the late 1960s, economic regulations were tightened. The MRTP Act of 1969, nationalization of 14 large commercial banks, the same year the Patent Act of 1970, the Industrial Licensing Policy of 1970, and the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) of 1973 are given as famous examples.

The black economy too continued to grow. From an estimate of 4-5% of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 1955-56, it grew to 7% by 1970 as per the Wanchoo Committee Report. This led to growing policy failure and also the discrediting of government intervention in the economy since public services suffered. Crony capitalism flourished in this period enabling strong monopolies and oligopolies to flourish in the economy with political protection. This was concluded by the Hazari Committee Report in 1969.

To industrialise more quickly, resources were needed and the highest marginal tax rate reached 97.5% in 1971 when Mrs Gandhi was the finance minister. The attempt was not only to collect resources but also cut luxury consumption. White goods remained in short supply and there was a waiting period to buy them which led to their black marketing; there was a premium on getting a two-wheeler or a telephone. In spite of the high tax rates, resources remained short.

In 1974-75 Several changes were made into the income tax rates. Below mentioned are some highlighted ones:

1. The maximum Income tax rate was lowered to 75% from 97.75%
2. Taxes were reduced at all slabs of income tax. This was done by Y. B. Chavan
3. There was no income tax for individuals who earned up to ₹6,000.
4. The basic rate of income tax was maintained on the income slab at over 70,000 rupees to 70%.
5. The surtax rate was reduced to 10% for all levels.
6. The joint impact of income tax and premium would be 77% of taxable income in the highest slab. Wealth tax was increased.

In nutshell license Raj destroyed India's economy and crony capitalism along with Congress Kleptocracy was at its peak.Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 22
Nalanda - Crown Jewel of Bharat's knowledge system 🧵
In this thread we will explore how:
1. Nalanda was destroyed by Muslim Invader Bakhtiar Khilji
2. How Marxist historians invented historical lies to blame then Brahmans for the destruction of Nalanda.
3. How Nalanda was originally a living magnum opus of Bharat's knowledge system
4. How Nalanda actually functioned as a universal learning seat.
Let's narrate the fateful story of mystical Nalanda which is a timeless icon of ancient Bharat to burst the myths and lies of leftist historians and unemployed makeup artists camouflaged as historians 🔎Image
1. Nalanda - The Meaning

Hirananda Sastri says that Nalanda comes from the word ‘Na’ which signifies ironwood tree and the name of the Nalanda might correspond to jungles of ironwood trees. He also proposes that the name might be derived from the word "nala" means lotus-stalks, found abundantly in Naalanda and adjoining regions. (Sastri 1999: 3–4)
Faxian says it, ‘Na-lo’ because it was situated around the Naga tank. He identifies the place for birth and mahāparinibbāna of Sariputta.
Xuanzang informs that etymologically the term ‘Nalanda ’ is derived from ‘Na- alam – da’ signifying abundance and perpetuity of gifts. He says that this sacred complex is known as Nalanda because the Buddha as a bodhisattva was king with his capital at Nalanda. The king was honoured with the title ‘Nalanda’ i.e., benevolent and kind. Because of his kindness, this place became popular as Nalanda. He also informs that Nalanda was developed on a Ᾱmravana purchased and donated by 500 merchants to Buddhist saṅgha for ten kotis of gold coins. However, such kind of appellation emerged when the monastic system became fully developed and Nalanda became a favorite seat of learning. Xuanzang’s information was based on the Mahasudassana Jataka which says that the Buddha was born as a bodhisattva and a benevolent king of Nalanda. The Jataka informs that the Buddha told Ᾱnanda about parinibbana of his two chief disciples Sāriputta and Mahamoggalana at Nalanda. It also informs that Sariputta was born at Nala-grama and took parinibbāna on a full moon day in the month of Kartika at village Nala.
Dey says that Bargaon may be a corrupt form of Viharagrama and may be identified as Nalanda.
T. Bloch emphasizes that Nalanda can be identified with the word Bargav, not the village Bargaon. The name has ̄ been its appellation because of the sacred vata (Ficus religiosa) tree still standing inside the monastic settlement and its worshipping is prevalent in the vicinity of Nalanda . It is difficult to perceive that the name is named after the vata tree. The Vata-Savitri worshipping was started very late in the early medieval period but Nalanda has antiquity since the age of Mahavira and the Buddha or even before.
From sources provided by the Chinese travellers, the two important arguments could be advanced in support of the name Nalanda. Faxian’s reference of ‘Na-lo’ suggests that Nalanda might have been named after the word ‘Nala’ or ‘Nali’. In early India, the word ‘Nali’ is used as a unit of measurement for agrarian land. In Magadha and Bengal region, agricultural fields were measured by Nala or Nali. In hill regions, this unit of measurement is still prevalent and land is measured in terms of Nala/Nali. References to it have been found in many inscriptions of the Sena dynasty (Mazumdar 1960: 101). The term ‘Nala’ (Nalaka) may indicate it like a stalk of local variety of long grass/wild sugarcane known as kasa (Saccharum spontaneum) and its long stalk is known as nalaka. The plant has considerable rhizomes and it is capable of reaching a height up to 8 metres.
I-Ching says that the name was derived from a serpent king, Naga Nanda1. It is difficult to say that Nalanda was named after the serpent king Nanda but the association of the land of Magadha with the serpent cult is very old. The śramaṇnic religions wasted no time understanding the popularity of the serpent cult and both Jainism and Buddhism accommodated it into their fold. The Jains associated this cult to the tirthankara Parsvanatha and the symbol of serpent became his cognizant. During his wandering, when the Buddha visited the Kassapas, they offered him a place in his hut full of nāgas. The Jatilas were fire worshipers and possessed a fire dragon. Kassapa, seeing the Buddha in his ascetic grandeur, asked him to stay overnight in the room where the sacred fire is kept and nāga used to live. On the Buddha’s consent, Kassapa offered him the room where the sacred fire was kept. The dragon resided in the room confronted with the Buddha but could not harm him. The nāga died in fury and in the next morning the Buddha showed the dead body of nāga to the Kassapas and informed them that his venomous fire has been subjugated by his sacred power. Just after the nibbana when the Buddha was still in contemplative disposition and rain started, he was saved by the nāga Muchalinda who winded his coils seven times circling the body of the Buddha and holding his hood over his head.
Buddhism made a serious attempt to associate humans and non-humans with the local pattern of weather trajectories, availability of water resources, and agriculture. The naga is a folk deity that was holding the mysteries of nature, especially the rain, which was the most important component for the survival of agriculture. In Buddhism serpent deity, an epitome of folk power and God of rain often represented sculpturally in human form with expanded cobra hoods leaping from the vertebral position of the neck. Naga Nanda may be propitiated here to protect agriculture and rain. Later on, the place itself became identified on his name and known as Nālandā.
Since the 4th–5th century, a new type of monastic organization called Mahavihara was developed under the patronage of the Gupta kings. It may be the single monastic organization as the Mahaviharas founded by the Pala rulers or the conglomeration of the monasteries headed by a supreme monastic patriarch. The traditional vihāra structure was developed in a cloistered pursuit to get expertise in Tipitakas for the growth of religion but on the scholastic tradition of Mahavihara, the canonical teachings were highly liberalized and widened in scope and character. The first such structure was developed at Nalanda i.e., Nalanda Mahavihara.Image
2. Budhist Monks vs Brahmana Conflict - A historical distortion invented Marxist Historians

Chinese Traveller Fa-Hien wrote in his chronicles that Lord Budha had two disciples known as his right hand and left hand.
Sariputtra (Right hand) is known as found of Abhidharma. He was a brahmin by birth and later on he was converted to Buddhist monkhood when he joined Lord Budha's monastic entourage to seek knowledge from him. Later budhist followers condier him as founder of Abhidharma.
The Abhidharma are a collection of Buddhist texts dating from the 3rd century BCE onwards, which contain detailed scholastic presentations of doctrinal material appearing in the canonical Buddhist scriptures and commentaries. It also refers to the scholastic method itself, as well as the field of knowledge that this method is said to study.

Mugalan of Sinhalese origin (Left Hand) was another famous student and attendant of Lord Budha. He was of Tamil origin from Sri Lanka.

Kashyapa Budha who is known as founder of Chinese Buddhist literature was also a brahman from Magadha kingdom who joined Lord Budha's monastic entourage by getting converted to Buddhism. He was the chief upholder of Buddhist philosophy and its spread after the demise of Lord Budha.

And this shows us that how Brahmans laid foundations to the Buddhism in ancient India.
Infact there were hundreds and thousands of Buddhism monks who were born as brahman and later on got themselves converted to Buddhist monkhood to study Abhidharma (Budhist canonical scriptures of knowledge which was deduced from Vedas and Vedangs with a new version of metaphysics paraphrased by Lord Budha).Image
Read 24 tweets
Jun 16
EVM and Circus of Indian National Congress and I.N.D.I. Alliance - A lame attempt to misguide common people 🧵
Is it not startling that Man who is projected by Congress as its Prime ministerial candidate to lead India, is indulging in whataboutery to rake in populism based on misleading and fraudulent claims regarding Electronic Voting Machine and 2024 Lok Sabha election process!!
Let's revisit technical whataboutery of Indian National Congress about EVM in this thread right from Syed Shuja to Shirish Vaktania!!
You might be wondering who are Syed Shuza and Shirish Vaktania?
Let's go through the next parts of this thread!!Image
1. Q1. Who started EVM in India?

Answer: Indian National Congress

The Electronic Voting Machine was proposed in 1977 and Electronics Corporation of India (ECIL) was tasked with the development of the same.
Indira Gandhi was at the helms of power in 1977.
In 1979, a working model had evolved and was showcased to various political parties on 6 August 1980. Bharat Electronics (BEL) and ECIL were tasked with manufacturing EVMs. The EVMs were first trialed in 1982 in the by-election to Paravur assembly constituency in Kerala in a limited number of polling stations. In a ruling on a case filed against the usage of EVMs in the by-election, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the sections 59–61 of the Representation of People Act 1951 specified paper ballots and it, therefore, forbade the use of any other technology including electronic voting. The court stated that the use of an alternate technology would require the Indian parliament to amend the law.

Post the court ruling, as there was no existing law permitting the usage of EVMs, it could not be deployed immediately. In 1989, the Representation of the People Act, 1951 was amended by the Parliament of India to permit the usage of electronic voting. But the deployment was further delayed as general consensus could not be reached with the political parties and other stakeholders on the usage of EVMs.
Congress won highest number of seats in 1989 though it could not form the government due to the revolt of V.P. Singh.
In 1998, the machines were used on an experimental basis across 25 state assembly constituencies during the assembly elections in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Delhi.
In May 2001, EVMs were used in all constituencies for the state assembly elections in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Puducherry and West Bengal.
In 2004, in the General Election, the EVMs were used in all 543 Parliamentary Constituencies for the first time. Since the time, all state assembly and parliamentary elections are held using the EVMs
Congress won 2004 elections!!
After a ruling by the Supreme Court, the Election Commission appointed an expert technical committee in 2011 to study the feasibility of a Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT) in EVMs to counter the charges of tampering. The committee was tasked to examine the possibility of showing a printed paper to a voter with the symbol of the party to which the vote was cast.
On the recommendation of the committee, a VVPAT system was developed and was put on field trials. In July 2011, field trials of the system were conducted at Ladakh, Thiruvananthapuram, Cherrapunjee, East Delhi and Jaisalmer to test the performance under various weather conditions.
Congress was ruling the country in 2011.Image
2. How does EVM works?

If you want to understand how EVM works, please refer to the below link. It has all the details of EVM functioning.

The EVM was designed by a team led by A.G. Rao and Ravi Poovaiah, professors at IIT Bombay. An EVM consists of two units, a control unit, and the ballot unit which are joined by a cable. The ballot unit consists of labeled buttons which facilitates voting by a voter with the control unit responsible for the operational control of the ballot units, storing of vote counts and display of results on LED displays. The control unit is pre-programmed at the time of manufacturing and cannot be altered later.

The machines are powered by a six volt alkaline battery which enables the use of EVMs without a secondary power source. The designers intentionally opted for battery power, to prevent the possibility of power cables interfering with the functioning and to enable the EVMs to function where a secondary power source is not available. The two units work in tandem and cannot work independently. The EVMs do not have any communication components or internet interface. The ballot unit has an internal clock and a pre-programmed protocol by which it records every input-output event with a timestamp provided it is…Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 14
Radhe Radhe

Krishna Ashtottara Shatanamavali - 108 names of Shri Krishna

1 कृष्ण
ॐ कृष्णाय नमः।
Om Krishnaya Namah।
dark complexioned Lord

2 कमलानाथ
ॐ कमलानाथाय नमः।
Om Kamalanathaya Namah।
consort of Goddess Lakshmi

3 वासुदेव
ॐ वासुदेवाय नमः।
Om Vasudevaya Namah।
Lord of Vasudev

4 सनातन
ॐ सनातनाय नमः।
Om Sanatanaya Namah।
the eternal one

5 वसुदेवात्मज
ॐ वसुदेवात्मजाय नमः।
Om Vasudevatmajaya Namah।
son of Vasudev

6 पुण्य
ॐ पुण्याय नमः।
Om Punyaya Namah।
supremely pure

7 लीलामानुष विग्रह
ॐ लीलामानुष विग्रहाय नमः।
Om Lilamanusha Vigrahaya Namah।
assuming human form to perform pastimes

8 श्रीवत्स कौस्तुभधराय
ॐ श्रीवत्सकौस्तुभधराय नमः।
Om Shrivatsakaustubhadharaya Namah।
adorning Shri Vatsa and Kaustubha gem

9 यशोदावत्सल
ॐ यशोदावत्सलाय नमः।
Om Yashodavatsalaya Namah।
loving child of Yashoda

10 हरि
ॐ हरिये नमः।
Om Hariye Namah।
The Lord Of Nature

11 चतुर्भुजात्त चक्रासिगदा
ॐ चतुर्भुजात्तचक्रासिगदा नमः।
Om Chaturbhujattachakrasigada Namah।
four armed one, carrying weapons, disc, club

12 शङ्खाम्बुज आयुधाय
ॐ शङ्खाम्बुजायुधाय नमः।
Om Shankhambujayudaya Namah।
One Who Holds Conch-Shell, Lotus Flower, And Various Weapons

13 देवकीनन्दन
ॐ देवकीनन्दनाय नमः।
Om Devakinandanaya Namah।
son of mother Devaki

14 श्रीशाय
ॐ श्रीशाय नमः।
Om Shrishaya Namah।
abode of Shri Lakshmi

15 नन्दगोप प्रियात्मज
ॐ नन्दगोपप्रियात्मजाय नमः।
Om Nandagopapriyatmajaya Namah।
loving child of Nandagopa

16 यमुनावेग संहार
ॐ यमुनावेगसंहारिणे नमः।
Om Yamunavegasamharine Namah।
the one who controlled the speed of river Yamuna

17 बलभद्र प्रियानुज
ॐ बलभद्रप्रियानुजाय नमः।
Om Balabhadrapriyanujaya Namah।
beloved younger brother of Balram

18 पूतना जीवित हर
ॐ पूतनाजीवितहराय नमः।
Om Putanajivitaharaya Namah।
the one who took the life of demoness Putana

19 शकटासुर भञ्जन
ॐ शकटासुरभञ्जनाय नमः।
Om Shakatasurabhanjanaya Namah।
destroyer of demon Shakatasur

20 नन्दव्रज जनानन्दिन
ॐ नन्दव्रजजनानन्दिने नमः।
Om Nandavrajajananandine Namah।
the one who brought joy to Nand and people of Braj

21 सच्चिदानन्दविग्रह
ॐ सच्चिदानन्दविग्रहाय नमः।
Om Sachchidanandavigrahaya Namah।
embodiment of existence, awareness and bliss

22 नवनीत विलिप्ताङ्ग
ॐ नवनीतविलिप्ताङ्गाय नमः।
Om Navanitaviliptangaya Namah।
lord whose body is smeared with butter

23 नवनीतनटन
ॐ नवनीतनटनाय नमः।
Om Navanitanatanaya Namah।
the one who dances for butter

24 मुचुकुन्द प्रसादक
ॐ मुचुकुन्दप्रसादकाय नमः।
Om Muchukundaprasadakaya Namah।
the Lord who graced Muchukunda

25 षोडशस्त्री सहस्रेश
ॐ षोडशस्त्रीसहस्रेशाय नमः।
Om Shodashastrisahasreshaya Namah।
the Lord Of 16,000 women

26 त्रिभङ्गी
ॐ त्रिभङ्गिने नमः।
Om Tribhangine Namah।
the one who has threefold bending form

27 मधुराकृत
ॐ मधुराकृतये नमः।
Om Madhurakritaye Namah।
one with charming form

28 शुकवागमृताब्धीन्दवे
ॐ शुकवागमृताब्धीन्दवे नमः।
Om Shukavagamritabdindave Namah।
ocean of nectar according to Shukadeva

29 गोविन्द
ॐ गोविन्दाय नमः।
Om Govindaya Namah।
one who pleases the cows, the land and the entire nature

30 योगीपति
ॐ योगिनांपतये नमः।
Om Yoginampataye Namah।
Lord Of The Yogis

31 वत्सवाट चराय
ॐ वत्सवाटचराय नमः।
Om Vatsavatacharaya Namah।
the one who takes calves out for grazing

32 अनन्त
ॐ अनन्ताय नमः।
Om Anantaya Namah।
the infinite Lord

33 धेनुकासुरभञ्जनाय
ॐ धेनुकासुरभञ्जनाय नमः।
Om Dhenukasurabhanjanaya Namah।
the Lord who killed the donkey shaped demon named Dhenukasura

34 तृणी-कृत-तृणावर्ताय
ॐ तृणीकृत तृणावर्ताय नमः।
Om Trinikrita Trinavartaya Namah।
lord who killed Trnavarta, the whirlwind demon

35 यमलार्जुन भञ्जन
ॐ यमलार्जुनभञ्जनाय नमः।
Om Yamalarjunabhanjanaya Namah।
the lord who broke twin Arjuna trees named Yamalarjuna

36 उत्तलोत्तालभेत्रे
ॐ उत्तलोत्तालभेत्रे नमः।
Om Uttalottalabhetre Namah।
The Lord Who Broke All The Big, Tala Trees (Killing Dhenuka)

37 तमाल श्यामल कृता
ॐ तमालश्यामलाकृतिये नमः।
Om Tamalashyamalakritiye Namah।
Lord Who Is Blackish Like A Tamala Tree

38 गोप गोपीश्वर
ॐ गोपगोपीश्वराय नमः।
Om Gopagopishwaraya Namah।
Lord Of The Gopas And Gopis

39 योगी
ॐ योगिने नमः।
Om Yogine Namah।
The Supreme Master

40 कोटिसूर्य समप्रभा
ॐ कोटिसूर्यसमप्रभाय नमः।
Om Kotisuryasamaprabhaya Namah।
One Who Is As Lustrous As A Million Suns

41 इलापति
ॐ इलापतये नमः।
Om Ilapataye Namah।
The One Who Is The Master Of Knowledge

42 परंज्योतिष
ॐ परंज्योतिषे नमः।
Om Paramjyotishe Namah।
One With A Supreme Light

43 यादवेंद्र
ॐ यादवेंद्राय नमः।
Om Yadavendraya Namah।
Lord Of Yadav Clan

44 यदूद्वहाय
ॐ यदूद्वहाय नमः।
Om Yadudvahaya Namah।
Leader Of Yadus

45 वनमालिने
ॐ वनमालिने नमः।
Om Vanamaline Namah।
One Wearing A Sylven Garland

46 पीतवससे
ॐ पीतवसने नमः।
Om Pitavasane Namah।
One Wearing Yellow Robes

47 पारिजातापहारकाय
ॐ पारिजातापहारकाय नमः।
Om Parijatapaharakaya Namah।
One Who Removes Parijath Flower

48 गोवर्थनाचलोद्धर्त्रे
ॐ गोवर्थनाचलोद्धर्त्रे नमः।
Om Govarthanchalodhartreya Namah।
Lifter Of Govardhan Hill

49 गोपाल
ॐ गोपालाय नमः।
Om Gopalaya Namah।
Protector Of Cows

50 सर्वपालकाय
ॐ सर्वपालकाय नमः।
Om Sarvapalakaya Namah।
Protector Of All Beings

51 अजाय
ॐ अजाय नमः।
Om Ajaya Namah।
The Conqueror Of Life And Death

52 निरञ्जन
ॐ निरञ्जनाय नमः।
Om Niranjanaya Namah।
The Unblemished Lord

53 कामजनक
ॐ कामजनकाय नमः।
Om Kamajanakaya Namah।
One Generating Desires In Worldly Mind

54 कञ्जलोचनाय
ॐ कञ्जलोचनाय नमः।
Om Kanjalochanaya Namah।
One With Beautiful Eyes

55 मधुघ्ने
ॐ मधुघ्ने नमः।
Om Madhughne Namah।
Slayer Of Demon Madhu

56 मथुरानाथ
ॐ मथुरानाथाय नमः।
Om Mathuranathaya Namah।
Lord of Mathura

57 द्वारकानायक
ॐ द्वारकानायकाय नमः।
Om Dwarakanayakaya Namah।
The Hero Of Dvaraka

58 बलि
ॐ बलिने नमः।
Om Baline Namah।
The Lord Of Strength

59 बृन्दावनान्त सञ्चारिणे
ॐ बृन्दावनान्त सञ्चारिणे नमः।
Om Brindavananta Sancharine Namah।
One Who Loiters About The Outskirts Of Vrindavana

60 तुलसीदाम भूषनाय
ॐ तुलसीदाम भूषनाय नमः।
Om Tulasidama Bhushanaya Namah।
One Who Wears A Tulasi Garland

61 स्यमन्तकमणेर्हर्त्रे
ॐ स्यमन्तकमणेर्हर्त्रे नमः।
Om Syamantakamarnerhartre Namah।
Who Appropriated The Sysmantaka Jewel

62 नरनारयणात्मकाय
ॐ नरनारयणात्मकाय नमः।
Om Naranarayanatmakaya Namah।
The Selfsame Nara-Narayana

63 कुब्जा कृष्णाम्बरधराय
ॐ कुब्जा कृष्णाम्बरधराय नमः।
Om Kubja Krishnambaradharaya Namah।
One Who Applied Ointment By Kubja The Hunchbacked

64 मायिने
ॐ मायिने नमः।
Om Mayine Namah।
Magician, Lord of Maya

65 परमपुरुष
ॐ परमपुरुषाय नमः।
Om Paramapurushaya Namah।
The supreme one

66 मुष्टिकासुर चाणूर मल्लयुद्ध विशारदाय
ॐ मुष्टिकासुर चाणूर मल्लयुद्ध विशारदाय नमः।
Om Mushtikasura Chanura Mallayuddha Visharadaya Namah।
One Who Expertly Fought The Wrestlers Mushtika And Chanura

67 संसारवैरी
ॐ संसारवैरिणे नमः।
Om Sansaravairine Namah।
Enemy Of Material Existence

68 कंसारिर
ॐ कंसारये नमः।
Om Kamsaraye Namah।
Enemy Of King Kamsa

69 मुरारी
ॐ मुरारये नमः।
Om Muraraye Namah।
Enemy Of Demon Mura

70 नाराकान्तक
ॐ नाराकान्तकाय नमः।
Om Narakantakaya Namah।
Destroyer Of Demon Naraka

71 अनादि ब्रह्मचारिक
ॐ अनादि ब्रह्मचारिणे नमः।
Om Anadi Brahmacharine Namah।
Beginning Less Absolute

72 कृष्णाव्यसन कर्शक
ॐ कृष्णाव्यसन कर्शकाय नमः।
Om Krishnavyasana Karshakaya Namah।
Remover Of Draupadi's Distress

73 शिशुपालशिरश्छेत्त
ॐ शिशुपालशिरश्छेत्रे नमः।
Om Shishupalashirashchhetre Namah।
Remover Of Shishupal's Head

74 दुर्योधनकुलान्तकृत
ॐ दुर्योधनकुलान्तकाय नमः।
Om Duryodhanakulantakaya Namah।
Destroyer Of Duryodhana's Dynasty

75 विदुराक्रूर वरद
ॐ विदुराक्रूर वरदाय नमः।
Om Vidurakrura Varadaya Namah।
One Who Blessed Vidura And Akrura

76 विश्वरूपप्रदर्शक
ॐ विश्वरूपप्रदर्शकाय नमः।
Om Vishvarupapradarshakaya Namah।
Revealer Of Vishwasrupa (Universal Form)

77 सत्यवाचे
ॐ सत्यवाचे नमः।
Om Satyavache Namah।
Speaker Of Truth

78 सत्य सङ्कल्प
ॐ सत्य सङ्कल्पाय नमः।
Om Satya Sankalpaya Namah।
Lord Of True Resolve

79 सत्यभामारता
ॐ सत्यभामारताय नमः।
Om Satyabhamarataya Namah।
Lover Of Satyabhama

80 जयी
ॐ जयिने नमः।
Om Jayine Namah।
The Ever Victorious Lord

81 सुभद्रा पूर्वज
ॐ सुभद्रा पूर्वजाय नमः।
Om Subhadra Purvajaya Namah।
Brother Of Subhadra

82 विष्णु
ॐ विष्णवे नमः।
Om Vishnave Namah।
Lord Vishnu

83 भीष्ममुक्ति प्रदायक
ॐ भीष्ममुक्ति प्रदायकाय नमः।
Om Bhishmamukti Pradayakaya Namah।
One Who Bestowed Salvation To Bhishma

84 जगद्गुरू
ॐ जगद्गुरवे नमः।
Om Jagadgurave Namah।
Preceptor Of The Universe

85 जगन्नाथ
ॐ जगन्नाथाय नमः।
Om Jagannathaya Namah।
Lord Of The Universe

86 वेणुनाद विशारद
ॐ वेणुनाद विशारदाय नमः।
Om Venunada Visharadaya Namah।
One Expert In Playing Of Flute Music

87 वृषभासुर विध्वंसि
ॐ वृषभासुर विध्वंसिने नमः।
Om Vrishabhasura Vidhvansine Namah।
Destroyer Of Demon Vrishbasura

88 बाणासुर करान्तकृत
ॐ बाणासुर करान्तकाय नमः।
Om Banasura Karantakaya Namah।
The Lord Who Vanquished Banasura's Arms

89 युधिष्ठिर प्रतिष्ठात्रे
ॐ युधिष्ठिर प्रतिष्ठात्रे नमः।
Om Yudhishthira Pratishthatre Namah।
One Who Established Yudhisthira As A King

90 बर्हिबर्हावतंसक
ॐ बर्हिबर्हावतंसकाय नमः।
Om Barhibarhavatamsakaya Namah।
One Who Adorns Peacock Feathers

91 पार्थसारथी
ॐ पार्थसारथये नमः।
Om Parthasarathaye Namah।
Chariot Driver Of Arjuna

92 अव्यक्त
ॐ अव्यक्ताय नमः।
Om Avyakta Namah।
The Unmanifested

93 गीतामृत महोदधी
ॐ गीतामृत महोदधये नमः।
Om Gitamrita Mahodadhaye Namah।
An Ocean Containing Nectar Of Bhagwad Gita

94 कालीयफणिमाणिक्य रञ्जित श्रीपदाम्बुज
ॐ कालीय फणिमाणिक्य रञ्जित श्री पदाम्बुजाय नमः।
Om Kaliya Phanimanikya Ranjita Shri Padambujaya Namah।
The Lord Whose Lotus Feet Adorn Gems From Hood Of Kaliya Serpent

95 दामोदर
ॐ दामोदराय नमः।
Om Damodaraya Namah।
One Tied Up With A Rope At The Waist

96 यज्ञभोक्त
ॐ यज्ञभोक्त्रे नमः।
Om Yajnabhoktre Namah।
One Who Consumes Sacrificial Offerings

97 दानवेन्द्र विनाशक
ॐ दानवेन्द्र विनाशकाय नमः।
Om Danavendra Vinashakaya Namah।
Destroyer Of Lord Of Asuras

98 नारायण
ॐ नारायणाय नमः।
Om Narayanaya Namah।
The One Who Is Lord Vishnu

99 परब्रह्म
ॐ परब्रह्मणे नमः।
Om Parabrahmane Namah।
The Supreme Brahmana

100 पन्नगाशन वाहन
ॐ पन्नगाशन वाहनाय नमः।
Om Pannagashana Vahanaya Namah।
Whose Carrier (Garuda) Devours Snakes

101 जलक्रीडा समासक्त गोपीवस्त्रापहाराक
ॐ जलक्रीडा समासक्त गोपीवस्त्रापहाराकाय नमः।
Om Jalakrida Samasakta Gopivastrapaharakaya Namah।
Lord Who Hid Gopi's Clothes While They Were Playing In River Yamuna

102 पुण्य श्लोक
ॐ पुण्य श्लोकाय नमः।
Om Punya Shlokaya Namah।
Lord Whose Praise Bestows Meritorious

103 तीर्थकरा
ॐ तीर्थकृते नमः।
Om Tirthakrite Namah।
Creator Of Holy Places

104 वेदवेद्या
ॐ वेदवेद्याय नमः।
Om Vedavedyaya Namah।
Source Of Vedas

105 दयानिधि
ॐ दयानिधये नमः।
Om Dayanidhaye Namah।
One Who Is Treasure Of Compassion

106 सर्वभूतात्मका
ॐ सर्वभूतात्मकाय नमः।
Om Sarvabhutatmakaya Namah।
Soul Of Elements

107 सर्वग्रहरुपी
ॐ सर्वग्रह रुपिणे नमः।
Om Sarvagraha Rupine Namah।
To All-Formed One

108 परात्पराय
ॐ परात्पराय नमः।
Om Paratparaya Namah।
Greater Than The GreatestImage
1. Shri Krishna - The Omniscient, The Omnipresent, The Omnipotent, The Omniverse

2. Bansuri - The Divine flute of cosmic music of Shri Krishna

Read 8 tweets
Jun 11
Lajja Gauri - Devi Swarupa of creation and Fertility demonized by Western Indologists as "Shameless Woman" 🧵
Did you ever pay attention to the plagiarism of Vedic scriptures, symbols, icons by Western Indologists?
They could translate almost everything they could lay their hands on, but they could not create the context.
So, they demonized or distorted some of the most iconic symbols and deities of Vedic era.
Devi Lajja Gauri's renaming as "Shameless Woman" is one such classic example of Western appropriation of Hinduism.
Lets explore the mystic world of Devi Lajja Gauri.Image
1. The Maa Devi of creation - Aditi as Lajja Gauri

Devi, the Great Mother Goddess of creation of ancient Vedic times, in Her form as Lajja Gauri, is also known as Aditi, AdyaShakti, Renuka wife of sage Jamadagni, who is worshipped for fertility as Matangi and Yallamma(everybody's mother), Kotari, Kotavi (a nude folk goddess), KottaMahika, Kotmai, and many other names.She is the most ancient Goddess form in the religious complex that is today referred to as Sanatan Dharma.

Rig Veda, I.89.10 says that:
अदितिरद्यौर आदितिरन्तरिक्षहं आदितिर्मता स पिता स पुत्र .
विश्वे देव आदितिः पञ्च जन आदितिर्जतं आदितिर्जनित्वम् .
Aditi is the sky - Aditi is the air - Aditi is all the gods - Aditi is the Mother, the Father, and Son - Aditi is whatever shall be born.Image
2. Aditi Uttanapada - The Devi maa of fertility and
creation and most ancient form of Lajja Gauri

The most elemental and symbolically potent Lajja Gauri representation is the birth giving (uttanapad) pot goddess. This imagery is characterized by human legs in uttanapad pose with a shape above the legs that resembles both a pot and a female’s lower torso. The figure has no upper torso and there are no breasts, arms, or head. The pot torso resembles a brimming vase, or purna kumbha.

Rig Veda, X.72.3-4 says this about Devi Aditi:

देवअं युगे प्रथमे.असतह सदाजयायत
अदास अन्वजयन्ता तदुत्तनपदस परि

भउर्जजना उत्थानपदो भुव असा अजाय
न्तादितेर्दक्षोअजायता दक्षद् वदितिः परि

In the first age of the gods, existence was born from nonexistence. The quarters of the sky were born from Her who crouched with legs spread. The Earth was born from Her who crouched with legs spread, and from the Earth the quarters of the sky were born.Image
Read 31 tweets

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