A lot of people spend most of their lives away from their families and homes that they barely build a community around them. They become visitors of their own homes. Things that used to hold people who live around together don’t do that much anymore. Weddings, funerals conducted
far from home. Where one builds their house to call home is not where they live. So, you have this group of people who have spent most of their lives away from home for years and suddenly they have to build a home and make it work with those within it and around it.
Kids spend years in boarding schools away from home and holidays are for visiting relatives again away from home. For years & suddenly they get to university and have the new found freedom in their hostels and home becomes somewhere they visit when they can; again AWAY FROM HOME
Out of UNI now in job search now you are forced to stay home where you feel like a stranger; a stranger to your own family because at the most important time of your growth you spent more with outsiders than insiders. You confide to them than to your own blood. The transition
From moving like a herd of sheep from one level to another; makes you feel invisible and gives you a sense of belonging. You know; Barbro Johansson Form IV class of 2012, Mazinde Juu Form VI class of 2015 or HKMU MD class of 2020; you move like a swarm of bees; looking left and
right there are common faces moving with you. And suddenly it’s like the group is scattered and each sheep has to fend for themselves. And here is where some sheep fall into wells and never get out; some starve to death, some get lost into the mountain in search of food until
their bodies can barely move as the wool has overgrown around their body.
You have to pick up the envelope and search on your own. And many get lost here. Especially now that everyone is doing live updates of their lives everywhere; every great moment, every achievement is seen.
At some point this transition is repeated later in life during retirement; after decades of working together with people you are left to go fend for yourself at your old age. Like thank you for your service, now go get busy with livestock, gardening, farming and grandkids if any.
Suddenly you’re back trying to fit in a place that you spent less time with and after many hours that turned into years spent in your practice serving outsiders; the insiders barely know you. You can barely hold a conversation with them, y’all literally strangers to each other.
This transition is always hard to many. Because it is human nature to want to belong. Unfortunately, we do less to cultivate relationships and build interpersonal connections with those who are blood and will probably be at our deathbeds.
It is during these two phases of transition where self-doubt and regrets kick in. Lost opportunities flashbacks, wishes for better ones cloud your mind and dilemma because you are terrified if the path you choose is actually the right one. But that is life my friend.
This is a reminder to love and be involved with your family and those who live around you. Be kind. Hold conversations. Invest in people. During the transition is where you will be wondering what is the right choice for you; for the moment and for a long time. It is hard.
With online communities, many are drawn even further from those next to them in a bid to connect with those hundreds of miles away from them.
Why? Because here, one can build their community effortlessly by bonding with similar interest and forming mobs to boost their ego.
We all are playing ana ana doo with life. We measure the risk and take it all head on; hoping the weight don’t crush you.
Take your time to prepare for the transition from the herd to a lone sheep. #LateNightThoughts
Mjadala uliofanyika leo katika mkutano mkuu wa MEWATA kuhusu afya ya akili baada ya kujifungua, umenikumbusha mbali.
Siku moja napita round wodi ya watoto wachanga nawahimiza kina mama kunyonyesha watoto, mama mmoja aliniita “dokta ukimaliza njoo” #UZI#MEWATA2023
Nilipoenda akamchukua mwanae akanikabidhi mkononi akasema, “shogaangu hebu niangalizie mwanangu, maana mie sijielewi”
Nikamuuliza, “unajiskiaje” nikidhani labda ana shida ya mwili ili tuwaite watu wa wodi ya kina mama waje kumhudumia. Akasema, “yani nikimbeba hivi mtoto kumpa
maziwa, kuna sauti zinaniambia kabisa nimnyonge. Yani nawaza nimzibe pumzi afe. Sasa mi sitaki kumdhuru mwanangu, naomba unilelee tu”
Unajua hivi vitu ukivisoma kwenye vitabu vinaonekanaga kama utani fulani hivi hadi siku unakutana navyo. Nikawasiliana na in charge tukatoa
When I saw a stream of blood down my leg, I knew right there and then; it’s happening! My worst nightmare was coming true and I couldn’t believe it because it was already days after delivery. I have NEVER been that terrified ALL MY LIFE.
This is my story: SURVIVING PPH #Thread 🧵
I tried to be calm, but I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. It felt like someone ripped out my heart and put it in speaker right next to my ears. I felt dizzy, so I sat down. I can’t tell if I was dizzy because of blood loss or the fear of becoming a statistic.
As we prepared to go back to the hospital, I tried so hard to appear calm; a big smile on my face but in my heart I was terrified. I knew it very well, PostPartum Hemorrhage is no joke. In a matter of seconds EVERYTHING COULD GO WRONG.
I asked for ONE thing: my rozary ring.
Kuna safari hata ziwe fupi vipi, hazisahauliki. Hazisahauliki kwa mengi; watu uliosafiri nao, watu uliokutana nao, experience ya safari na mengine mengi.
Mimi safari hii pichani sitaisahau.
Nilipata wasaa wa kushare na @buguzi@NormanJonasMD@DrArabiFrank na @JuliethSebbaMD#UZI
Ilianza kama utani hivi, nikafahamishwa nimepata nafasi ya kufanya mafunzo Morogoro ambayo yaliandaliwa na @sikika1 na @tacaidsinfo
Na mimi mpenda safari na mpenda afya, naanzaje kukosa? Nikafungasha kibegi changu uelekeo mji kasoro bahari.
Moro bwana! Moro PAZURI NYIE! Basi tu.
Katika mengi nilojifunza siku hizo mbili, kuna kitu kimoja kilichonivutia zaidi ya mandhari nzuri ya Morogoro, maana mara ya mwisho nilikuwa hapa ilikuwa ni trip ya Udzungwa na Mto Mawe.
Kitu hicho ni Mfuko wa Udhamini wa Kudhibiti UKIMWI Tanzania (ATF). Leo naomba niwashirikishe
SEHEMU YA PILI #IjueChanjoNaDaktariMwandishi
Leo, saa 3 asubuhi, Rais SSH atazindua chanjo pale ikulu kwa kupata chanjo hiyo.
Wakati huo, tuendelee kujifunza kuhusu chanjo za COVID19 haswa aina ya Johnson&Johnson ambayo ndio imepokelewa. #UZI FUATILIA #DaktariMwandishi
Hapana. Chanjo za COVID19 hazina uwezo wa kutengeneza "electromagnetic field" (uwezo wa wewe kuwa sumaku) na chanjo zote hazina metals.
Unaweza kuangalia nini kimo kwenye chanjo katika ukurasa wa CDC.
Jina kamili la chanjo iliyopokelewa Tanzania kupitia mpango wa COVAX ni "Johnson&Johnson's Janssen(J&J/Janssen) COVID19 Vaccine" kwahiyo ni kitu kimoja wala si chanjo tofauti
Bado naikumbuka siku ile ilipotangazwa chanjo ya kwanza ya COVID19, nilikuwa twitter, sikuwahi kufurahia matunda ya sayansi kama siku hiyo.
Wakati huo, tayari janga la COVID19 na upotoshwaji ulikuwa juu ...#UZI (SEHEMU YA KWANZA) #DaktariMwandishi
kitu ambacho sikutegemea, ni upotoshwaji mkubwa zaidi uliokuja na chanjo.
Lakini, siwalaumu wenye maswali dhidi ya chanjo. Yapo maswali muhimu mno ambayo, hatuwezi kuyasukumia uvunguni kwa kigezo cha upotoshaji.
Ni lazima yajibiwe hata kidogo.
Nitajitahidi kutoa majibu machache.
Kabla sijajibu, naomba niseme kuwa ni sawa kuwa na maswali juu ya kile unachokipokea, lakini si sawa kusambaza taarifa za uongo na zisizo na ushahidi wowote.
Kufanya hivyo ni ugaidi. Ni uhalifu dhidi ya binadamu.
Kwanza niseme, mimi NAAMINI KATIKA CHANJO.
Just laying on bed, my body aching and my head is literally on fire.
Scrolling through same 3 apps, seeing excitements of a "long weekend" ahead.
Ooh! It dawns on me. It's Easter weekend.
My bad. I haven't been oriented to days of the week, only dates for some time because, you
My work wants me to know date and time, I can barely differentiate a weekday and a weekend/holiday until I get on the road and wonder why the jam ain't like usual.
But, I love it here. I love this work. Maybe a lil' too much. Idk.
It's the one thing I've dreamt of all
my life, and worked for it all my life and it turned out not-so-perfect but absolutely how I wanted it to be. Idk if that makes sense lol.
But I love it here.
So, anyways. It's a bit rainy here. (well, it was). And that moment really brought a flash of memories in my head.