A 'fish' theme has showed itself after wondering if it was going to become a theme a day or two ago. Orthodox net popped again without looking for it.
Not mentioned yet: I see a knowledge base, training tools, resources for users and learners alike. Keywords language examples...
What I see is kind of amazing. If one needs to learn in order to be conversant about a geoloc there are 'compilations' to select from, media to read and view, linguistics and so on and on. Looks somewhat like an 'online school library/online toolroom' Infrastructure
The use of numbering systems and naming conventions is informative for learning how 'departments' are arranged - but - trickery and deceit and 'dissuade looking here' as well as 'nothing to see here' when there actually 'is'. Ways it's done so you'll glance and move on
Progressively worse over time - lost 1/2 diameter of my THIGHS in that time
a month w/virtually no sleep other than 'moments' until 'drugs' priodically, since. Serious biz. No bathing for 'up to 3 weeks'...
Seldom dressed-ate-drank liquids-unable to visit elderly parents-rarely step outside-this work has been my 'life' but brainfog was getting so bad- '30 second memory' became normal. Conversation, like 'Traumatic Brain Injury'.
I feel like I did when 'cured my own TETANUS'
I came back to 'EXPLAIN THAT' because, 'SURE DUDE'.
I just decided I reaallly need to document that here for EVERYONE ( and I certainly would too, if it wasn't me) who doubts my story on 'that', too.
One day, alone, standing in my kitchen in the woods, after many wounds...
Yo, Doctors: Any chance NSAIDS/ASPIRIN could/might help reduce/sluff off/dissolve the 'mini-clots' attributed to #LongCovid in 'your thoughtful opinion' (I won't quote you). I'm curious as it seems to be the ONLY thing radically helping entire lymph AND brainfog. 'Holistic chg'.
I always thought it was pretty useless when as a pre-pubescent migraines 'came out of nowhere' and lasted a couple of years then suddenly ceased. Recent radical change I attributed to 'depakote' mega-dosing - while also mega-dosing NSAIDS - seems to continue ONLY w/NSAIDS v other
Thinking NSAIDS/Aspirin (385mgx2 x 3 daily) is beating back brainfog and entire lymphatic system inflammation, runny nose. 16 months or so progressing/Threw Vit B-Complex, D, C, Mag, Zinc, Potassium, Depakote at it-then eliminated each.