I think I lost my love because we no longer deliver on the most important part of what we promised to do. We are no longer the “critic and conscience of society”.
you might not be aware that we are no longer a place for debate.
We are no longer centrists. We have drifted to the political left, way left. And that leftist view which has many merits, and many downfalls cannot be debated with impunity. We are strong on virtue signaling.
We are strong on stating opinions rather than facts. We are weak on confrontation, but strong on behind the scene bullying.
Wholesale canceling of fundamental rights around vaccine mandates without robust arguments, let alone sufficient evidence CAUSED MORE HARM THAN BENEFIT
We have a culture where debate is refused on principle because someone else doesn’t like your view. You might “trigger” or “offend” someone. And this is true, in robust open societies where debate is raging, then people are triggered and offended all the time.
My point is that a free, fair and open society has a requirement for hard on the facts debates. We need them everywhere , all the time. Science literally can not advance without this. Neither can society.
I’m here to tell you that this is no longer what is happening in our Uni's
The cancel culture and avoiding debate about issues of race, health, fairness, economic policy, and much more is now endemic in university culture. The great irony is that universities may end up inadvertently canceling themselves.
The point is we are laughably out of touch with reality. We have annoyed a solid section of society. I reckon about half of society, maybe more. Everyone from the center to right politically. That’s because we have taken political, not scientific positions.
Last, but MOST IMPORTANT, we must make a comeback as the critic and conscience of society. Academics can and should debate issues of national and international importance and do so in public. How is it thinkable that my field of public health wouldn’t include the public
Cancel culture, lack of respect for others’ arguments and invention of new, previously unknown words like “misinformation” and “disinformation” simply must go.
In my experience this means your opinion is so unworthy that I don’t even have to lower myself to have to debate you on facts. I’m simply right because I’ve labeled you as a harbourer of disinformation. This is dangerous and a sign of non-functioning science.
No updates to public data since NOV 2022 and when we ask the date of the next report they can't even tell us!
You think that's shocking, how about this -
From Dr Guy Hatchard:
On December 17th, I received a letter from Astrid Koornneef, Director of the National Immunisation Programme, who was replying on Ashley Bloomfield’s behalf to my letter to him of 28 October 2021 raising concerns about vaccine safety.
Incredibly, the reply asserted that
“an accurate measurement of all adverse events [following vaccination] is NOT REQUIRED"
Onset latency (time from injection to event) MEAN TIME WAS LESS THAN 24 HOURS
When establishing a CAUSAL nexus between a drug and an adverse event, Temporality (time from drug administration to event) is considered a key indicator
The average time from taking the #pfizer#covidvaccine to having a cardiac injury was LESS THAN 24 HOURS
In #nz pregnant and women and breast feeding mothers were MANDATED to take a #covidvaccine if they were in mandated professions
At this time the #nz#medsafe was already in possession of the #pfizer Post Marketing Surveillance of the first 90 days of product use
All mothers were assured of the safety of the product by our MOH
The report covered a time frame when there was NO safety and efficacy data for pregnant women. They were not included in the #pfizer trials used to authorise the product for Emergency Use.
In the first 90 days of use Pfizer received 413 reports of women receiving the injection when they were pregnant or lactating e.g. "off label use" that should not have happened.
Bloomfield denied injection exemptions to countless people who were at known risk from the jab. Now he’s heading up a global decision making body that is attempting to take control of national public health responses to future pandemics. What could go wrong?
Turns out that Dr Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand’s former director general of health is co-chair of the International Health Regulations Working Group.
Based on the review committee’s report, the working group was then tasked with proposing a package of targeted amendments for adoption by the World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the WHO. It is this group that Bloomfield is co-chairing, and they have since met twice
A new report has reviewed the media coverage of one of the most significant events in 2022 – the Parliament Protest which lasted almost four weeks - and finds that the media FAILED in its duty to present the Protest in a FAIR AND BALANCED MANNER
The report reviewed 599 news and op-ed pieces over a 22-day period and concludes:
“The coverage was curated to focus on the fringes and avoid the key questions at the centre of the protest.
The public were never invited to draw their own conclusions but were fed a pre-determined diet of anti-protest content. We believe the majority of politicians were equally remiss, and responsible for creating the environment for this approach to prosper.
On year ago today the peaceful, aroha filled freedom village camped in front of Parliament, ended in a violent, blazing mess.
MSM would have you believe that it was the "residents" who violently attacked police. I know a different story.
yes there was violence from a small band of radicals who had not been seen at the village until that day. And YES there was police brutality galore that day
But who were the people who spent 3 weeks camping here through cyclones, psy-ops, merciless media misrepresentation?
I feel i can speak with authority to tell you their story. Thousands of the ordinary Kiwi's gathered here belonged to our Facebook community The Health Forum NZ. At almost 60,000 strong we were deplatformed just a short time after the police storming of the village