My latest: the UK sending depleted uranium to #Ukraine is more than an escalation in a potentially nuclear proxy war. It is an admission that Kiev does not expect to retain the land it is fighting on.
That the UK would now send depleted uranium to Ukraine is a new example of Kiev's willingness to target the ethnic Russian population in eastern Ukraine and poison the land it is slowly losing.
The official narrative of the West is that depleted uranium poses a very low environmental risk. However, there are compelling reasons to question this stance.
A 2001 report focusing on the health impacts of depleted uranium on U.S. veterans of the Gulf War, published by The Nation, explains:
Scott Ritter commented on the news of depleted uranium munitions going to Ukraine, citing increases in leukemia where it had previously been used in Kosovo as well as increases in birth defects and cancer in Iraq following the wars there.
He argues that the U.S. suppresses the health effects of depleted uranium “because we don’t want to take ownership for what we have done.”
In @johnpilger' film documenting Iraq after the first Gulf War, he spoke with doctors in Basra, where they reported a 10-fold increase in cancer deaths. He also spoke with an Iraqi pediatrician who described an influx of congenital deformities never seen before the war.……
When Ukraine is already set to lose, if slowly, on the battlefield, what is to be gained by taking out a few more Russian tanks if it permanently renders the land a danger to its inhabitants?
How can this decision be viewed as anything but a spiteful admission that that land is being lost, and that “salting” it is a final act of malice against ethnic Russians in Donbass?
By initially sensationalizing the Finders story, the media profited from immediate shock value while permitting this very sensationalism to become the premise for dismissing the issue, and Finders ties to the CIA to remain unexplored.
The Finders trail would ultimately lead to allegations of a cult involved in ritual abuse, an international child-trafficking ring, evidence of child abuse confirmed and later denied, and ties with the CIA, which was alleged to have interfered in the case.
In contrast with other historical human trafficking rings I have previously discussed, (like Dutroux) the Finders scandal presents as something of a phantom. This is due to the lack of adult victims who have come forward, an absence of hard evidence, and zero convictions.
Unlike #Russianhacking or #TrumpRussiaCollusion, there is a legitimate and serious scandal when it comes to Trump's involvement in the #Assange prosecution. The fact that the media hasn't covered it is a travesty multiple times over.
It's an utter abandonment of the free press by the same media that claimed Trump was attacking them.
It's a refusal to go after their supposed nemesis where it would actually hurt him - this could be a scandal equal to or greater than the one that ended the trial of Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers whistleblower whose case ended in a mistrial, according to Ellsberg himself.
Testimony given in the last week of the Assange hearing was particularly damning for the White House, as evidence was aired that connected the Administration directly to the efforts to prosecute Assange.
During the hearing, journalist Cassandra Fairbanks testified that, “President Donald Trump had personally ordered Julian Assange’s arrest from the Ecuadorian embassy."
Jennifer Robinson (@suigenerisjen) a lawyer for Assange, also testified that Trump indirectly offered Assange a pardon in August 2017 if the journalist would reveal the source of WikiLeaks’ 2016 DNC and Podesta email publications to disprove #Russiagate.
And if people start getting suspended for sharing the information relevant to this story I will be totally unsurprised.
In general, social media censorship has been ramped up for weeks, especially noticeable during the #Assange extradition hearing.
First the corporate hack-media refused to cover the #Assange story, which would have been their best legitimate shot of hitting Trump effectively for jailing a legit journalist. The same journalist that the legacy media idiocracy blamed for "installing" #Trump to begin with.
Two new documentaries on the Jeffery #Epstein affair delve into lurid details and give voice to his victims, but both scratch the surface of the political and intelligence dimensions of the scandal.
Investigation Discovery premiered a three-hour special, “#WhoKilledJeffreyEpstein?” on May 31, the first segment in a three-part series, that focused on Epstein’s August 2019 death in federal custody. The special followed @netflix release of "#JeffreyEpsteinfilthyrich."
Neither documentary however deals at all with Epstein’s suspected ties to the world of intelligence.
"As the Becks note, the documented election interference forming the basis of the DNC Fraud Lawsuit has seen no investigation or prosecution, with their suit standing as the single exception."
"The party’s own defense counsel indicate that the DNC sees the democratic process in its nomination procedure as meaningless, with the real decisions determined by party insiders."
"Establishment media has hardly held them to account. DNC cheerleaders in the corporate press have not only ignored the fraud perpetrated by the @DNC in 2016, but some have argued that “Too Much Democracy is Bad for Democracy.”