Corona virus studies have been conducted well before the “pandemic”. In fact, the science was settled by 2016. Through their research, #DARPA concluded that #Ivermectin was by far the best medicine for #Corona. This recommendation was made to the #CDC & is well documented, so……
Answer: The goal was always to get everyone vaccinated. An emergency use authorization was required to avoid regulatory compliance measures and to get the vaccine into the arms of the world’s population. If any alternative medicine that is proven effective is available, an……
The Old Testament Israelites ARE NOT God’s chosen. I can prove it scripturally in the thread 🧵below. 👇
God cut the Old Testament Israelites out of the MUTUAL covenant for disobedience and unfaithfulness. He explicitly states “I will no longer show love to Israel” and “you are not my people”.
For the rest of the Old Testament, God only talks in the context of the future restoration of Israel - Which happened through Jesus who came from the tribe of Judah!
It’s all in this verse. It takes time to absorb, and further explanation. 🧵👇
This is a New Testament verse recorded after the crucifixion of Jesus who brought the NEW Covenant.
God is using the EXACT same words to describe FOLLOWERS OF JESUS, as he used for the Old Testament Israelites.
The only difference is He called the Israelites a “Priesthood” but He calls the followers of Christ a “ROYAL priesthood.” This indicates Christians have direct access to God, through the Holy Spirit.
The covenant with Israel was restored through Christ. It’s not based on genetic 🧬 lineage, it’s SPIRITUAL and is based on receiving the Holy Spirit, Faith and Obedience (just like before) in Christ (God in flesh).
CHRISTIANS, we are a Holy Nation (The Israel of God) and we are God’s special possession.
We must interpret the Old Testament through the New Testament, not the other way around. This is how many Christians have been led astray.
There are now two Israel’s. The Israelites of the Old Testament who were God’s people through genetic lineage.
Today, through the New Testament, “The Israel of God”, are those who have the Holy Spirit and follow Christ.
Either @POTUS is further entrapping Zionist Jews by placing them strategically as the gate keepers of this information, or you should buy guns, and lots of them, because your democracy is an illusion.
The “Israel of God,” is comprised of ONLY followers of Jesus.
A fake nation state formed by the Rothschilds, inhabited by literal antichrists, is not God’s Israel.
It’s a deception, and I can prove it scripturally… 🧵👇
Biblical “dispensationalist” beliefs, amongst predominantly evangelical Christians, are THE REASON Christian Zionism is so prevalent in Western culture.
It’s through these beliefs that we get theologically paradoxical beliefs like “judeo-Christian.”
Essentially, dispensationalists claim that the people of Israel are separate from God’s church, and God has different plans for his church and Israel.
It’s a deception straight from the pit of hell, and it is incongruent with biblical teachings.
How can descendants of Israel not belong to Israel, or be descendants of Abraham? 🙋♂️🙋♂️🙋♂️