Why you should avoid catching #SARSCoV2 1. Each reinfection increases your risk of long covid and long term disability 2. There are so many strains there is no long lasting immunity 3. You will not get healthier by catching it. Each reinfection does the opposite of that.
With such high levels of asymptomatic infections most people don’t know they have caught it or realise this is leaving you at risk jamanetwork.com/journals/jaman…
When UKHSA talks about omicron have you seen how many strains there are? We do not have long lasting immunity
The Tories locked down late. A lot of people died and one of those was a dear relative. If they had mitigated properly we could have avoided subsequent lockdowns and reduced deaths but they lied about covid and made out it was a sniffle. The politicised preventive measures and
It’s clear they never cared about vulnerable people who were and STILL are dying in care homes and hospitals. It’s upsetting enough to be reminded of this every day without being trolled on here.
Hospitals are overloaded by covid infections. I really hope that many will consider that they have been less than transparent with the long term health risks from this virus.
Conversation with an acquaintance
A Why are you still on twitter talking about politics?
Me I’m talking about COVID risks.
A I’ve had it and it was mild.
Me There are still long term health risks and each time you catch it increases the risk of long covid.
A It’s rare
Me WHO have said ‘1 in 10 infections are leading to long covid’
A Well I’ve only had it once
Me Do you test regularly?
A No?
Me Do you know over 40% of infections are asymptomatic
A If there are no symptoms then it’s ok.
Me That’s not true, you are still at risk from blood clots, heart problems for 12 months or more after your infection
A I didn’t know that.
Me There are lots of studies showing the various risks.
A No thanks, I would rather not know
What protection do many of us have? Poor or no access to vaccines and antivirals in the UK. No lasting immunity Every infection carries risk. ‘Hundreds of
Millions needing long term care’ is an odd definition of safe! When are you going to announce Covid is airborne?
If the studies which show #COVID can cause brain damage was on the news, wouldn’t more people be asking for air filters in schools and protections? Why isn’t it on the news?
I wish more GPs and consultants would challenge the government on #COVID. We need more to realise that it’s not a mild infection and support patients getting #LongCovid and clinically vulnerable. If you did this the guidelines would have to change. There are so many studies.