1/This doctor was infected twice with Covid in 4 weeks.
The same happened to me- 5 weeks apart. To my son. To several of my doctor friends.
We are in a new phase of Covid- tens of subvariants circulating-different enough to be infected with more than one at once actually.
2/ If we are now in a situation that you can be infected with #COVID19 MONTHLY do we actually think we can live like this?
Help me out here? What pathogen do we usually get 4 weeks apart. I’ll help you out- NONE.
3/ even if it was a cold (which it isn’t) this paper shows the long term effects of previous coronaviruses and respiratory tract infections. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
4/ ‘For a few decades now, data reported in the scientific literature has also demonstrated that several respiratory viruses have neuroinvasive capacities, since they can spread from the respiratory tract to the central nervous system (CNS)…
5/Viruses infecting human CNS cells could then cause different types of encephalopathy, including encephalitis, and long-term neurological diseases.’
6/ for a few DECADES now we have known this. And done what?
Let Covid spread like this when it is capable of the same. And let it spread in pregnant women and kids?
7/ a list of viruses that can infect the central nervous system:
Human metapneumovirus
Herpes zoster
Herpes simplex
Echo virus
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV),
chikungunya virus (CHIKV)
Zika virus (ZIKV), alphaviruses
8/ from this paper from 2019
‘human coronaviruses (HCoV) are another group of respiratory viruses that can naturally reach the CNS in humans and could potentially be associated with neurological symptoms. ‘
9/ ‘The first strains of HCoV were isolated in the 60s from patients with upper respiratory tract disease ‘
Then came SARS1
Several new coronaviruses have now been identified, including three that infect humans: alphacoronavirus HCoV-NL63,betacoronaviruses HCoV-HKU1&MERS-CoV
10/ they can infect the upper respiratory tract or
‘HCoV can reach the lower respiratory tract and be associated with more severe illnesses, such as bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, exacerbations of asthma and respiratory distress syndrome’
11/ Over the years, like SARS- and MERS-CoV, the four endemic HCoV have also been identified as possible etiological agents for pathologies outside the respiratory tract. Indeed, myocarditis, meningitis, severe diarrhea (and other gastrointestinal problems)and multi-organ failure
12/ remember this paper was written in 2019 so doesn’t include SARS-CoV-2.
13/ ‘Different reports also presented a possible link between the presence of HCoV within the human central nervous system (CNS) & some neurological disorders among patients examined. Like all viruses, HCoV may enter the CNS through the hematogenous or neuronal retrograde route’
14/ how do coronaviruses get to the brain?
‘they may under poorly understood conditions pass through the epithelium barrier and reach the bloodstream or lymph and propagate towards other tissues, including the CNS’
Same as RSV, nipah and influenza.
15/ persistently-infected leukocytes may serve as a reservoir and vector for neuroinvasive HCoV. Therefore, neuroinvasive HCoV could use the hematogenous route to penetrate into the CNS.
16/ ‘The second form of any viral spread towards the CNS is through neuronal dissemination, where a given virus infects neurons in the periphery and uses the machinery of active transport within those cells in order to gain access to the CNS’
17/ ‘Although the olfactory bulb is highly efficient at controlling neuroinvasion, several viruses have been shown to enter CNS through the olfactory route’
Eg through your nose. When you lose sense of smell. 🫠
18/ possible associated neuro pathologies and coronaviruses:
-HCoV are neurotropic and potentially neurovirulent
-cases of encephalitis -acute flaccid paralysis -other neurological symptoms, including possible complications of HCoV infection such as Guillain–Barré syndrome
19/ what did we see in Peru in July this year? An increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome
20/‘Potential Long-Term Neuropathologies and Sequelae:
The presence of HCoV RNA in the human CNS establishes the natural neuroinvasive properties of these respiratory viral agents. Moreover, it also suggests that they PERSIST in human CNS’
21/ Multiple sclerosis (MS) represents one such neurological disease for which an infectious agent or agents may play a triggering role, with viruses the most likely culprit in genetically predisposed individuals
Eg EBV. Took decades to work that out.
22/MS and coronaviruses
‘there was significantly higher prevalence of HCoV-OC43 in brains of MS patients.Moreover, autoreactive T cells were able to recognize both viral and myelin antigens in MS patients but not in controls during infection by HCoV-OC43 and HCoV-229E’
23/ we also now have some data on Covid and Alzheimer’s
‘those who had COVID-19 are at increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s’
24/ so you can come at me with ‘it’s just the cold’
But ‘the cold’ is one of hundreds of viruses, of which some are coronaviruses. And by 2019 we knew that coronaviruses and in fact probably all viruses, can cause multi organ sequelae, including in the Brain
25/ It may feel like a cold, but MS and Alzheimer’s do not.
🔴I appeal to the leaders of our countries to put an end to the madness where more people are now being infected at 4 weekly intervals.
We have the data.
There is NO excuse.
We cannot ‘live with’ year round Covid.🔴
To add- This doctor was not infected twice in 4 weeks because her immune system ‘failed’
She was infected due to variant soup and the fact that the ‘sub variants’ are so different the body does not recognise it.
If you don’t test- for at least a week- it was ‘just a cold/flu’
The problem with Covid is
- prevalence eg how much is around
- rapid mutations- eg you can be reinfected frequently
- it is NOT seasonal.
- it is new- we have to find out in real time what it does to human bodies who have never seen it before
@WHO @CMO_England @RishiSunak
@WHO @CMO_England @RishiSunak The other problem with Covid is how it affects blood vessels. Maybe other pathogens do it too, but the research we have is on Covid. And other pathogens don’t infect us on a 4 weekly basis.
See pinned post for more
At the start of the pandemic the first thing I said was:
How are we going to help those who do not get better from the infection? Eg post viral illness. It wasn’t called long Covid then.
We knew from SARS1, ME/CFS and research like this.
Our governments knew.
‘Living with Covid’ in this form is Manufactured consent.
To change the trajectory would require a change in human behaviour.
People don’t want to change their life so cling to herd immunity ( nope), strengthening immune system (nope), vaccine solves all issues (nope).
What is becoming weirder is people actually going backwards. 🤔
Why are healthcare workers abandoning masks around vulnerable people in hospitals ?When we know Covid can kill them? Someone give me one good reason.
Why are we pushing 100% attendance at schools? One good reason.
There is NO good reason to let a virus that can affect every organ and cause long Covid in 1/10 people, spread with absolutely zero attempt to slow it down.
Mark my words- we are headed for ever bigger trouble down the line if we don’t do something now.
And just to make it clear- the paper I shared is 2019- before knew about Covid-19 and before we had vaccines. We knew already the widespread effects of ‘respiratory viruses’ including coronaviruses.
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Not good reading about Ba 2.86 (pirola) and also EG 5.1 ( Eris)
All vaccine Sera tested showed NO neutralising activity.
Monoclonal antibodies didn’t work at all.
Literally the tools we have been told to rely on for living with Covid, in the lab, do not appear to work.
1/Why have assaults on Tesco staff risen by a third since 2022?
Staff now to wear bodycams
Could it be related to the let it rip of a brand new coronavirus that can affect the brain?
This is weird that it’s not being looked at as we enter another wave.
2figures reflect findings by trade association the British Retail Consortium published in March. It found attacks on staff, including racial&sexual abuse, physical assault, &threats with weapons, increased to over 850 incidents/day -almost double the *pre-COVID* levels of 450/day
3So we have some numbers and they have doubled since #covid
1/ Confused about #covid ?
Not surprised!
We have 2 new strains at once that are different from those seen previously.
One in particular- BA 2.86- the people who sequence think is not omicron but a brand new variant- Pi.
It seems Sars-CoV-2 has made a genetic leap…
2/ the other one- EG5.1- ERIS- accounts for 1 in 7 infections. It’s a ‘variant of interest’ according to @WHO
Months after declaring the global emergency over
3/ so why the fuss over Ba 2.86?
It has 33 mutations- and it appears no one knows what this means.
Apart from the sequencers who say it’s such a leap that it’s not omicron anymore.
If you feel reassured right now that you don’t see people wearing masks, think of it like this:
Those of us who know the risks of indoor Covid transmission have just stopped going to anything indoors.
We are too tired of it all 3.5 years in.
It’s falsely reassuring.
For anyone who uses logic to make decisions, this feels like stepping straight into the book 1984.
Eventually in time this period will be looked back on as utterly bizarre. The ability to convince the world to carry on as if there is not a rapidly mutating SARS virus. Wow.
I do lots outdoors, but not indoors.
There is very little that is worth the risk of being floored yet again by this virus.
It’s neurotropic. I don’t want it near my brain again.
The Scottish neurological symptoms study- CORRECTION regarding FND.
The claim that it affected 16% of people& kept claiming this until @davidtuller1 investigated. 👏
It’s 5.4%.
They still say it’s common.
In other words 94.6% of those attending neurology don’t have FND.
Why does someone like @davidtuller1 care?
Well, it’s important what you diagnose.
FND is the new name for conversion disorder.
The treatment of which is different from say, small fibre neuropathy or sarcoidosis.
Serious questions need to be asked about the whole scientific process here, especially in Scotland.
POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) in #LongCovid & #MECFS
I have many patients who have lived with undiagnosed POTS for years.
This is as disabling as heart failure.
Once diagnosed&treated I have patients whose lives have been drastically changed. #MedTwitter
The test is so simple.
The same as a lying/standing BP but for 10 minutes and not 3.
Full instructions here batemanhornecenter.org/wp-content/upl…
This can be done at home and best results I think are in usual environment (patients should always check this test is suitable before doing)
The treatment is with medications that have been used for years. They can make a massive difference to quality of life.
There is a knack to picking the correct medication for individual patients. But the main thing is getting the diagnosis.