Yugi AI ⛩ Profile picture
Systematic Approach to Crypto & AI | Research and Insights | CFA charterholder | ex-Quant | Head of Research at @bemo_finance & TAC - TON Application Chain
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Dec 27, 2023 31 tweets 9 min read
Crypto Narrative 2024

I've done the research and found 12 major narratives for the upcoming year that you can't afford to miss.

Read my thread for all the details 👇🧵 Image I've categorized all narratives into three groups: short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

This method aids in aligning expectations and setting priorities.
Aug 25, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read
LSDfi – The Ultimate Guide

Curious about #LSDfi?
This thread will provide you with everything you need to know about this hottest narrative. It is a compilation of my research and thoughts on the topic.

Read my thread! 👇🧵 1/32 Image This thread covers the following:

1. LSDfi

2. Classical DeFi
3. Indices / Basket
4. Stablecoins
5. Self-Repaying Loans
6. Yield Strategies
7. ReStaking

8. Closing thoughts
Aug 16, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
Self-Repaying Loans

#LSDfi is revolutionizing lending with mechanics like self-repaying loans.

Curious to learn more about this and the project behind it?
Read my thread! 👇🧵 1/10 Image This thread covers the following:

• What are Self-Repaying Loans?

• @ZeroLiquid_xyz
• @AlchemixFi
• @catinaboxfi

• Closing thoughts
Aug 11, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
LSD ReStaking

Restaking is an intriguing technology that solves problems across domains. It empowers validation and capital efficiency.

Curious to know more about it and the projects?
Read my thread!👇🧵 1/17

#Ethereum #LSDfi Image This thread covers the following:

• What is ReStaking?

• @eigenlayer
• @tenet_org

• Closing thoughts
Aug 3, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
LSD Yield Strategies

#LSDfi is an incredible space for utilizing your LSTs and maximizing returns.

Curious about the available strategies?
Read my thread! 1/19👇🧵 Image This thread covers the following:

1. What are LSD yield strategies?

2. Leverage strategy
3. Fixed Income
4. Advanced Strategies

5. Closing thoughts
Jul 26, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Dividing and ruling

Multiple decentralized stablecoins may increase centralization risks. USDT and USDC are unlikely to lose market share soon.

Read my thread. 👇🧵

1/13 Image Approximately 90% of all stablecoins in circulation are centralized and primarily represented by #USDT and #USDC.

Conversely, decentralized stablecoins, despite comprising less than 10% of the market, are distributed among 73 diverse projects.

Jul 19, 2023 20 tweets 5 min read
LSD indices

Choosing from countless LSTs is a real challenge. That's why the game-changing solution of indices or baskets has arrived. It's the exciting niche in #LSDfi!

Read my thread about this! 👇🧵 1/17 Image This thread covers the following:

• What is LSD Index?

• @unsheth_xyz
• @indexcoop
• @asymmetryfin
• @TapioFinance

• Closing thoughts
Jul 6, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
AI will bring us closer to Mass Adoption!

#AI has the potential to transform our engagement with Crypto fundamentally.

Innovative technology requires an innovative approach.

Read my thread about it! 👇🧵

1/16 The primary obstacles in the path of crypto mass adoption are a widespread lack of understanding and the intricacy of its usage.

For the average person, Crypto continues to be perceived as overwhelmingly complex.

Jun 29, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
LSD stablecoins

#LSDfi is a hot narrative and stablecoins backed by LSTs are making waves in this space.

I found 7 exciting projects 👇🧵 LSD stablecoins are gaining traction, and it's not surprising.

These stablecoins generate consistent income through staking, making them yield-bearing assets. Importantly, they remain backed by ETH.
Jun 21, 2023 18 tweets 7 min read
LSD is a long-term thing

This year, #LSDfi has emerged as the hottest narrative, and it's more than just hype. It is now becoming a new reality for #DeFi.

Here are several reasons why LSD is a long-term trend. 🧵👇 1/17 Image This thread covers the following:

1. Safe rate
2. DeFi / LSDfi
3. Institutional investors
4. Network security

5. Closing thoughts
Jun 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Stablecoins are a crypto barometer.

They're crucial to the crypto ecosystem, but they're also highly centralized. #USDT, in particular, holds a monopoly and carries significant risk.

Here are some numbers and my thoughts on stablecoins. 🧵

1/10 Image The market capitalization of stablecoins has been experiencing a decline for over six months. As per the most recent data, it stands at $129 billion, a significant fall from the previous year's value of $186 billion.

2/10 Image
May 30, 2023 14 tweets 2 min read
Hidden Risks of LSD

Liquid staking may seem highly secure, but a hidden problem could lead to significant risks.

Want to learn more? Check out my thread! 🧵

1/14 Image Liquid staking is a popular tool that not only generates passive income but also maintains the blockchain.

However, it's not without its hidden risks that could potentially harm LST holders.

One such risk is the principal-agent problem between validators and LST holders.

May 22, 2023 23 tweets 11 min read
What is LSDfi?

#LSDfi is the most promising narrative in LSD and the entire #DeFi.

Interested in learning what it is and which projects it comprises?

Check out my thread about it below. 👇🧵 1/21 Image This thread covers the following:

1. LSDfi

2. Classical DeFi
3. LSD Basket
4. Yield Strategies
5. Stablecoins

6. Closing thoughts
Apr 26, 2023 13 tweets 7 min read
Crypto Index Futures Projects

DeFi is evolving, and Crypto Index Futures are the next big thing. There are hardly any projects out there, but I found 3 gems.

Read my thread 👇🧵 Image The development of Crypto Index Futures is crucial for DeFi, as it addresses numerous issues, from diversification and risk management to multi-chain and liquidity.
Apr 24, 2023 5 tweets 10 min read
I decided to follow the trend and create a Twitter circle. The outcome is quite intriguing.

There are some truly talented people in these circles who produce amazing content and develop great projects.

If you haven't already, consider following them for valuable insights. 👇 Image Circle 1

• 1. @IamZeroIka
• 2. @arndxt_xo
• 3. @Moomsxxx
• 4. @CryptoKoryo
• 5. @DefiIgnas
• 6. @ViktorDefi
• 7. @Cryptotrissy
• 8. @jake_pahor

Circle 2
• 9. @shivsakhuja
• 10. @_kroumi_
• 11. @rektdiomedes
• 12. @Flowslikeosmo
Apr 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Liquid staking is quickly becoming the leading category.
It has become an indispensable part of any DeFi ecosystem in a short period.

It's time for #LSDfi: #DeFi products based on liquid staking.

1/5 Image It's a legitimate passage. Liquid Staking projects establish the foundational level in DeFi. The next layer consists of projects that build upon LSD, creating more sophisticated products.

Apr 19, 2023 22 tweets 6 min read
Why we need Crypto Index Futures!

Traditional finance thrives on futures trading, but index futures remain a hidden gem in #DeFi.

Read about the reasons why in this thread 👇🧵 1/21 Image This thread covers the following:

1. Traditional Finance

2. Benefits for DeFi:
• Broadening Participation
• Liquidity
• Multi-chain
• Risk Management
• Trading
• Volatility Index

3. Closing thoughts
Apr 12, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Arthur Hayas recently published an essay ahead of the upcoming Shanghai conference, which emphasized the significance of decentralization.

Here are some insights about LSD, Lido, and the future of liquid staking. 🧵
#Ethereum #LiquidStaking

1/8 Hayes emphasizes the fundamental principle to remember is: "Not your keys, not your crypto."

He warns that any form of centralization or quasi-decentralization poses significant risks.

I wrote a thread about this.

Apr 11, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Wallets Can Drive Mass Adoption

We might be underestimating the role of crypto wallets, but they hold the key to unlocking Crypto Mass Adoption.

Dive into my thread to explore this further 👇🧵 1/18
#MassAdoption #DeFi Image Crypto wallets are the gateway to digital currencies and are always with you throughout your journey. As such, wallets can be more than just a tool for holding tokens.
Apr 3, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
Top 8 DeFi Index Projects

Crypto index investing plays a crucial role in the evolution of DeFi.

Here are the 8 projects that have captured my attention 👇🧵
#DeFi This thread covers the following:

0. Introduction

1. Index Coop
2. Set Protocol
3. Enzyme Finance
4. Alongside
5. Velvet Capital
6. Phuture Finance
7. xWin Finance
8. Cook Finance
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Layered Approach to DeFi Research

When researching the #DeFi sector, adopting a layered view can be pretty beneficial. This method enables a systematic analysis of the ecosystem's components and their interactions.

Base Layer

This layer includes key protocols that form the foundation of the DeFi ecosystem, such as DEXs, lending platforms, liquid staking, and stablecoins.
