Arsht Latin America Center & Caribbean Initiative Profile picture
The Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center and Caribbean Initiative at the @AtlanticCouncil explore Latin America and the Caribbean in a global context.
Sep 29, 2020 18 tweets 12 min read
Central America economic reactivation: Opportunities amid COVID-19 w/ @Laura_Ch & @aherscowitz… "Our intention [with this new report] is to provide some ideas on how to sustain reactivation of Central America in a #COVID19 world," said Former Costa Rican President and @ACLatAm advisory council member @Laura_Ch. #ACCentralAmerica
Sep 24, 2020 22 tweets 17 min read
LIVE NOW—UNGA 75: Reaffirming the world’s commitment to Venezuela w/ @jguaido #LACatUNGA… “Venezuela's democratic leaders continue to work against political persecution to restore democracy in Venezuela.” @AtlanticCouncil President and CEO @FredKempe opens today's conversation with @jguaido, @JulioBorges, and policymakers from the US, Europe, and beyond. #LACatUNGA
Sep 14, 2020 13 tweets 12 min read
LIVE: Latin America during and after #COVID19: A conversation with @the_IDB President @MorenoBID. @AtlanticCouncil @ACForesight #ACFrontPage

WATCH: "During these challenging times, the role of institutions like @the_IDB and of leaders like @MorenoBID committed to the hemisphere's prosperity are essential." - @ACLatAm founder @adriennearsht opens today's conversation with President Luis Alberto Moreno #ACFrontPage
Aug 13, 2020 26 tweets 17 min read
Watch live: Countering the Maduro regime’s global web of illicit activities… .@ACLatAm founder @adriennearsht welcomes @Southcom Commander Admiral Craig Faller, who is leading the enhanced counter-narcotic operations focused on #Venezuela. #ACVenezuela
Jul 30, 2020 11 tweets 10 min read
Beyond Argentina’s debt deadline: A conversation with Economy Minister @Martin_M_Guzman #ACArgentina “We made a massive effort, which shows our full commitment to a consensual deal,” said Argentine Minister of @Economia_Ar @Martin_M_Guzman on recent debt negotiations. "Initially, there was a positive reception to the offer we made." @ACGlobalEcon @ARGinUSA #ACArgentina
Jul 14, 2020 18 tweets 12 min read
LIVE NOW—Argentina’s debt negotiation: Is a deal within sight?… “What led us to this debt negotiation is the lack of a comprehensive macroeconomic program that will put in place reforms that will promote sustainable, permanent, and consistent growth,” said @martinredrado, former president of @BancoCentral_AR. #ACArgentina
Jul 9, 2020 14 tweets 11 min read
LIVE NOW—US-Mexico ties: A post-official working visit readout w/ @Martha_Barcena & @USAmbMex… Director of @ACLatAm @jmarczak opens today's discussion, introduces Mexico’s Ambassador to the US @Martha_Barcena and @USAmbMex Ambassador Christopher Landau, and offers congratulations on #USMCA and #AMLO's first international visit. #ACMexico
Jul 8, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Today's #AMLO-Trump White House meetings included the signing of a joint declaration committing to a close and continued friendship between the US and Mexico in the wake of #USMCA/#TMEC taking effect last week.

Image President Trump emphasized #USMCA's potential to support trilateral trade and shared economic and security goals and highlighted joint activities to respond to the #COVID19 pandemic.
Jul 1, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
#USMCA/#TMEC includes both critical gains and significant challenges for energy, agriculture, the auto industry, and other key sectors, particularly around labor and environmental standards. Per @CGBSenado Director @Chelminsky, #USMCA "allows us to claim clear rules for investment into Mexico, in addition to being an opportunity for the country to achieve better development, but issues around labor, steel, and aluminum must be worked on."…
Jul 1, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
LIVE NOW: Protocol and diplomacy: A master class on soft power with @AtlanticCouncil Ambassador-in-Residence @AmbassadorCPM, @FredKempe, former NSA @AmbassadorRice⁩, and @ACLatAm founder @adriennearsht. #ACProtocol

WATCH: "At no point in our recent history have we had a greater need for diplomacy and protocol," said fmr National Security Advisor @AmbassadorRice⁩. "Now more than ever, respect and protocol matter. Small individual actions can have a huge impact on the larger society." #ACProtocol
Jun 25, 2020 12 tweets 11 min read
LIVE: Governing North American trade during a pandemic: Knowns and unknowns for #USMCA implementation with @AmChamMexico’s Monterrey Chapter. #ACMexico

Join now:… Image “In the past three decades, Mexico built a strong export platform through NAFTA,” said Mexico’s Secretary of the Economy H.E. @GMarquezColin of @SE_mx. "Over the years, we have developed more capacity, and we increase our exports along with increased complexity." #ACMexico
Jun 4, 2020 17 tweets 10 min read
The next phase of the US-Brazil economic relationship: Bilateral perspectives @ApexBrasil @AmchamBR… General Gerson Menandro, Institutional and Governmental Relations Manager of @ApexBrasil, opens today's discussion: "The pandemic has brought huge challenges to rethinking trade and global investment. We have brought together key voices to discuss these issues." #ACBrazil.
May 21, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
LIVE NOW President @DrGiammattei: Reactivating Guatemala’s economy post COVID-19… Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Spain @anapalacio introduces H.E. President @DrGiammattei of Guatemala. #ACGuatemala #ACLeaders
May 21, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
EN VIVO Presidente @DrGiammattei: Guatemala post COVID-19, el camino hacia la reactivación económica… En un país donde la mayoría de gente viven en casas de uno o dos cuartos para toda la familia, no es posible simplemente pedirles quedarse en casa, dice @DrGiammattei, y por eso Guatemala requiere una estrategia para contener los casos de coronavirus. #ACGuatemala #ACLeaders
May 12, 2020 17 tweets 9 min read
LIVE NOW:China-Brazil relations under COVID-19… “Few bilateral relationships stand out in quantitative terms as the China-Brazil relationship.” @ACLatAm Dir. @jmarczak opens the conversation, adding "Continued growth alongside tensions raise questions around longterm impacts of #COVID19 and implications for the US." #ACBrazil
Apr 27, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
LIVE: A conversation with @DFRLab on domestic disinformation in Brazil and Mexico in the context of #COVID19.

Watch here: "It's important to start to realize that when we fight disinformation, that information can then be weaponized for other political agendas," said Human Computer Interaction Lab Director @saiphcita.
Apr 23, 2020 6 tweets 6 min read
LIVE NOW: @jguaido speaking with @MariaESalinas on COVID-19 crisis in Venezuela #ACFrontPage… Venezuela has to prepare for a probable growth of the number of #COVID19 cases - the statistics published by the dictatorship are not reliable, says Interim President
@jguaido. #ACFrontPage #ACVenezuela
Apr 23, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
VIVO: @jguaido Y @MariaESalinas hablando sobre la pandemia dentro de la crisis en Venezuela #ACFront… Venezuela tiene que prepararse para un probable crecimiento de casos de #COVID19; las estadisticas publicadas por la dictadura no son fiables, dice @jguaido #ACFrontPage #ACVenezuela
Apr 16, 2020 17 tweets 9 min read
WATCH LIVE NOW: COVID-19 in Brazil: Health, political, and economic implications of the pandemic… "The peak of #COVID19 in Brazil is still ahead, with far-reaching political, economic, and health consequences to come." @RobertaSBraga, Brazil Expert and @ACLatAm Assistant Director, opens today's discussion. #ACBrazil
Apr 14, 2020 10 tweets 9 min read
#ACFrontPage LIVE—President @IvanDuque: Colombia’s COVID-19 response and strategies moving forward… Live Now: @AtlanticCouncil President and CEO @FredKempe and @ACLatAm founder @adriennearsht open the inaugural event in the #ACFrontPage series introducing Colombia's President @IvanDuque, who is speaking from "the house of all Colombians." #ACColombia
Apr 6, 2020 13 tweets 7 min read
EN VIVO—Impacto económico y social del COVID-19 en Colombia… Les invitamos a enviar sus preguntas sobre #COVID19 en este hilo para los expertos #ACColombia